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Show Millard County Progress, Fillmore, Utah 64631, Friday, Feb 12, 1982 Page 7 Fillmore City Council Minutes Probate, Guardianship, Conservator and Trust Notices. Consult clerk of the court or the respective signdts for futher information. NOTICE TO WATER USERS Notice to Water Users The following applications have been filed with The following applica-th- e State Engineer to tion has been filed with appropriate water in Mil- - the State Engineer to lard County throughout change and appropriate the entire year unless water in Millard County otherwise designated, throughout the entire year unless otherwise designa-5700- 8 U.S.A., ted. Locations in SLB&M. Locations in SLB&M. (18-45- 8) Bureau of Land Manage- ment, Box 768, Richfield, UT 0.015 sec. ft. of water is to be diverted from Mountain Home Spring, at a point S. 2493 ft. E. Guy W. Brinkerhoff, Box 674, Fillmore, UT proposes to change the point of diversion of 0.068 sec. ft. out of a total of 0.655 sec. 2946 ft. from NW Cor. ft. of water as evidenced Sec. 3, T26S, R19W (24 by a portion of Under-m- i SE of Garrison); and ground Water Claim 7673 ). The water has used for stockwatering 4000 sheep, 175 cattle, 30 been diverted from a 425 ft. horses in SEViSEVs Sec. well, at ft. a S. 1093 25, T25S, point R19W; deep, SWVSW' Sec. 8, T25S, W. 56 ft. from EV Cor. R18W; SEASWA Sec.34Sec. 18, T21S, R5W; and used for the domestic T24S, R18W. 57141 Carl J. purposes of 1 family, Dearden, Box 222 Garrl- - stockwatering 5 cattle, 4 son UT 3.0 sec. ft. of horses; and from Apr. 1 to water is to be diverted Oct. 31 for the supple-Jroa 14 inch well, mental irrigation of 60.0 ft. deep, at a point acs., but limited to the S.1170 ft.W.1320 ft. from sole supply of 13.0 acs. in NE Cor. Sec. 30, T23S, NEVsSEIA Sec. 18, T21S, R19W (S. of Pruess Lake); R5W. and used for stockwater- - Hereafter, 0.068 sec. ft. of water is to be diverted ing 800 cattle; and from a 1 to Oct. 31 for the ,rom well, Apr. 0 a at ft. in 160.0 acs. deep, irrigation NEVi Sec. 30, SViSEVs Pint s- - 330 ft- - W. 300 ,rm EA Cor. Sec. 18, 19, T23S, R19W. Marlow T21S- - R5W (6 mi w- - of 57213 D. Mace, 601 E. Canyon Fillmore); and used for Rd., Fillmore, UT 0.3 sec. ,he domestic purposes of ft. of water Is to diverted t family, stockwatering 2 from Chalk Creek, at a caWe, 3 horses; and from APr- 1 ,0 0ct- - 31 for the point S. 620 ft. W. 2050 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 28, irrigation of 1.2 acs. in (67-94- (18-46- 1) m 100-40- (67-95- 6) - T21S, R4W (E. of Fill- more); and used for hydro electric power purposes of kw in NEV4NWV4 Sec. 28.T21S, R4W. The water will be returned to its natural stream, at a point S. 100 ft. W. 3300 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 28, T21S, R4W. Protests resisting the granting of these applications with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 1636 W. North Temple, SLC, UT 84116, on or before March 27, 1982. DeeC. Hansen, P.E. STATE ENGINEER Published in the Millard County Progress Feb. 12, 19, and 26, 1982. Predator Control Okayed President Reasons action is revoking a presidential ban on the use of Compound 1080 and several other chemical poisons for predator control is a hopeful sign for consumers, according to a top farm leader in Utah. Frank O. Nishiguchi of Garland, president of the Utah Farm Bureau and spokesman for some 85 percent of the state's commercial farmers and ranchers, said the move could lead to lower food production costs. The action paves the wav for a oossible series of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hearings and, if die hearings are held, a later decision by that agency to determine if farmers and ranchers can again use the selective chemical to relosses. duce livestock At the same time former President Nixon issued an executive order in 1972 banning Compound 1080, a selective coyote control toxicant, and other control chemicals, EPA Administrator Anne Gorsuch has scheduled meetings to help decide whether to conduct public hearings are justified. If the hearings are held later, they would lead to the EPA's crucial decision. President Reagons action does restore use of carbon monoxide gas