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Show April 6, 1962 THE MT. PLEASANT (UTAH) PYRAMID Page Four uncle LeNae Mickel. Mr. Their fourth child and third interest on their way baxk here and to Washington. and Mrs. Newton Kay of Nephi daughter. maternal grandparents of the The following were dinner Aiken spent Misa Linda baby also attended the services Saturday and Sunday home guests Sunday with Mr. and with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Aik- Mrs. Archie Aiken and family, Athene Osborne en and family. Miag Aiken la a Osral Allred, USU student and OsConnell Mr. Mrs. and TUphon borne, Cherie, Carla, Christine. student at the USU at Logan. the following room mates of Linda Aiken at USU at Loof West Mr. and Mrs Delano Ford Connie and Cynthia Mr. and Mra Leo Osborne gan, Ann Bailey, Evelyn Johns Jordan visited Sunday with the are proud of Angeles Mr. and Mrs. Virgus Osborne, and son Lyle and Mr. and Mrs Carolyn Grange, Marian Hull, parents of a baby girl bom Mr. and Mrs Glen Osborne and Virgus Osborne were visitors LaPriel Baldwin, IaDonna NoyMarch 25 at Santa Monica. es, Joan Stevens. family and Mr. and Mrs. Leo in Provo on Saturday. This la the first baby for the Osborne and family. Mr. are Fords. Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Melrose PritWeek end visitors with Mr and Mrs. E. J. Ford of Lzs chett of American Fork visited and Mrs. Emery Tail were Mr Kaa-tu- s Mr. Mrs and Nielsen Mrs. Gerald Mr. and and Angeles Christensen of Spring City. and children of Salt Lake City Friday with their sister, Mrs. and Mrs. Jay Allsop and children Joe and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Rastus Christensen spent visited Sunday with Mr. and Hazel Covert Mrs. Arvin Perry and three Mrs. Los Allred. in week getlast Royal Angeles of children of Midvale, Mr. and Miss Mehl Rae Draper ting acquainted with her new was home with her Mrs. Ancll Workman, Salem; Miss Kerry Allred of Salt Kearns granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Leone Wooley of parents, Lake City spent the week end Mrs. Wanda ShakesOrem; Sunday. Draper Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jensen home with her mother, Mrs sons and Mrs. Shaand peare Sunand Shirley Lynn spent Lavon Allred. Visiting Sunday with Mr. kespeare of Tropic; Mrs. Thoday In Sandy visiting Mr. and and Mrs. Theron Madseh were mas H. Sawyer and daughter Mrs. Roger Jensen and family. Osral Allred, student at USU Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Madsen Mrs. and baby of at Ingan, visited Saturday and and children of Salt Lake City Hatch.May Sawyer Loreel Hansen, employed at Sunday at the home of his Salt Lake City spent the past grandmother, Mrs Anenia All-reVisitors Sunday and Monday Visiting Mrs. Edith Brough weekend home with his parwith Mrs. Ruth Osborne were Saturday and Sunday were ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell HanMrs. Emma Sorensen, Mr. and Phil Toomey and son Hal of sen.' Mr. and Mrs I.nron Rees of Mrs. E L. Allred, Mr and Ely, Nevada and Michael TooWales were visitois last Wed- Mrs Joe Pacheco and baby, mey, a student at BYU, Provo. LeNue Mrs. Dorothy Mickel, Mr and Mrs. nesday with Salt Lake City and Mrs Marand Beverly Mickel visited Francis Black and daughters. Mr and Mrs. Vero Aiken garet Justesen and Judy K last week end with Mr. and of West Jordan. Mr visited Tuesday in Manti until Justesen Mrs. Boyd Mickel and chil Mr. and Mrs. Reel H. Allred and Mrs E. L. Allred also viMr and Mrs. Kenneth Howell dren. They went to attend d received word Sunduy of the sited his mother, Mrs Ada and family. the blessing and naming Sun day In Salt Lake of the baby birth of a new grand daughdaughter of Boyd and Karen ter. The baby girl was born Congress passed the Free a Schofield, Miss Rosalie Mickel. The baby was named Sunday in a Provo hospital to Timber Act in 1878 allowing was Provo BYU at student Vickie Lynn and blessed by Ruel and Betty Best Allred. settlers to cut timber. home with her parents, Mr. and f'TSi Mrs. Henry Schofield the past ffr., fT - y her Spring ('tty 442-261- d. All-re- to compete College with Harlem Stars at Snow WmtPM PfjRli all-sta- rs In a big climax to the basketball season, the college allstars, an aggregation representing the tops in Skyline Conference play, will meet the Harlem Stars in a game in the Snow College gymnasium Saturday night at 8. The game is sponsored by the college athletic department and they will receive a part of the proceeds. will be The college led Into action by fabulous Bill 'The Hill McGill, who starred all-sta- for the University of Utah for three years, was an choice this year and was the first choice of the professional draft. The Harlem Stars combine comedy with fancy exhibitions of ball handling and basketball excellence. One of the Harlem players is Boid d proBuie, the only fessional basketball star In the country. Other Include some of The birthday of Mrs. Elva the top negro ball players of Green was celebrated here Sun- the country. day at her home 3t. (ji one-arme- Mr. and Mrs. Scott and daughter Beatrice visited Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cook and daughter Beatrice visited Friday and Saturday wath Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nielson in Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Taylor in Salt Lake City and in Layton with Mr. and Mrs Clyde Gariett. Hews Cook Grttcs'i Golden Ag, Anitotls lectured to privileged pupili while he poced the jtreeti the Stoic school met in Sloa lone of the marketplace among vendors, troders, ond captive slaves weather permitting. In 2,200 years later in the U.S., inpioneer children crowded to Regular membership meeting was held the