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Show the water tower. He indicated this was basically the same proposal he had brought the before planning The meeting of the Millard commission in January, with (60 min.) Planning the exception that the lots County 8:30 P.M. Commission will be held would be sold for either - Gimme a Break April 6, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. at homes or doublewides to be - Taxi Closed Cap- Delta, Utah. placed on I acre lots. He tioned mentioned that Oak City had Agenda 9:00 P.M. indicated approval of this one I. Minutes - Hill Street Blues Cap- 2. Bill Garrett acre parcels in their master tain Furillo concentrates on 3. John Rushton plan. He stated that all work to forget his breakup the of 4. Greenwood Tom requirements with Joyce Davenport. (R) subdivision ordinance would 5. Val Cluff (60 min.) be met and if Oak City would - 2020 7. Larry Burg not provide the water, they - Knots Landing 7. Mark Jacobs had secured approval to drill CD - Sneak Previews Each 8. Steve Pace week for water. He also indicated Roger Ebert 9. Other and Gene Siskel give viewers that the Oak City Planning the inside story of what's curhad Commission rently making the screen at recommended to the Oak the local movie theaters. City Town Board that this 9:30 P.M. their receive proposal - Passover This docuHe requested a approval. mentary details the history, minutes are the Following practice and significance of of the Millard hearing he scheduled. County public this holiday with its focal Steve Young found several point on an American Seder, Planning Commission with the a home service centered armeeting held Tuesday, March things wrong ound a meal. proposal: 1982 at 7:00 p.m. at the 23, 1. Need to have indicated CD - Joy Unspeakable This Millard County offices, said documentary meeting duly advertised where water course will run examines the growing influso leech field sites and septic ence of the Penecostals and according to state law. Members present: Leon tanks can be placed at least their social and political impact on American life. (60 Smith, Chairman; Joyce 150 feet from the stream. 2. Irrigation canals need to min.) Scotlorn, Vice Chairman; be shown and easements Q) - Independent Network Lem Lovell, Lyman News Finlinson, Mont Snyder. listed. 1 0:00 P.M. 3. Elevation lines need to Excused were Lenore - News be shown. Gardner and Ben Robison. - MoreNashville Music Steve Young also was in 4. A plan for pavements, CD - LDS Conference drains and water lines on the attendance. - Benny Hill Show Minutes of the previous plan, and a street cross section needs to be shown. 10:30 P.M. meeting were approved on a Steve Young mentioned - Tonight Show motion by Lem Lovell, - Saturday Night seconded by Mont Snyder loo, that the plait should be to implement the - This Old House Bob and carried unanimously. Villa and carpenter Norm Mr. Koyle Hatfield, the beauty of the stream into the Abram take the viewer on the proposal. He stated (hat Mr. first item on the agenda, grand tour of the newly renoindicated he was not ready Porter should present a plan vated house. Closed Captioned for a presentation as yet. but to enhance the stream for the value more to 619 - Entertainment Tonight he asked several questions Discussion subdivision. 10:45 P.M. pertaining to acreage and continued at length with - MASH permitted uses in a particular zone. It was determined that questions being raised as to 11:00 P.M. use which he was the type of homes being the - Dick Cavett First of 2 and Member I ovell Ambassador Claire considering should be located placed, parts. fell this burden should not be Booth Luce is the guest. in an Agriculture-Industria- l placed on the Planning - MOVIE: Yellow Jack zone. An Army surgeon sets out to restricted The Mr. Wesley Petersen, and Comm. Find the cause of yellow fever. covenants between the Galli were Duane to present Robert Montgomery, Virgiand buyer was nia Bruce. 