cartridges in coyote dens, Nishiguchi pointed out, since such predator control is not prohibited by The EPA regulations. federal agency also announced, last November, full-sca- le same as heretofore, Millard 57175 County, Box 226, Fill-1- 4 more. UT 0.015 sec. ft. of water is to be diverted from a well, 200 ft. deep, at a point S. 15 ft. W. 15 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 6, T22S, R19W (near Garrison); and used for the domestic purposes of 6 persons or 1 family, (18-46- 3) ch miscellaneous uses of county road sheds; and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for stockwatering 1 horse, 1 dog, 24 chickens, 2 cats, 12 rabbits, 1 cow and for the irrigation of 0.25 acs. in NWV4NWV4 Sec. 6, T22S, R19W. Protests resisting the granting of these applications with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 1636 W. North Temple, SLC, UT 84116, on or before March 20, 1982. DeeC. Hansen, P.E. STATE ENGINEER Published in the Millard County Progress Feb. 5, 12, and 19, 1982. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING SCHEDULE Public is hereby given notice that the Kanosh Town Corporation conducts its regular meetings on the second Thursday of each month at the Town Office. Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. during mountain standard time and at 8:00 p.m. during mountain daylight time. Isl Arlene E. Turner Kanosh Town Clerk Published in the Millard County Progress Feb. 12, 1982. S & the resumption of the practice of denning-kil-li- ng coyote pups in their dens-whi- ch former Interior Secretary Cecil Andrus had banned about two years earlier. Sen. Orrin Hatch, has sponsored legislation to restore the use of 1080 and has met repeatedly with Interior Secretary James Watt on the subject. He hailed the presidential action in late January as a step forward for Utah's important livestock industry. "If the EPA will lift the ban on the use of 1080, in line with President ReaFarm gans move," Bureaus Nishiguchi pointed out, "the cost of producing beef and lamb will drop, and that will help hold down retail meat farprices. The Garland mer explained that Western livestock producers have lost millions of dollars a year from predator attacks. Attorney King reviewed given approval to attend a Treasurer's Conlegal matters reporting on the Higgins Case and a vention in Park City in dog problem. April. Registration and Excerpts of the minutes of expenses are to be paid by of the the City. Carried unanimthe meeting Fillmore City Council held ously. Estimates for repair of February 3, 1982. Mr. Robert Edison was the truck el present to discuss the problem with the city's old water storage tanks. Rasmussen exMayor plained that in doing research for the water project it was discovered that the City had never acquired title to the land on which the old water storage tanks north of Canyon Road are located. It was determined that the property involved now belongs to three seperate owners: Kimballs, Chalk Creek Irrigation and Robert Edison. Kimball and Chalk Creek Irrigation have agreed to quit claim the land to the city. Mr. Edison stated he owns 1 6 acres and will sell it to the City for $4,000.00. Rasmussen exMayor plained that the City needs to clear the title problem quickly in order to proceed with bonding procedures to get the water project underway, but did not feel that the City could purchase the property. Attorney King reviewed condemnation as well as acquiring the land by adverse possession. The matter was then tabled until later in the meeting. Attorney King will check with Water Resources Board and the bond attorneys for their opinions. Attorney King stated that he reviewed the Engineering contract for the water project and it is now ready to be signed by the City. The following National Guard personnel and local members of the Fillmore Unit Advisory Board and interested citizens met with the Council: Kenneth Nielsen, Hare, Dallin Richard Robins, Billie E. R. Richard Gautney, Swindlehurst, Cal Stewart, Phillip B. Robison, Mark Paxton, Clayton Barton, Mont Snyder, J. Penney, Douglas 2-- IN MEM0RIAM Mary B. Graff Passes Away dump is $7,700.00 and this does not include any transmission repair. It was decided to advertise for a new truck cab and chassis with the plan to mount the old dump bed and hoist on the new truck. Comments and letters received on the proposed water project were reviewed. It appears that all letters favored the project. The engineering contract for the water project was again discussed. Councilman Cox reported to that his the Council engineering firm would be doing survey and inspection work for Nielson, Maxwell and Wang-sgarAfter some discus- head nurse at the Utah State Training School for 8 years, and served for 12 Payson hospital, of natuyears as the public health ral causes. Born February 1. 