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Show Jiff Income Tax Fax HOW TO S UK Coconut Ring Tips on Touring TV DOLLARS By Carol Ion Women' Travel Authority Turnpike Travel New Yoik to Chicago withou . Public Accountant,,i nal Iteienue Service a a stec- lal wrcieo to reader of till newspaper. Between now and Apnl 15 over sixty million Americans must file a tax ictum to their 115(5 income to the fedeial government On the basis of past expel ic nee about 1 out of evety 4 n tin ns filed will contain an eito of $2 00 oi more Last year these enois totaled over $100,000,000 To help you prepare a coi-rereturn and avoid mistakes that cost you tax dollais, this newspaper is printing a senes of eight articles piepared with the help of the national and state oi ganizatlons of ceitified public accountants Todays aiticle deals with problems faced by almost anyone who has to make out a return Later articles will give special hints on deductions you may take, particularly if you owm a car, home or business Use this series along with the official instruction book which comes free with your tax r i L J, forms Common Mistakes According to the results of a sampling by the Internal Revenue Service, the mistakes most often made by taxpayers fall Into these four groups: 1. Incorrect listing of income. This is the main source of error, partly because of debatable questions involving business income. Individuals make mistakes too by leaving out such items as interest on savings accounts, dividends and contest winnings, or by including items which aie exempt. 2. Errors in personal deductions. This category includes vi r-- II. J. Killer to County Industrial Inpiiieut Committee i DM you know that, and you piobably do, that one of, if not ., ,y a i . we ? J( a 4 I1--; zz?nr ' Heres j. IS Hf Iift Tiunfc M Turn breakfast Into an event serve hot Jiffy Coconut Kin with butter or margarine and marmalade. In Just about the time It takes to turn out a batch of mllec biscuits, you can also make this Jiffy Coconut Ring Made from a biscuit dough, the simple coffee cake ha. th glamorizing touch of a luscious coconut, brown sugar anc nui Appeal, n, a.so is the nng into which you shape the - . : this moderi magic carpet: There are 1 ffl ' Service Rlazas open 24 hours a day, offering food gasoline, oil and service. Separate parking areas and fue Pumps for automobiles and trucki -- e provided Semce I la , "V" Miter wnen it induce. . mi,f Jomg bad Jiffy Coconut Ring. When you bake pp8reh,e Dr buy products made with enriched flour, you gain a nutritional nto turnpike advantage of three B vitamins and food iron. Breads are Just changes m weather and othe) one part of a healthy breakfast. They fit right in with fruit factors affecting road condition! or fruit Juice, milk, eggs or meat, and enriched, restored or ' hole 4re po8ted promptly at the en cereals grain trance toll booths. Your bakers enriched breads are stand-by- s for good b eak- - Special officers of the Ohio Stat fasting, too. Enriched white bread is almost Indispensabl for Highway Patrol cruise the turn toast. Make a point to add occasional variety to the mo rung pike night and day, to help anj fare with raisin, cinnamon or whole wheat bread and with t veet motorists in trouble and insure th rolls and coffeecakes. jafety of all drivers, Emergency vehicle service 11 JIFFY COCONUT RING available all the time. If you neec 2 cups sifted enriched flour aelp, park on the outside (right I tablespoon baking powder land) paved shoulder, reserved 1 teaspoon salt for emergency parking only. Hans t4 cup sugar 1 handkerchief from the window hood (or both) Ine and sprinkle with Coconut )r ralse !e Sift together flour, baking a 81Snal-radi0 8yS Roll up like Jelly roll. Dowder, salt and sugar. Cut or Filling hnks al official turnpike ve mb In shortening until mixture sealing edge Form Into ring on llcle8 maintenance buildings anc a crumbly. Combine egg and lightly greased baking plaza3i and he,p a Qn waj Tiilk and add to flour mixture, With scissors cut throughsi.eeLj,, iing n a jiffy. itirring only enough to moisten almost to center, in slices about lour Turn out on lightly floured 1 Inch thick. Turn adjoining When you fue a volley of joard or pastry cloth and knead slices of dough in opposite digently 30 seconds Roll out to rections and stand on end. Iike censure at somebody else, you ectangle Yt Inch thick. Brush in moderately hot oven (400 may not feel the recoil at once, vith melted butter or margar- - degrees fahrenheit) 20 minutes. but it is present as surely as Coconut Filling you are. X comes 2 tablespoons enriched bread eup chopped shredded coco Its estimated the 14 of all nut crumbs owners have two or more car 2 tablespoons melted butter or cup