1938 clarify some questions developer in discussed connection with their concerning proposed allowed as well animals being subdivision on which 11:15 P.M. as other things. It was - Hawaii Five-Stanleys proposed to move a trailer immediately and a Mr. pointed out by Mr. Young 11:30 P.M. Eliason wanted to place a that this area was the only - News home for occupancy on recreation area with a - Nightline beautiful canyon on the - Captioned ABC News another parcel. Their entire west side of the county. subdivision covered 12:00 A.M. The letters from properly twelve acres. - Late Night with David approximately owners which had been It was determined that this Letterman Charles Fleischer. received some time ago were a was subdivision at - VegaS Dan tries to pro- already Galli also mentioned. Joyce tect a family being killed off the time Duane Scottorn motioned that this by an evil curse. (R) (60 min.) purchased his two acres from be tabled until such Bill Garrett. This poses a matter 12:15A.M. as Mr. Porter is able to time - Gunsmoke problem along with another meet the requirements as they 150 lack of the of ft. problem 12:45 A.M. are spelled out above, - Charlie Horse Show frontage on one of the lots. It seconded by Mont Snyder was suggested that this would 1:00 A.M. with one carried and he a minor correction by re- John Davidson abstention. Mr. Porter was boundaries. the working - Crossfire Water connections were placed on the agenda for 1:15 A.M. April 20th. discussed with Mr. Petersen It was pointed out that - NewsSign Off indicating he needs three through an 2:00 A.M. more. He stated Jim Cox has apparently Stewart when - Bionic Woman approved a graveled road. oversight, his final had Taylor brought need a conditional 3:00 A.M. Stanleys in for approval, no Marcus Welby, M. D. use permit to place their plan trailer so they can build their motion was made approving 4:00 A.M. this. A motion Lyman - MOVIE: Angel and home as they can. Wes Finlinson, secondedby by Lem the Badman A Quaker girl Petersen asked for approval saves a man who is hunted by with the stipulation that he Lovell to approve his final a gunslinger. John Wayne, and Mr. Galli meet all the subdivision platt and carried Gail Russell, Irene Rich. unanimously. requirements. Discussion 1947 The first quarterly report, continued and it was received late from IPP was determined that the planning commission could not allow discussed with members pleased to receive this report The auction, which is open the trailer to be placed which contained some immediately. t i he public at no charge, valuable information, A motion by Lem Lovell to will begin at 1:30 p.m. in the however, it was pointed out I co I llsworth Meat and give preliminary approval some of the important that with the stipulation that they ivcstock f enter, 2230 N. information called for in the with meet the planning University Avc. in Provo. commission on Tuesday the fond. Use Permit was not Hut ii will be preceded by included. It was agreed by the 30th at a work session in sev cral other events. planning comm, that IPP Rceistration for the dav's Fillmore and have the should be called personnel met: activities will begin at 10a m. following requirements a meeting on April 30 into name of surveyor, engineer, at the I llsworth Center. Prior lot frontage to 150 feet, and at that time, calrification to the sale, there will be would be given so there demonstrations on carcass indication of hookups, state would be no question on the board of health approval, soil composition and production type of information which Mont etc..seconded tests, by efficiency, bull fertility, and was to be submitted. Chm. carried and selection of bulls for rate of Snyder Smith will arrange this are to Stanleys vain and feed efficiency. unanimously. meeting. There will also be a student accompany them on the 30th. Joyce Scottorn insisted Mr. Elzo was Porter hoi se show at noon. Millard County should that The public is invited to the present to renew his request Oak 56 a for acre tract up have a subdivision ordinance dav's events. Admission is rce. City Canyon, just south of as strong as the law allowed. Millard County THURSDAY 4882 0 5:00 A.M. - MOVIE: Rio Grande Raiders A stagecoach driver finds out that his kid brother is working for a rival, crooked company. Sunset Carson, Linda Sterling, Bob Steele 1946 12:00 P.M. - MOVIE: Gallant A young man Journey dreams of flying and builds a glider. Glenn Ford, Janet Blair, Charles Ruggles, Jimmie Lloyd. 