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Show r Universal Microfilm Corp 2608 Salt Lake J3ox City, Utah 84101 t ' ' Wasatch Academy Choir, under direction of Mr. Floyd Nelson, furnished part of the music for the dedication Sat- urday. The choir sang three numbers as their contribution to the program which was presided over by Mr. Donald lew on, past president of Wasatch Academy Alumni Assoeiu- tion and member of the ad isory committee for the school. ,, v in' " r ' gif , Music (enter dedication sen ires held here last Saturday, The band played three imiiiltcrs under the direction of Mr. lloyd Nelson concluding with Sousa's "Washington Post. The rousing music by the Wasatch Academy Kami was enjoyed as part of the musical treat for those attending the Koger Freund i y muusium and Koger Hansen Art and READ COMMUNITY USE CLASSIFIED ADS NEWS ITEMS IN PYRAMID ON INSIDE PAGES FOR FAST RESULTS Volume 10c Seventy-seve- n MT. PLEASANT, UTAH 84647 per copy Mrs. Dick Burns new chairman which they liva, hut have cleanpointed beautification chairman ed up old beer cans etc., along of Mt. Pleasant according to an State Street in front of unoccuannouncement by Mayor Cher-ro- n pied or abandoned dwellings m an effort to beautify the city. Seely. of Burns Mrs, Appointment Mrs. Burns asks for the ap- supwas made this week by the port of everyone to c'e,in up city council. this beautiful lirie commui-lty- . She says that with any ideas of community betterment should ca'l her o anyone on the city council and tell them. Councilman A1 Kdipers is spearheading the cleanup program, along v. ith Counoilirrn Harry L. Hanson. Cancer Society holds meeting Mrs. Dick Burns . . . new chairman Forty-si- x A regional meeting for officers of the American Cancer Society in Sevier and Sanpete Counties was held Monday evening in Manti. youth to serve on committee The North Sanpete Stake Youth Committee was organized last Sunday in Mt. Pleasant and named Kip Madsen of Fairview as chairman. Youth representing each of the wards in the stake were appointed by their bishops as members of the stake committee. They will work with the stake officers in organizing, planning and carrying out the stake youth-relate- d activities. Their first project will be the New Years Eve Party. Appointed as was Jeanette Acord of Spring City. Other members of the committee include Jerry Nut-ta- ll and Anita Sue Mower from the Fairview North Ward; Bonnie Boylan of the Fairview South Ward; Steven Cook and Janet Olsen representing the First Ward; Fred Larsen and Susan Peterson appointed from the Mt. Pleasant Second Ward; George Johansen and Kathy Larsen from Mt. Pleasant Third Ward; Keith Washburn and Mor Ray Brotherson representing the Mt. Pleasant Fourth Ward; Wesley Sorensen representing the Spring City Ward. Members of the stake advisory committee are President Arnold Y. Stevens, stake presidency advisor to the MIA; Stanley Anderson and Leo Larsen representing the stake high council; Leon Nielsen, stake YMMIA superintendent, and Alice Stewart, stake YWMIA president. DM DlitBHMDTOS new Academys building, the Roger Freund Gymnasium and the Roger Hansen Art and Music Center, was dedicated in ceremonies Saturday afternoon with a crowd of 500 or more attending. The $300,000 edifice will he a welcome addition to the nine buildings and homes already owned by the academy which are situated in the center of the radius. city within a three-bloc- k The dedicatory prayer W'as given by the Rev. Paul Noble, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Mt. Pleasant, and the dedicatory address was given by Judge Ferdinand of the Sixth Judicial District, Richfield. Don Lewon, past president of the WA Alumni Association, was master of ceremonies. Responses were given by Supt. Roger Hansen, RogerFreund, volunteer campaign diWasatch multi-purpo- Er-icks- Attending from the North Sanpete Unit were the chairman and Mrs Euleda Cook and Mrs. Connie Mikkeison, both of Fountain Green; Mrs. Mary Christensen, Moroni, Crusade chairman; Mrs I tie A Fern Jacobs, service chairman; Mrs. Mary Cloward, publicity ing the new structure named in their honor. Roger Hansen, left, and Koger Freund, Mrs. Duane Jensen, Richfield, The gymnasium will be known as the Roger right, were honored at the Wasatch Acadchairman, both of Mt. Pleaswas a Mt. Pleasant visito on emy building dedication rites here SaturFreund (ijmnasium and the other portion of ant. the complex will be known as the Koger Wednesday and Thursday, a day. The two men, who line gien much in son ice to the school, were honored by inn Hanson Art and Music Center. house guest of Mr .and Mrs atto She came Mower. Lynn tend the visit of Ruth Willi, president of the Rebriviu Assembly of Utah to Centirl Rehekah Ixidge on Wednesday night and the meeting of the Bridge Club on Thursday night Wool producers were remin- sales. The percent. ig is tli it Mrs. Henry Tuttle visited ded today they should bring required to raise the national fei last week in Salt Lake Citv sales documents for shorn wool average price reei .ved and unshorn lambs to the San- shorn wool bv ail prodiieors up with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sorensen and family. pete County ASCS office to to 69 cents per pmmo. earn incentive payments for The Moroni Irrigation Co. is tire planned system of improvethe 1969 marketings. off to a good stait installing ments. Producers are also reminded planned improvements of their The company, under the that purchases of all unshorn irrigation system that is to leadership of president Lo lambs must bo reported when cost an estimated $250,000. Im- Morlej, contacted