1904 in nurse for Millard County. Wisconsin to Survived by: Husband, Oshkosh, Catherine Fillmore; sister, Rose, and John Married Ar- Waukegan, Illinois. Bloeschel. Funeral services were nold Graff on June 24, 1938 in Nephi, Utah. held Tuesday at 11 a.m. in of Catholic the Olpin Mortuary ChapMember Church. Had been a el in Fillmore. Burial in the Fillmore City Cemesurgical nurse at the old former tery. Lehi hospital, Mary B. Graff, 78, died February 5, 1982 in a Anna Larsen Succumbs d. sion motion by Councilman Scottorn that the contract with Nielsen, Maxwell and Wangsgard be approved and executed upon favorable comment received from the attorneys and the Board of Water Resources Board on the land title problem. Carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Baugh that an ordinance be prepared which will the amend building code and provide that all electrical plug and appliance circuits be a minimum of 12 gauge wire and that all internal wire be copper wire. Motion was seconded by Councilman Cox. Carried unanimously- Notice To Creditors And Announcement Of Appointment Anna Behling Larsen, age 77, died February 4, years. Survivors: Daughter, Mrs. Elbert (Jeane) of Ferron; son, Darwin J. of Fillmore; Ferdinand and Agusta Sisters; Mrs. Vern (MarNohr Behling. She marritha) Gren of Ferron; Mrs. ed Jesse C. Larsen, Mary Patton of Provo; a September 1, 1925 in Brother William Behling Ferron, Utah. Marriage Ferron; 11 Grandchildren, solemnized in the Manti 17 Greatgrandchildren. Funeral services were Temple. She served in Northern States mission held Monday February 8, in 1967. She was a 1982 at the Ferron LDS of the American Chapel. Burial in the member Legion Auxiliary for 60 Ferron Cemetery. 1982. She was born May 7, 1904 in Ferron, Utah to Nona Hatton Brown Dies in Cedar City Nona Rebo Hatton Brown, 79, died February 8, 1982 at her home In Cedar City, Utah. Born September 26, 1902 in Fillmore to Thomas Cal-list- er for special friends. She radio had her own program entitled Farmers Wife "The In 1946. She belonged to ICEA, UEA, DUP, Society of and Josephine Ras- Mayflower descendants. mussen Hatton. She mar- Delta Kappa Gamma Probate No. 2421 ried Arthur C. Brown Honor Society, Literary In Ihr District Court of Ihr April 8, 1925 in the Salt Club, Study Club and Fifth Judicial District in and Lake LDS Temple. She Drama Club. for the County of Millard, lived in Fillmore until the She is survived by her Stale of t'lah time of her graduation husband of Cedar City, In the matter of the estate from Millard High School. sons and daughters; Dr. F BF.RI.F'.. JOHN of She attended the Univer- Rodney A. Brown, Dr. deceased. sity of Utah and LDS Gaylen L. Brown, both Fdla Renee rbcrlc. whose Business College. She Cedar City;Mrs. D.C. address is P. O. Box 822. served an LDS Mission in (Corrine) Michael Nielson, Ralph R. Grenwalt, Fillmore. UT 84611. has been Walbeck, Glen Robison appointed Personal Repre- the Central States Mis- Yucaipa, Calif.; Dr. Raysion. mond H. Brown, Palm and Marge Barton. sentative of the Fstate of the in school She The Guard representataught Springs, Calif.; Mrs. Dr. Decedent. All tives explained that the persons having claims against Fillmore prior to leaving Derrall (Barbara) Foote, local unit is down in the above Fstate are required for Cedar City in 1945. Reno, Nev.; Mrs. Dr. Watt, strength and must show a to present them to the under- Taught grade school, Gary (Marilyn) school as librarian served 27 Clerk or in and the of to the numbers Ohio, Fairborne, signed gain support or the unit will be Court within three til months for all three elementary grandchildren, 12 greatbro3 removed from the area. after the date of the first schools. She continued grandchildren, They explained that an publication of this notice or her education at SUSC thers, 1 sister; Harold H. extensive remodeling said claims shall be forever and BYU where she Hatton, Fillmore; Dr. received a BS Degree In Milton Hatton, Brigham Is underway at barred. program Date of first publication-Februar1950. Harvard Hatton, Tooele; the armory and that a 12. 