1946 O 2:00 P.M. - MOVIE: Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima' Three shepherd children see a vision in a Field and tell the amazing things the vision prophesied. Gilbert Roland, Angela Clark, Sherry Jack-so1952 6:00 P.M. O 0 - News O - You Asked For It Contact CD - Over Easy Q) - Little House on the Prairie o Q- - OQ -- 6:30 P.M. P.M. Magazine Family Feud Tic Tac Dough Business Report Weeknight Smurf Springtime Special The smurfs fight for survival. (60 min.) Police Squad! Detective Drebin poses as a nightclub singer to expose a dope ring. 0- Magnum, P.I. Magnum helps two Soviet lovers. (R) (60 min.) O - MacNeil-Lehre- r Report CD - Middletown Community of Praise. This episode focuses on a family who depend on their belief in God to surmount the problems, strife and emergencies of daily life. (60 min.) Closed Captioned - MOVIE: The Barefoot Contessa A girl's rise to stardom results in the loneliness found in fame. Edmund O'Brien, Ava Gardner, HumRosanno Bogart, phrey Brazzi. 1954 o- 7:30 P.M. Family Circus Easter The children hide Easter eggs for P.J. - Bosom Buddies Kip and Henry produce their own TV show. Guest starring Closed Penny Marshall. Captioned - Sneak Previews Each week Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel give viewers the inside story of what's currently making the screen at the local movie theaters. O O 8:00 P.M. - DifTrent Strokes Mr. O Drummond's sister meddles in his love life. 9 to 5 Closed - O tioned Cap- 0neys- Cagney & Lacey Cagdad, an volunteers his expertise in a robbery case. (60 min.) - MOVIE: Its O Wonderful Life CD O O O O o Millard County Planning Minutes O a - From the AshesNi-caragu-a Today This documentary takes a probing look at the relationship, both past and present, between the United States and Nicaragua. croup of iTfiiiciHv , whose at gaining weight hull-- been has feed Irom scientifically documented, will he auctioned ai Rripham 5 mine on University riuirsil.n. April 8. The auction is part of the iiiiuii.il Hull Selection Clinic and Ml breed Bull sale poiisorcd h the Department of nimal Science in BYl"s ( ollcre of Biological Voricitll in al Sciences. and The 75 animals include ncus. ( Iiarolais. Hereford. I imoiisin. Polled Hereford ami Simmcntal bulls that were ho sear's test group in HYl a procram which documents how well test annuals turn feed into meal. I 1 By Dennis 0 o O 0 O 0 0O O O 0 O 0 0O O 0 00 1 A-- A-- above well as a large completion bond be put up. This motion was seconded hy l.yman Finlinson and carried. t Mr. Daniel Isetiberg. overlooked on the agenda, was given time to present a proposal for an RV park on 26 acres which would eventually accommodaie 100 t 4-- H 83 No. 400 W., Fillmore, Utah -- 743-51 78 Whats the difference? Between their $2.86 a sq.ft, cultured stone veneer and our $2.35 sq. ft. cultured Stone Veneer? About 150 Miles!! Over 1 500 Sq. Ft. In Stock Youth i i i Plants Can Be Poisonous To . Interior Or Exterior We install you install Necessary Tools & Materials We Dont Sell Just Any Old Rock, Our Stone Is Cultured. Opon Mon. - Frl. 8:00 5:00 Jones Glass & Insulation Photo Supplies Sporting Goods Veterinarian Supplies Greeting Cards Home of Famous Rexall Products W. Mam. Delta behavior1 9. Avoid friends and social of because act iv it ics drinking1 10. I mbarass, harm or worn family or friends with drinking hchav uvr? One or more "ves answers uuhealc a possible drinking problem - and the need for prompt help. Next week we'll list some ol ihc "common factors" involved You need to he willing lo give a lillle of yourself lo a person from another culture and he open lo learn from them also. Stop Weed Spread in 1982 Though weeds and seeds arc now buried under a foot or more of snow, its time lo plan to gel a jump on them for 1982. advises Rick ( have, extension weed specialist, Utah Slate University. Chase especially urges action to prevent spread of weeds that now infest a relatively few acres but pose a serious threat lo Utah agriculture as they spread. Citing the problems of musk thistle and dyers woad, he said, "It is human nature to ignore a problem until it gets to he serious, then il becomes extremely difficult to solve. Musk thistle, for example, was first identified in the slate only 17 years ago. Now it is found in at least 22 of our 29 counties and il is doing considerable damage and costing hundreds of thousands of dollars for its control. Dyers Woad. which emerged as a threat in Utah in Ihc I920s. has become widespread. We are engaged in efforts to prevent further a in person a developing drinking problem Call 3 in Della and lillmnre fur help or information. in 743-512- 1 New About Whats New In 4-- H 864-351- T Ins is an experience worth participating in and we will be taking applications Irom lliosc wishing lo participate. . 