Show home rome course cours e in ila health culture XIV disease prevention in the home flome by EUGENE L L FISK M D copyright 1910 by american aress association M would nut not give a trifle f to prevent what he would IF V V sv give it thousand worlds to t t cure ure dr loung mag who ho wrote mate theae these minis oms had a haht of thana at ti night licht but not in ili top the kopul ir bense of uil q aspri ision lie ile wrote night thoughts but very clearly the pk alch which tile medical profi toD N 1 now carry lug out well expressed in the homely old phrase au ounce of tation Is worth a pound of cure care scourge scourges of the pait past the horrors of p pe blence and unnecessary distaso hit thit afflicted our forefathers a are re almost unbelievable evabe in theeo these daya Ys and yet during the dark ages they were accepted as t r matter w I 1 i 77 irys i i i f A OW chiae plenty or of window space and to 0 o arrange your rooms that they are thor uehl ventilated AtOd and well lighted I 1 ot of coarse course and variously ascribed to acta of god or tho the evil one ac a to the point of view we will do not read in the sprightly ly ro ot of dumas ajl aid othera others who bae lime thrown a clamour glamour over history that itch was as a common not at to say general at kit tho the court of brance aud and that the great napoleon buffered suffered from q trouble because no one knew its cause or simple treat ment it seems difficult to realize that in the old days a person who vaa N as not pockmarked froni from smallpox as con in ili the streets of london the custom of leaping in bunks la in the wall all of using rushes or straw for floor coi cohering ering in the tile of which defuso scraps from the anble and other filth were inere al loed to accumulate was rega regarded rifea in ill the old days as a natural and he healthful made of existence iho 0 custom of dipping erm infected in fin gers into large dishes of food contain ing the gentral supply for tho the family vaa vas foll follow by tho the four Il hundred undred during tile middle aes ates when the black death and other scourges 8 8 pread a desolation of i aich it Is binl did cut cult to form aur conception la in these days of comparative and light hut but wo we must not lay too much flattering unction auction to our souls lolling into account the advances in science and knowledge of the causation of dis dig ease we e are today just as neglectful ae as our forefathers keck beck less and cir circles eless habits in de deblance flance of disease risks are still common enough and are responsible for a tremendous waste aste a of life the th fall in the th death rat rate in the i area of the united matt matti the death nto rite has fallen from 19 d i per I 1 MO in I 1 asoo to 15 4 tn in in alaa the deth death rite hn fallen from front ID 10 I 1 in ISO to 17 11 in lit 1007 in ano ind and males it has haq fallen frum froin tn in IW I 1 to in llos in 1 from 11 1 in lit ISO ISOO to in aw 10 I 1 all I 1 in prance from front ali 2 s in to 14 10 in MIS 1008 rills la it showing but alin it ise 1 the material ahli h thi time ae figures anre tit derived rived w N femi alint the d imah nib rule anong young 11 lies has fallen it nore ore than 10 glicr percent cent white while the death rate among the middle listed and elde h hn either been alight i nf af felted or markeda mar kedl kedi increased accord ing it to the locality investigated in the Ine increase In creast in the death rate at advanced ax o 0 ie Is really BW startling illing and ctr n con i general throughput the country ae e know kno that the e dis ills cayea u ait romal life atal old age apo apoplexy arop lexy heart di pe brights dis ease ette arterial dismue Jl almen men elt et have in creased per cent during the past thirty years la in the jeglor area and nn an increate in the mortality at the ages affected would naturally follow euch such as Is exhibited in the I 1 etts statistic statistics bat but the limit of prevention and improvement pro among the infectious die ills tata tams tat a that affect young lives has not yet been hd these the diseases disease such as typhoid cholera antum etc should be absolutely eradicated proper R imitation especially in the rural dj district 14 1 4 great lir needed and fl a knorp thorough ob ervan e of the pro pre caution iry me thures against losis lo ais and other infectious maladies prevention of degenerative dra diseases DiR distastes Di stases cases of the heart kidneys and blood vessels apoplexy paralysis are caused by high pressure living 01 oser creating Intemperance any condition In mob ing undue nerve strain ahat bat may by be done to guard against these trouble 47 tin tho most rational krotec p kotec th e int measure asure IA U to treat your body just ae as you would N treat your business or your automobile or your yacht have flare Is overhauled and examined perl cally hat woul I 1 you think of a man who put out to sea in a vessel that had been u used ed for years ears and never oer hauled battled rr cr inspected for leaby leaky boilers pipes cr seams Is it not that he invites