Show Y 4 OW QUIET art kenilworth lio erss aws working with a offa birly irly ly good force of diggers NED MED GUARDS HOWEVER TILL DOING DUTY flarry larry kallas kailas and john diatsos alvo th the four our greeks charged ehg and the murder ot of T as ickson ackson at Kenil kenilworth morth re 1 a i the county jail at price lor i Alo monacia and john poule on haltug been discharged 10 it ody As yet the two forer tor no counsel in the opinion a the lacounty thet lcou county nty authorities all tour four ere cuilty i guilty of firing on the am O 0 is at kenilworth mines at kenilworth have SIX operations with an output haps 75 per cent of the nor sheriff jackson was ellby a bullet from a revolver etc 0 ha corresponds with one found person of one of the greeks waln wf jail at price absolute klanow prevails at kenilworth r the town Is ifill deavil heavily ceded carded by deputy sheriffs anum jui nerous foreigners implicated the t 10 kenilworth troubles are re i R 1134 arted to have taken refuge with Y at other camps and the county while some va 0 ne to grand junction and fw h hero r la in colorado officials of coal and coke at salt lake city and in n at kenilworth maintain that J troubles are over r coal camps of carbon coun aare are not in the least affected so r ireby by the kenilworth riots and md ardor r dut but one dead greek has tp und at kenilworth although taft tour four were reported to be adan badill the hills surrounding |