1 Clothing - A new clothing specialist happened and new lungs are happetung loo. Such as 4 II Sewing lor Your Self and Your Horse Simple tun projects for practice articles and a veiv special program on t lie l.isluon revue. Sew A Show Contest lor McCalls - Are you 18 scars or under? Hurrv entries nmsi he made hy May 14, 1982. Sew for vourself using a McCalls pattern from current catalog and at least 5()'o Kodel r 4-- hy4-her- 4-- C 9 Public Comment Sought on Land Transfer -- 320-acr- e 4-- n M. 'i X alfalfa seed J Quality J mans varieties available I I J J i ! J , X I Moodv Farm Service J Experienced seed dealer J Delta, Utah J 864-212- 4 269 worthless, or depressed due lo drinking 4-- Mike Thomas 864-266- 0 Millard C'ouniv at or .iccidcnis). 8 f eel guilts non-toxi- -- All lies are. If you base a youth 12 to I? or 5 years and desire to be a host family please contact the USD Extension office for t (mol ficicncv , low energy, wcighi loss, sleeplessness, spread and impossible to I nicr and polvcsic-- nialeri.il eradicate?" Check win (we ollne hope). these two Concerning for details. While weeds. Chase said, Consumer Programs celcel leaf (the number one 4 H project can he a Anv worsl weed hi corn and consumer program, we do in the a is Midwest) soybeans have a very special lough weed, we can prevent il however, from spreading if we start a consumer program with helps lor a consumer, the law as a rigorous conlrnl program now. Preventive steps arc tool, community Resources also critical for jointed and health. A special hullcmi these programs is goatgrass. It must be describing controlled during the fallow available al the 4 II office in Della and I illmnre. year in winter grain crops. Cake Deeorating - Supplies The worsl possible approach for cake decorating classes on any one of the threatening weed problems is lo are available through our a ignore it and hope someone office al 25,' discount for use else will do something about Automotive, Small it." Engines & Traelor Driving Extension USU The Programs - State fair contests Service Utah Weed Control and national trips are Handbook 1982. available in available in these projects. early I ebruary, will give I oads of fun, education ami specific instructions for Irasd opportunities for conirolling these and many participants. Join now and weeds. Also, work toward these great other cooperation in identifying, opportunities. and solving Trips, Camps & Special preventing serious weed problems in Opportunities for Ihe and Adult spread lo noninfested Utah will theme the Stale Leaders counties. Much better would Weed Conference WednesChaperons. New Camp New it have been lo establish an day, February 24. Invited lo Mmiwancc 4 squa rc effective control program participate arc farmers and while cither problem was in ranchers, county weed program. Four areas of its infancy. supervisors, county extension personal growilr Chase noted that the Utah agents, stale and federal I c a d e r s h i p , Religious. and Personal Development agenev personnel, university 1980 Exotic Noxious Weed and chemical Physical fitness. ( nst per Survey identified several personnel weeds, such as velvelleaf and companv representatives. participant could he trasel jointed goatgrass, that pose a Reservations may be made cod only about 11IMI 00 now al the University serious threat to the slates Applications taken now, Residence C enter next door 19X2 Western leadership agriculture though they lo the Tccle Conference Conference (lake lahoe) presently are infesting only - I or 4 Hers Center on the USU campus June small acreages. He asks. We can nominate I hr is "Isnt it time now to pul where the weed conference meetings will he held. and I girl from the counts funds and effori inlo controlling these weeds Contact your local countv Cost for youth 1125.(81 this takes care of everything tor before they become widc- - extension agent for details. the enure week. There is also Desert I and Act. The an opportunity lor Adult Volunteer I caders to attend purpose of Ihc Act is lo allow the applicants to purchase Slate Youth Conference and use the land for agriJune 10 12, 1982, I ogan cultural purposes. Two tracts lor 4 Hers 14 19 sears. We them. Public comments arc being arc located near Gandy and tan send 2 boss and 2 girls When you purchase house one trad is adjacent lo and all expenses are paid on a draft environsought plants or buy seeds or bulbs I skdale. Youth will devise a plan ol for the for a garden, consider only mental assessment If the proposed reclassifl ion as lo use in our own transfer varieties if you proposed ownership ication is adopted, ihc