1982. Date of She was always active in Mrs. C. A. (Della) Erickson vigorous enlistment cam- last publication: February 26. the LDS Church serving Funeral services will be paign is beginning. The 1982. womens as of presithe young and support Friday February 12, 1982 help DATFD this 29 dav of dent, Relief Society Presi- at 1:00 p.m. in the Cedar City was sought in making lanuarv. 1982. dent, Primary Stake board City 14th LDS Ward the public aware of the Fdla Renee Fberie drama director, inservice Chapel. Friends may call of the guard importance Personal Representative leader and teacher in Thursday Feb. 11, 6:30-9:0- 0 unit in Fillmore. It was Jackson & Jackvm various not organizations. only Atlvs for Personal Rep. p.m. or Friday 11:30 pointed out that She wrote many poems 12:00 p.m. at the Spils-bur- y does the unit contribute a Delta. I T 84624 and Graff Mortuary substantial monetary Published in the Millard that were published and impact in the community, County Progress February many poems for special in Cedar. Burial in the 12. 19. 26. 1982. occasions and as tributes Cedar City Cemetery. but it provides educationrecreational and al, training benefits. Mr. Mark Paxton commented on the history of the local unit and the significant contribution it has made to the nation, state and to Fillmore. The Council reviewed . . . the Millard County School District's site plan for the If you want to reach a big audience, reach for the middle school. The need classified ads. More buyers and sellers meet for a plan review was here than anywhere. Find what youre discussed. looking for and do it at the right Minutes of the previous price in a Progress classified ad. meeting were read. MoIf the Hamelin paper had tion by Councilman Cox Counclassifieds, they and seconded by wouldn't have needed cilman Scottorn that after the Pied Piper. correction of 2 typing errors and adding the assigndepartmental PROGRESS ments given to CouncilCLASSIFIEDS man Scottorn that the 0 minutes be approved. The PROGRESS CLASSIFIEDS motion was carried unanGET RESULTS! imously. Councilman Baugh asked that construction work on the water fine to the new jail commence. The Council agreed that bids for park maintenence be advertised. Administrator Day reported that Kanosh is offering to sell 153 KW of Hunter power. The Council agrees that the purchase of this power should be studied. Motion by Councilman Nielsen, seconded by Councilman Scottorn that Administrator Day be above-name- Every wage earner is eligible to have an Individual Retirement Account at Zions Bank as oi January 1, 1982. Taxes are deferred until withdrawal at retirement. You get a tax deduction for your contributions, and taxes on the interest are deferred, too. That means you can earn up to 50 or more on the new money you contribute each year depending on your tax bracket. Automatic transfer from your savings or checking account can be arranged or you may arrange for payroll deduction where you work. Here's what $10 a week could earn for your retirement at 65. d -- ,n 6)G(i(oJ 0Dp)(iE wished his following was as big Note This schedule assumes a 12 annual interest rate with weekly deposits started at the beginning ol the year This is not a guaranteed rate but an example ol reasonable earmr.gs Multiply these earnings by lour (approximately) il you deposit the maximum S2.000 per year per wage earner. as the classifieds 743-534- Ask about an IRA suited to your situation. 109 years of financial dependability Dealing in trusts and retirement plans since our founding in 1873 DEPOSITS ARE INSURED TO $100,000 DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. BY THE FEDERAL ZIONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK Founded bv Brigham ' r' oung 18' An Equal Opportunity Employer |