Jaycee-ette- s Monday night. Mrs. Beverly Olsen was in charge of the program. Plans for the upcoming fashion show were discussed. of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Drage left Wednesday for Mesa, Ariz. Mrs. Ada Collard and Mrs where they will spend a week Mr. and Mrs. Max Iona Draper attended the op- visiting era, Madame Butterfly, (Ruth) Cox and family. They was presented in the high will return by way of Las school auditorium, Friday even- Vegas where they will visit Clair Seely. ing at Provo. one-roo- tog cobins, where oil grades shared a single teacher's attention rifles were kept close ot hand in case of sudden Indian attack. i . Holes... Today, more and more spacious schools are designed with modern curtain walls," incorporating sych versatile materials as galvanized (zinc protected) steel for safety, lasting strength, insulated comfort, and economy. weekend. 'a ' ' L. - ' K v- -- ts i J ' wi.Zx.it 4.0 c it t .i Stake The North Sanpete High Pnests Quorum is spon- c soring a social In the Stake House, April 13 at 8 p.m. Arthur L. Lasson, president, Ir general chairman of the social Vivian Larsen is chairman o' the quorum Church service committee. The reception com . mittee Is Vivian Larsen, Davi'-LShelley, Harry G. Ericksor A variety program will b' presented under the directior of Vernon Johansen. Refresh ments will be served. Widows of later quorum members wi! be guests. Cm-rggr- todo You asked, i ' - in Mrs. Neva Dye is chairmar of the curent Cancer Drive City. She has selected the following committee to as sist in the house to house can vass: Mrs. Christie Beck, Mrs Alta Jensen, Mrs. Helen Mad sen. Mrs. Iva Aiken, Mrs. Nel ie Blain, Mrs. Lavon Allred Mrs. Etta Larsen, Mrs. Ros Mrs. Elda Acord Schofield, Mrs. Edith Schofield, Mrs. Ire 'a Strate, Mrs. Irene Aiken Mrs. Mildred Peterson, Mrr Geneva Madsen, Mrs. Utahnr Strate, Mrs. Crystal Aiken an Mrs. Athene Osborne. it A "How did Rio Grande do last year?" , w Here are the facts about your home railroad's operation in 1961: crurv REVENUE Railroads are the most efficient, dependable and economical means of mass transportation in our nation. Rio Grande Ijmdled nearly 20 million tons of freight and carried over half a million passengers all at pennies per mile revenue! Operating Revenues: $77,222,650 Operating ratio (Expenses to Revenue) : 65.73 onjru-unjnjnj-vr- 'o1 The baby daughter of Mr and Mrs. Keith Steele (Orr lane) was blessed and name' Sunday at the Sacrament Ser Rio Grande is not subsidized 'ices. The baby was namer Ellen Marie by her father. Mr taxes on its entire plant. 1961 and Mrs. Steele and baby o' Salt Lake City were weekend Mr. and Mrs visitors with Glen Donaldson and family Mr. and Mrs. Dell Steele of Nephi, grandparents, also services Sunday the 'juk ijn-mrxr'criLrij- Freight Revenue Per Ton Carried One Mile Revenue Per V3 CENTS 2A CENTS air i vVISh Also maternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Glen Donaldson of this city. Lynda Syndergaard received a telephone call from Hawaii, from her husband Larry w'ho is In the U. S. Navy and had just returned there long-distan- after participating in Opera- tion Deep Freeze" in the arctic. Ant- $2.38 in Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Browm CORN SUGAR BEETS POTATOES SMALL GRAINS There are many advantages to early fertilization in most western areas you get the job done before the late spring rush; plants get the nutrients they need for an early start; early application checks water run-oland increases water-holdincapacity. On corn, sugar beets, potatoes, small grains and other crops, many farmers report excellent results fertilization. with and insist on USS So apply fertilizer now United States Steel. made by Nitrogen Fertilizers, and children Roger, Linda. Lorna' and Jeanie of Olympia. Wash , visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jensen, parents of Mrs. Brown. The Browns are enroute to Mexico to meet their son and brother Elder Richard Brown, who was released from a two year mission for the LDS church m Mexico. The group will tour Mexico and other places of buy from Taxes Per Share of Common Stock ... it owns, operates and pays Taxes: $15,184,160 irrr,Lri7Tj",irTj,TrMcrn,,irirr,i2nriJMaM3MLrv"g,Ti-- w $5.11 in WAGES Wages Per Share of Common Stock Your friends and ie.buookS, u of Rio Grande, received $32,625,216 last year $7053 Mile: n-r TAXES & Passenger average annual waga. EARNINGS $1.37 in Net Translation of gross to net railway operating income was 14.41. Earnings Per Share of Common Stock Dividends totaling $1 per share of common stock were paid from net income and remainder of earnings, 37 cents, was retained for improvements. g pre-pla- USS Ammonium Nitrats 33 USS Ammonium Sulfate 21 USS Anhydrous Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrogen, plus 24 82 Moroni, Utah Rio Grande is proud to be your fellow citizen and to share these facts with you. Considering the restrictions imposed on us by obsolete regulations and indiscriminate subsidization of less efficient forms of transportation, the report is noteworthy. sulfur Nitrogen USS Nitrogen Fertilizers are available in bag, bulk or tank. Order USS Nitrogen Fertilizers MORONI FEED CO. today. Nitrogen Fertilizers for your fertilizer needs . Rio Grande is dedicated to one objective: To give you shipper and passenger the very finest transportation service possible. Establishment of a uniform national policy on transportation would permit you to capitalize on the advantages and potential inherent to our railroad operation and would benefit you through more competitive rates on all transportation. DENVER & RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD vuwvwv TSTTny rim j |