brown sugar cars today, and predicted it will cup chopped nuts margarine be 50 by 1956. Combine all ingredients and mix until well blended. Makes 1 coffee cake. eat Of an estimated seven million farm dwellmgs in the U.S., 95 the deductions taken when the In 1956 must Lile a return by per cent are built of wood. per cent standard deduc- April 15, 1957. Even if your Many an attractive dish has STARK BROS 10 tion is not used Important income was less than $600 you ruined a guys digestion. Rodeductions fiom income are. should file a return if any tax bert Q Lew'is state and local taxes, interest was with held by your emVines fruit Trees paid on loans, charitable con- ployer and you wnsh to receive Dwarf Fruit Trees Roses tributions, medical expenses, a refund. In any case, if you Perennials Shrubs losses from storm, fire, flood had as much as $400 earnings or theft. from you must etc. Shade Trees Bulbs, 3 Claiming too many or too file a return to report those Add $1,009.00 or more io few dependents Exemptions are earnings for social security allowed for the taxpayer him-ee- put poses. the value of your home. and for certain person he Income if they fit the definremember to Let me show you actual color supports is It important itions m the instruction book that all income is not taxable photographs of Stark Exclusive 4 Faulty arithmetic. This is You should not include in your Leader Varieties. No obligation, the cause of the fewest num- return any income which is or write lelephone ber of errors, but approximate- listed in the official instrucly 30 per cent of these tion book as exempt. This inmistakes are made by cludes interest on state and G. G. the taxpayer against himself, municipal bonds, most govern- 1, 1(J)7 Ml - v. - 'A'' ' mm Flattery Is like perfume you're supposed to smell it, not swalldw it I LOSE UGLY FAT Recently made this trip somt information picked up on thi Ohio Turnpike a typical link n te-po- rt ct 1 I V a red light? Its possible, thanki . to an 8J0 mile unbroken chain o Joiwii in one contin turnpikes. y uous route, the New Jersey Turn A pike, I'ennblvama Turnpike, Ohii Turnpike, and the Indiana Tol J Road oiler the longest stretch o four lane, divided highway in tin woild. j c 3: Let's Look Ahead i IhM I tlio fint In a mtIi'k of eight Kly artlcloM on federal iiuomo tux Jillng, UiMxI on Information proidtl by the count- American Institute of of I tah the and Society ant, Certified March TIIU MT. PLEASANT (UTAH) PYRAMID Page Six IN TEN cadi one of these meltings the piobiem of cooperation in1 the county was dist u.ssed All , of these communities have pledged their full coopeiation PLACE OF HONOR and support for industry Each luncheon guest will feel that she cated anywheie in the county. is seated at the place of honor when this dainty mat graces the It is without question that the table befoie her. Crocheted to a queens taste, the place mat is will! composed of twelve, lacy motifs that feature the cluster stitch. It rest of the communities heavy crochet cotton that can be meet this pledge with a simi- is made of the needlework lound at favorite departments end stores during your one own. of lar their tSational Crochet Start off your crochet year Week, January It is only natural that the selection of crocheting materials that will the vast by ught seeing officials town of each or uty the inspiration for many e entry in the 1967 city would pull to have any supply Nationwide Crochet Contest. For e copy of MOTIF LUNCHEON inpotential industry coming SET crocheting directions and a Contest rules leaflet, send a to the county to be located in envelope to the Needlework Department of stamped, or near their community. But this paper and ask for Leaflet No. 116.6. don t let this rule our thinking over the idea of getting indus- new industry from locating March 6, 1836 After Texas try into Sanpete not so much heie. had declared independence from wheie in the county, but Just We must tend to think more Mexico, punitive expedition led so that its in the county. e by Santa Ana w iped out Alamo county-wis- e and less Once industrial development In all the county togeth- garrison of 166 Texans. starts and begins to grow, It er we only have a population March 1, 1913 Constitutionwill spread throughout the of 13,000, and in terms of ciamendment al having been or even if it county; doesnt, ties, 13,000 is not a very large facilities one There are many single ratified by states, Federal inthe transportation come tax went into effect we have practically cities of 13,000 population and today eliminates the pioblem of lo- over who are having their difcation People living in ficulties in attracting new inand Salt Lake dont give dustry The competition for much thought about driving