shipwreck but the average mechanic fanner farmer or business nian man will embark on a life voyage and wait un til something goes wrong I fore be consents con ments to an overhauling aua ani then too often in ills conceit and foolish egotism he lie derides the physician who aarns him and boasts that be he will oat out live the doctor or the insurance in urance cum pany that refuses to carry his riek risk value of periodical examination examinations it mutt mut be apparent that this tills human machine should be periodically exam ined for evidence of commencing strain and impairment many a val abie life could be dived for years of hippy and nad useful existence if the tile early symptoms of ace ape w n erp ere detected and nn I 1 the nenner of lising V oure may rl dlly be checked if the tile illiene illie ae his ili not gons toi too far tho wite wi te man therefore wilt will consult 11 lilt doctor at it leat least once a year bear and FIMI 11 listen Stell pati to adalle regard ing 1 the he habits of rating drinking and beuting the of the N whole family N 1 also desirable girl the children u th ilance ance to be molded and guided to lualta it nith and a in lit stead of bom them to prow grow ip like weeds wood or uti untrained trained vines q 11 of eye troubles removal demov A I 1 of adenoids ton tonsils ills etc proper labots of bathing eating etc may corn cont chanse change the dest ny of a f your cliff dren these principles are coming to be re zed as ot of such extreme lindor tance that one large life fas asu ranco urance co company mpa n y has arranged to give to its pol icy holders the privilege of frea fre medical examinations once a year bellev belley las ing that th a t the saving baring of at lives wl will more mor than offset the expense involved car care in choice of a homo home in 1 a habitation remember I 1 that sunlight fresh air and dry soil are money savers dy by properly choosing your location you may are iare the interest on the mortgage in dolton bills see that your homo home Is iq on firm well drained ground made slade ground bow how ever car cam Hully fully packed aid ai d graded Is very likely to cause a dampness in the cellar and the foundation do not settle near a marshy pond or slug gah gi ii it if you can help it A southern exposure Is 14 desirable alae plenty of window windon space and so arrange our rooms that those most constantly mccu occupied pled bed bedrooms room living rooms etc escarp are thoroughly ventilated and wh lighted the best room in th ill hou house 4 e should b be by the fam ity fly not I 1 by y an acce onal anal guest if the soil oil Is 1 damp the sub il must be drained drained k below the foundation and the cellar floora floors and walla walls thoroughly remen fomented ted absolute dryness may be attained by having hollow bollom walls bricks are undesirable for cellar walls wain as hey they absorb moisture stone 1 Is likewise porous and retains moisture slate or cement coatings will obviate the danger heating if you have a hot ht air furnace be sure it la Is of good qu alit gas proof and anti that the air supply Is drawn from out side and not from the cellar or any damp or dusty loci tiou see that a n iatter rest noir Is 1 attached to the fur far nace and kept fillad if other methods of beating heating by dirst radiation are employed some provision should be made for ch angiL t ie alt all the room ganv special ventilating sa items steins have beta li it v anted and if iut ill uis itis permit these should be lais twitch and a desi able one installed the hous Is built stagnant vitiated 11 dusta dust or damp a air r la Is I 1 a to exclude thase froni from bour our home it can be doue water supply if there Is 14 no general water supply in ili bour a locality beare of shallow malls 4 surface surf ice or wa ter from ai all doubtful source i deep dalien ul ill far remond from any possible sourie source of contamination should bt be secured if possible other wise cistern water tater held in a slate or cemented cistern 1 Is safer suspected water mater should always be boiled 1 I have hare else elsewhere here dwelt upon the importance of proper vage disposal but it cannot be to aften stated that the old fashioned methods employed in the country are barbarous and un worth orth of a civilized nation 1 study this question carefully and adopt a system ii whether hether surface irrigation or portable arv earth closet etc that will protus bour our family and your neighbors from disease if greater care Is not exercised in this regard the state must step in and act vigor bously to protect the community from typhoid hook bookworm norm and other malj mali died dies due to soil pollution the home atmosphere it Is not sufficient to keep physical erms out of the home atmosphere the germs of discord strife and con fusion ire also prejudicial to health A housenbold hou where let nothing ever er in hap dered and everything aguaya bare worked smoothly would mould be i great bore but then there Is a golden mean character lied bv patience forbearance system and in lit the household relations and government a eminent |