the Sanpete application is filed for wool inprovements were badly needed County Soil Conservation DisChairman centive payment. on the diversion of Spring trict for help on engineering Dean W. Anderson said wool Creek into Spring Ditch from and cost estimates. The district producers occasionally overlook Old the diversion to the assigned a high priority to ihe reporting purchases of replaceMill". Last spring the diversion project and assigned Soil Conment stoek, but the ASCS was constructed and 352 feet servation Service personnel to County Office must have an concrete pipe instal- the job. of accurate record of purchases led. This fall 2,600 feet of conas well as sales of unshorn In the summer of 1968 a crete lining has just been comlambs. preliminary survey was ma le pleted. of the entire irrigation sysem Chairman Anderson pointed When the North Sanpete SCS personnel worked out n out that under the National Watershed project was pro- preliminary engineering repo.t .ho Wool Act all producers posed, the Irrigation Co. came and cost estimate. With this inmarket wool in 1969 are eliO up with a plan for improve- formation the company made for incentive payments. gible ments on the whole system application to the Division of Applications covering 1969 The watershed project never Water Resuorces for a loan to marketings have been filed by received approval. In 1968 the assist the company to make 265 Sanpete County wool proIrrigation Co. decided it could the planned improvements. The ducers to date. Chairman Anwait no longer to make at water resource people then adderson estimates that an least some of the planned Im- made a feasibility study and ditional 150 produce! have yet After discussing found the project had a favorprovements. n to file for incentive payments which projects would be com- able benefit-cos- t ratio. Detailed Shorn wool payments to a the company de- construction plans were pie-- ( first, pleted diteh-linln- g to Is furnished Concrete a are Ditch crew equ.il producer being by per lining. pour Kay Christensens continued on page 2, col. 8) cided to go ahead with the en the Moroni Coal and Building Supplies Co. concrete on the first segment of the Spring centnge of his returns from Burns, the former Johansen, and Mr. Burns spent their early lives in Mt Pleasant. They returned here a few years ago to make their home after residing tor many years in California. Since retaining, Mr. and Mrs Bums have not only implored and cleaned up the streets on Mrs. Number 14, 1969 Bishops appoint November 8 Beautification program Mrs. Dick Bums has been NOVEMBER Ef-fon- ia n, 'm-se- Improvements underway with concrete ditch lining o a. 30-in- a , . '& c Seely. Beautiful and outstanding musical numbers were presented by the Wasatch Academy Choir and Concert Band, both under direction of Floyd Nelson. Tours of the building were conducted by Wasatch Academy students for several hours prior to the dedication. A luncheon at the school dining room followed the dedication ceremonies, as did the second presenA Midsummer tation of Night's Dream by the school's drama club. The academy is operated by the Board of National Missions of the Presbyterian Church. Boarding students come from all over the world to attend the school. Demands for admittance to the academy increase each year. Local Police Academy Local & Wool producers offered incentive payments rector; William Browning architect; Tom Horton, building contractor, and Mayor Cherron law officers graduated Nov. 7 Glen Mower of Fairview' Police Department, Robert See'y of Mt. Pleasant Police Depait-men- t and Jim Allred, Fairview, from the Sanpete County Sl.ei-lff- s Office, were among 31 trainees who graduated from the Utah Police Academy in ceremonies conducted November 7. Also in the group were 12 Salt Lake City Police Department officers, three Salt Lake County Sheriffs Deputies, five Ogden City Police Department officers and officers from UniElder Box Police, versity County Sheriff's Office, and Springville Police Department. They were administered the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics hv Chief Justice J. Alim Crockett of the Utah Supreme Court in special ceremonies at the exercises. Speakers wore Chief of Police Dewey Fillis, Salt Lake City Police Department and chairman of the Utah Peace Officers Standards and Training Council, and Rus sell Calame., Special Agent in charge of the FBI office in Salt Lake City. One of the features of the k training program, according to Ralph H. Jones Director of the Academy, has been extensive training In narcotic and ding abuse matters Each graduate has met Utah Peace Officer Standards and Training Council requirements five-wee- in firearms, defensive tactics, d and other phases of police operation. first-ai- Clair Whitman "" earns promotion Clair Whitman has been promoted to Sp-- 4 according to word received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Whitman, Moroni, Whitman has Specialist-- 4 served in Vietnam with the 1st Infantry Division since April of this year. A graduate of North Sanpete High School, lie entered the service In July, 1968, and received his basic training at Fort Ord, California. He went to Fort Hauchua, Arizona, for his specialized training. IflecvA If ole A . . . Mrs. Fern Jacobs was hostess to members of the Fine Arts Club on Monday night. The program was presented by Mrs. Gwendolyn Kay who gave a travelogue of her trip to Europe. She also showed mementos of her trip abroad. Special guests were Mrs. Ethel Porter, Miss Chris Sczmanskl, Mrs. Eva Seely and Mrs. Kay. Delicious refreshments were served to nineteen. |