to attracting new industry is Hill Field to their work, and very keen this would be about the same We are going to have to get as workers driving from Mt. hold of our and boot straps Pleasant to Gunnison or vice industrial pull for all the versa, if the woik was there growth right here that is posfoi them There are a number sible. New goes of workers living in Moroni where there is industry 'an industrious who drive to Nephi each day Through cooperfor their work in the Thermoid atmosphere. ation we can be industrious Plant The problem of dis- and therein attract new Indus tance is growing less importtry ant all the time We have been criticized by March 7, 1945 U. S. First our Armys 9th Armored Corps leadeis of industry for This crossed the Rhine at Renagen lack of cooperation. could be one of the mam fac- into Germany, led by General tors which would discourage Omar Bradley. IE easy-handlin- g, 19-2- 6. prize-winnin- g city-wis- Mui-ra- DAYS OR MONEY BACK li you are overweight, here it the firtt really thrilling new to come elong in years. A new & convenient way to get rid of extra pounds easier than ever, so you can be as slim and trim as you want. This new product celled DIATRON curbs both hunger & appetite. No drugs, no diet, no exercise. Absolutely harmless. When you take DIATRON, you still enjoy your meals, still eat the foods you like but you simply don't have the urge for extra portions and automatically your weight must come down, because, as your own doctor will tell you, when you eat less, you weigh less. Excess weight endangers your heart, kidneys. So no matter what you have tried before, get DIATRON and prove to yourself whet it can do. DIATRON is sold on this GUARANTEE: You must lose weight with the first package you use or the package costs you nothing. Just return the bottle to your druggist and get your money back. DIATRON costs $3.00 and is sold with this strict money-bacguarantee by: Mt. Pleasant Drug Store Mail orders filled Mt. Pleasant k y enjoy refreshing MILK riKkTt&teTinrf PAT PARSON Junior Prom Queen Utah State Agricultural College UTAH MIIK FOUNDADOM AMEMCAN DAlftT ASM. Of HUH lf Non-Taxab- lc aiith-metica- Sanderson resulting m approximately m overpayment of Fairv low, Utah F1IONE Residence Business 2107 rs OOX own oAa 3437 $19,-000,0- tax- es. exoa The first thing to determine is whether you should file a re turn or not. Everyone whose gross income was $600 or more ment payments to veterans and their families, life insurance proceeds upon death, gifts and social security benefits The tax instructions from the Internal Revenue Service contain a list of the types of income which should be included and those which should be omitted from your return. Unmistakable - in appearance, in action If You Changed Jobs Here Is a special point to watch if you worked for more than one employer during 1956. You may have overpaid your social security tax. Each employer is required to withhold social security amounting to 2 per cent of the first $4200 of your wages. If you worked for ATE R FILL Irazier V 4i iflruwwc THE only one employer, this would amount to $84 00. However, if you worked for several employers more than $84.00 might have been withheld. Check your W-- 2 withholding slips and see whether the total FJ.C.A., OP KENTUCKY BOURBON SINCE 1810 IS Proof 0'S WATEtFlU AMO FRAZIER DISTRUST COMPAkY, BAROSTOWN. KEhTUCKl Excitement is everywhere you look in Mercury57--striking- ly new concepts in overall design, in styling, in appointments that establish criterion for the industry. styling is but part of the story. a new And deep comfort, flashing performance, and ease of handling add a new dimension to driving across town or across the country. this outstanding car Mercury 57. Plan now, to see and test-dri- ve Its Your nearest Mercury dealer will be happy to arrange a trial run. (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) is more than $84 00 If it is, you can claim credit for the excess in the taxes withheld column of your income tax form. The instruction book w hich tax forms gives further information. Help is also available bv telephone or at comes with the e offices of the Internal Revenue Service The Revenue Services urges you to consult properly qualified advisor if you decide to seek outside help Next Article: Selecting the Correct Torm Save Tax hu5 Chanty is good for the giver, but, sometimes, it is not so beneficial to the recipient. 38 s Miss ESS SS lily Neighbors k k 9 II k 8 R if t x roff4- ri; - 150 Rooms COMPLETELY NEW BATHS SHOWERS sc RAfte iT" 3 -- FREE GARAGE mZl0pMS ACER . . and the reaean Im mad la that we're paying more for Taxes than we are for food! LASSON 96 South State & NORMAN AUTO COMPANY MT. PLEASANT, UTAH Phone 21 J |