Show ALL ARE neighbors NEIGHBORS industrially i willium william alton white who has a very cry clover clever way of saying things 0 lias givon given his opinion of many of the people of et III his horn honka tow WIN 11 emporia kan where ho lie runs it nov no shaper the gazette wo we are pleased to io lepro duco tho the article bacalso it is a ahle example of condensed roast mid sud also aae ma our people may see what hind of people live in E Em ampo pola in for ther i arc are no doubt per persons ions of tho the kind to which white i residing there oi 01 it is not likely tho article would have been written this is alv wim t ho he says the man who alio buys his goods of a mail order house and lind expects his neighbors e in Em emporia to buy goods of him or buy labor of h him m or to buy professional service of him is economically a leech he is sucking tho tile industrial blood out of ton and gives 0 ives none back ho ile sends his profit out of town like a chinaman and ila has no more ri right lit to u egand ing in tho the community than a foreigner we are all aill neighbors industrially in this town and the man who sends away for his gooda is not ehno of us ile la Is of another industrial syi system tom and deser deserves no roans mangs support in iti emp riu tho fact that this is economically groag Is recognized by the mail order houses themselves they protect their custo customer merr as its thieves by offer ing to keep people from knowing whole the goods wore purchased by having no tags 0 on them thein they say in their catalogue that no one knows bhore they are if it is proper to hide the place of purchase of an article ait ai tide icle it is wrong a to buy tho tile 0 article at that place only a man who steals ii ashamed to say where ho lie got anything lie has thoro there is such a filing as tainted dry gooda tainted grocer groceries leg and tainted furniture all of such articles t ut are aro not purchased at home of men who bea befriend alend you of men to whom you owe your living arp tainted because they come unfairly it if you want yant tho the support of your fellow ton towns ns or men and want ant to accept it without a blush buy at it homo home whenever possible there is a good deal 0 of quiet satia satisfaction faction among gentiles over the disposition of the case of joseph F smith president of the mormon church and much disappointment to the faithful the fine ot t three hundred bundred dollars imposed upon him by judge upon his confes confession slon of unlawful co habitation is not considered a it severe punishment but tho the fact that ho he pleaded guilty thus acknowledging that leading mormons aro are evading tholey tho law it la Is thought will awaken the people of the country to the real condition of affairs in utah it may lead to more severe federal laws laus und and the est esteb ab hammont of a u closer watch on the church the charge under which the tile mormon prop prophet liet was ar rested and lined was based on tho the recent birth of president smiths smith forty third child born to ills his fifth wife F pully ally one no hundred thousand fruit tices cices will bo be put out in tho the green ri er or section next spring eastern utah 1 is 14 4 eventually to beco ie ae the great fruit producing section of utah equalling western y colorado in both quality and quantity I 1 A ti io Joli johnny uny there are no ich and ands about it tho the big canal analis is going out for a it certainty two year u s will fitness vIt ness twenty five fio thousand of desert land to te tile south of price converted into ai n garden spot utah I 1 is too busy with the production luction of coal marketing t live stock honey and alfalfa and various other products to give much at itt fco to tho the hoir archy as ws do our neighbors up tho tile wity auna anna gould in future Is to be knain as t madame gould could madame could gould Is much shorter than bounto Co untO 3 do castellano it is i alio much cheaper cb i 1 i harry TT 1 clamoring tor a imick amil it lt I 1 i would boll 1 W i 0 apo if it U could be b badt tk quiet f S price ica pap ULO gic thankful today 0 over or the pros poe pods asp tsp tho tile early botill completion petion of tile big calla canal ca 4 01 the tile lingerie lin n erie blou bloiso e is still much worn but it is is predicted that tho the waists of crepe bilk silk und and such aft bo be much more in vogue than for wear with hopu se ate skirts in the house or with tho the co it und and skirt costume the tile illustration depicts sa a alonso of pale blue india silk inlet hilet with valenciennes alenci ennes insertion and small pointed medallions of irish luce lace the little medallions medallion were sot set around the collar colli ir foamed of vill insertion und and those little pointed pieces piece abero outlined with the thinner luce lace which was formed into hito a round turn nt the base of eacle below this trimming two lm LOWS s of 0 the ume inbert iou N ore set in us as shown in the druwing drawing the material being cut uny may from froin lindoe nil all the laces used the upper pin pai fc ot the blouse mas as I 1 alid hicl in fine tucks und and the short sleeves sleeve vore nacre attached to it cutt cuff of tho val vill luce lace und lind trimmed with scroll figures to mutch the tile yoke |