toumv 4 H activities upon of 960 land m acres of I public earn have small children. ownership transfer would their return. their scientific names and western Millard County. depend on the applicant's Poster Art Program I and Bureau The of inforkeep the plant care to meet Ihc requireability to all 4 Hers aces 9 19 Open has received Management mation ments tor desert land entry. Ihe ohieciive is to years. lo reclassify applications Dnrcic H. While s,iys if tracts to These requirements include submit poster designs tor vour child cals a plain, vou three ihe availability of water for 1982 4 II year Rules and permit the transfer under the should: use and the regulations available in ills agricultural call your "Immediately cconotmc feasibility ot ihc I xtension Office Della or local poison control center or I illmorc I xliibit handed in proposal your doctor. Do not try lo at ( omits I air According to Tom Terry, make your child vomil unless HI M I ands Specialist, the Photographs ( onlesl is recommended hy ilic il draft environmental assesslo all 4 Her 9 19 vear Open ccnicr or your doctor ment includes an analysis of Need not he enrolled in ihc When you call, read ihc proposed land reclassifscientific name of the plant so phoigr.iphv classes I vluhu and a ication handed in at ( minis I. in the center or donor can alternative. The public is Rules and ne'iil.i'min provide you with a remedv asked lo comment on being o adahle in I vten-iuIn most eases, says While, Ot 1. Ihe adequacy of HI M's I)- ha and I illrnorv a child echo has eaten a and lo provide anv analysis poisonous plant will suffer a resource information which mouih and irritated swollen, has been overlooked ihroal or max develop a rash ( tipies of the draft Verv few die. he saw. bin I nvironmcmal Assesvmenl r parents soil shouldn't la) are available from ihc Bureau . chanec-sanv I and l Management, Box - Told ,u J ( KPOT. Utah. "8, illmorc, lax lime arc a loi of honest nmments on the adequaev of ihe assessment should be lies. limc-awa- Tell your youngsters not lo chew the leaves of any plants; it's no! good for in homes with youth sev as of the same age and he is even in the room often How parents why to enjoy playing. A and start when were they complain that of thumb is that growing up that the parents good rule in children is attention span law and they were word was about the same as their age in not even allowed to question five years old--it, while now their kids seem years; 10 years--Ito feel that is not fair. The minutes, Most minutes. important of is backlash result of all ask the child after they resentment against all the child experts that come back what it was they throw out theories about did that earned the is asked If why squashing the childs natural times the child cannot many if for life enjoyment tell because they don't really restrictions are put down. And in turn the children at know for sure. Just where the power is in limes seem to take advantage the family, parent or child, is of the parents frustration and as important as in uncertainty by making even not near or not it can be whether greater demands than before. Not all of the so called shared at limes. There are feel that some things that cannot be experts restrictions will naturally negotiated with the child but rules seem to be more upset Billys desire to grow many and develop. In fact some of for (he whim of the parent these people that study than for any logical reason. children and the family speak Any adult will rebell when in surprisingly good common they feel that their life is completely controlled and sense terms much of the time. The real trick of parenting determined by someone else. from the Children are only different in with advice the Experts" is to know when that they cannot reason so out and drag difficulty just you know your family better than they do, and when some their feet or play deaf and dumb when it is time to of their ideas may help. Most parents have good wash up for dinner or take intentions about raising their out the trash. Whenever possible, the parent that children. Where the problem shows real care for their child may occur in raising children is in the understanding of by working out rules and what reasonable results can agreements acceptable to all be expected from a particular will generally find increased action. For example, when cooperation from their children. Most important of Billy decides that he wants Mothers attention while she all, a