Show lZ eard tho a reader readers of 0 ihl nis pap paper erwill will be pleased 11 to learn that there lit aa that science ha hp been n at abart io to cure in all tte its anil that 7 ie th 1 ilalee ars curo cure is ie tho cure to vied medical fral fraternity a actu onise bac treat hall 1181 e data tarras rrt cure Is katr ta u dinten ller direct 7 upon tho tb blood and mucous urfa cc of tit chri system eyt cra thereby destroying t the be foundation or of the dis ulimano easie and ard sti vinor strength strang th by building up tho the consi cans itu titu lloa on and nature in loin the ila nillah balth in lt curt lre power taiti they altor one fl dollars for or any cabe it r r 1 ot testimonials addor Add nr V J co u 0 iso am re the mat beet effective february 15 1907 there is a reduction on certain classes of risks before placing ng your fire insurance business see me me for rates terms etc JIM N I 1 i p 1 CASTLE DALE UTAH march march 7 1906 4 rw W ESQ tho thu hartford fire ins co price utah dear sir wo we wish to thank you for tho the cry prompt settlement of our firo fire loss to stock of general merchandise 4 at castio castle daly dalu which occurred on tho the morning of tho the of february 1000 1900 vo we carried five thousand dollars in the tile hartfo hartford rl and yesterday received a draft in full for tho the 1 loss n abstained stained a it taking hut but se seventeen days for the oney tc to reah us ug wo we shall evar have a good word for tho the hartford and its price agency the loss loas was paid with the same grace that the p premium was received very truly yours BEERS DEERS all policies written at price and effective the day business is placed seven strong companies that paid their san francisco losses dollar for dollar re R wo CROCKETTS ano FIRE F 14 IRE INSURANCE ri AGENCY is 9 CY t PRICE UTAH for ba sale le thu the mad nichols in price apply to R W crockett Croo kett cough aenied a ra roverito orif wo prefer chamberlains cough remedy to any other for children bays 31 r IA J NN albury of to 1 nicci mich it ahti also 1 done the work for u in hard cold and croup and we d pleasure in recommend ina 4 fc 1 for eale sale by Lowenst etri Morat M H co price and helper AI 4 uAiL 1044 4 |