feeling of love and care is on the phone and will not is how the child reads the take no for an answer a good action and will typically want method is to remove him to give back the 10 for I from the area. That does not portion so normal for happy mean though that he is made children. to stay in his room for the Thomas I). Eno, M.S. rest of the afternoon because after a short time if the child Psychologist is very young he will forget Central Utah Mental Health What do skunk cabbage, tulips and have in common1 They arc among the first plants that signal the beginning of spring. Unfortunately, they arc poisonous and should he kepi away from the mouths of young children. Coinciding with the arrival of spring ihis year are the dales for National Poison Prevention Week, which begins March 21 and runs through March 2" The Utah Safely Council, concerned over the rise in child poison-ine- s caused hy ingestion of plants, offers this advice to prevent accident-- f ind out uln.h of your house plants a'J outdoor varieties are poisonous. ( ontacl your local poison control center for a list Seven Japanese youth will he coming into Millard County to spend a month with host families from July 20 - August 19. These youth range in age from 12 - 15 years. There are 4 males and 3 females. They arc lo be placed Who Runs the Family, My Kids or Me? BAKER PHARMACY colors available Hearthstones 4 Extension To Host Japanese Children Ashhrnuk I award-winnin- g Special Bull Auction At BYU A Problem of Alcohol An alcoholic is someone alcohol - this illness can he who can't keep drinking Healed. Does someone von know under control. There is no Need a drink at a cei tain single cause of alcoholism; area was zoned to and, occasional drunkenness time or "ilte morning after"? 2. I ose time from work, or doesn't mean a person is - or discourage such development so far from services. It was isn't - an alcoholic (or school, due to drinking? 1 Drink alone, or irv lo pointed out that a Cond. Use possible alcoholic). Twcntv-fivlode billion dollars a vear is Permit was needed for such a drinking? 4 Have loss of memorv due to alcoholic request also. Sieve Young spent illnesses, lost production and or loss of control - while, or read some of the permitted alter drinking? uses in the zone to properly damage. 5. Seem Alcoholism is an illness irritable, acquaint Mr. Isenberg with lie uses lie might want to and one of America's largest defensive, lealous, moodv, or health problems and causes casilv angered alter drinking. investigate. 6. Denv everything or gel farnilv destruction of Motion to adjourn madi upset if you criticize or bv Joyce Scotlorn, seconded security, stability and unit his her about complain bv I yman I inlinson and drinking1 carried. Adjourned at 9:30 loss of income and p.m. leads to crime, Next meeting will be a ?. Have delinquency, divorce and phvsical work session at Fillmore on suicide. ...one-hal- f ol all complaints that mas he Tues. March 30 at 7 p.m. at traffic deaths are related to related drmkinc lo t lie Court House. ordinance immediately, the including provisions, as demanding that is located in Section 14. just 6 miles this side of the IPP sue. It was determined from the zoning map, that he would he unable to build and RV park unless he was willing to pul one trailer on one five acre parcel because this particular 0O O 0 o7:00 P.M. ooCD Planning Agenda vehicles. This properly with some very definite provisions for the developer cither providing all i he services or that he he responsible for formation of a taxing district so the buyers could provide their own services so the county would not be overburdened with requests for services from subdivisions which far from incorporated areas. She then motioned that Steve Young he instructed to write suth an 864-255- 7 MORE MR. NICE GUYI Titi not my old lovable self when I'm around cigarettes I get real cranky So I want all you smokers to quit once and for all And who knows' You might even put a smile on my face" ! American Cancer Society e C seni hy April 26. 1982 lo T om Terry, I ands Specialist al the I illmore HI M office retains the same literary rights in it as if it were a short story, poem or novel. It is therefore illegal to publish someone else's letter without his permission, even if it was written to you. The precise geographical center of the North American continent is in a town Some say that looking at sapcalled Rugby. North Dakota. phires strengthens the eyes. |