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Show l';i vv Mt. I'luasint n lYbi'iun (I'tah) Pyramid n Columsi CBusniness SANPETE VALLEY HANK- - 40 Mt vour.s of Bunking Service PlcMS U't Concrete Sand Gravel Excavating Concrete HURST'S ECONOMY FREE READY-MI- Heating ESTIMATES 88-- J MT. Drugs PLEASANT Service Station Mt. Pleasant Drug VITAMIN HEADQUARTERS Cough and Cold Remedies Pulslpher UTOCO Service Vour Trouble our Specialty! Prompt efficient service Guaranteed Icrscriptiona Lubrication, Gas ing expcnence hi lpful but nut Write requneu Car necessary at urn e for paitieulan Raw-Z- , The I I amid leigh's, Dept. tfc Box 158 1 Westinghouse Appliances Electrical Wiring Work Furnace Sales & Service Pipes & Pipe Fittings SPLENDID RAWLEIGH BUSINESS AVAILABLE in Sanpete County. Products well known. Opportunity unlimited for big Start Sales and good profits. your business on credit without experience. Write today for full information. Rawleighs Dept UT163-224- ; 'j-to- J. ol WANT A BUSINESS your own ? A dependable man or to woman is needed at once sup- ply consumeis in Sanpete County with Rawleigh products Buy on credit pay as you sell. Eor details write Raw leigh's 1415 - 23rd Dept. f 25 St Denver, Colo. , FOR SALE 189 Young's Rexall Drug Wheel Balance special auto & tractor repair Welding. Black-ham'- s Garage. Ph. 2513, Moroni. Wheel alignment, jewelry Dia- Squires jewelry Watches, monds. watch repairing. 92 West Main, Ih. 110, Mt. Pleasant. Welding Itepair JOHN GUYMON'S Farm Machinery Welding and Repair Shop W. REYNOLDS NOW MACHINE SHOP Minneapolis Moline Farm Machinery Lathe Work and Welding 140 East Main Mt. Pleasant Phone 159-- OPEN IN FOR SALE Granger's Cafe. Inquire at Cafe, 125 South State Mt Pleasant tit! WANTED WANTED TO RENT Modern 2 bedroom home adaptable to electric appliances. Call at Lowell, trie appliances. Call at Lowells Shoe Store. j21tfc MOTOR TUNE-U- Legal Notice General Auto Repairs Legal Notice Probate and Guardianship Service Notices Consult County Clerk or the Respective Signers for 96 NO. 1st West NIONE 199 MT. PLEASANT further Information Notice of Sale UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT M. Utah Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 14, 1955 Under provisions of section 2455, R. S., as amended by section 14 of the act of June 28, 1934 (48 Shoes Freeman Stat., 1274; 43 U. S. C. 1171), and pursuant to the application of & Haas Marx Clothing George A. Coates of Mt. Pleasant, Serial No. Utah 012490, Levi Straus Work Clothes Utah, will there be offered to the highest bidder, but at not less than 152 West Main $3.00 sale to acre, at a Mt. Pleasant be heldperat 10 oclockpublic Phone 200 a.m., on the 2nd day of March, 1955 next, at this office, the following tracts of land: Tract 1, SEU NEU, SH SWU Sec. 34, T. ' 14 S., R. 3 E., (120 CarCo. Furniture Consolidated Tract 2. lots 1, 2, 3, 4, paint, acres). pets, wallpaper, Bennett's Mt. SWVi NE!4', SEQ NWU Sec. 3, PI. T. 15 S., R. 3 E S L M, Utah, general house furnishing. (240.19 acres). Each tract will be sold as a whole unit but no part of any tract will be sold separatel- General Merch. Aldrich and Sons Hardware Probate and Guardianship Notices Consult County Clerk or the Respective Signers for further Information Notire to Creditor IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SANPETE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH In the Matter of the Estate of EMMA ZABRISKIE, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of John S. McAllister, Lawyer, Mt. Pleasant. Utah, on or before March 25, 1955. Dee Rae Christensen, Till , - MORONI Fabricating Lathe and Machine Work Jrsenbach Funeral Home 0. in EOR SALE -- 1916 Ford A-- l condition. No better used '16 anywhere. R. N. Draper. f4 Steel Funeral Home Sincere Efficient California EOR SALE Large Will freshen Holstein Heifers Glen E. Nielson, Eph-- i soon. aim Phone AT31G54 jl4tfn -- FAIRV1EW Icrgens I.otion & Deodorant $1.50 Value, 98c Jergens --Face Cream All09cPurpose Reg. $100 for P. Street,' d o22tn28 Denver, Colorado. COAL. Utah's REST Day's high heat lump or oiled slack. Delivn Call to load ery from Alonzo Rosenlof, 223-jlltfn A Oil No. State Street MT. PLEASANT 1415-23r- who bus been limey Mr and Mrs Eugene Teiry of Pi in, u visited the past weekend sei luiisly ill in an Ogden hospital with their paients. Mr and Mrs tallowing surgery tor removal of h lung, is reported to be slightly E R Tcirv unproved now Brui t is a son of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mis Garwood Strate W el e Salt Lake City visttois Kri- - Arlo Olteson day H was a gala for the day Mr and Mrs Mi Keon Strate of Sportsmans club Saturday and for Salt Lake City visited Sunday all who joined in the hunt. and They loaded their jeeps with their patents Mr and Mrs. truiks, and taking rifles, ammuniE i tl Sti ate. tion and lunches headed for the in pursuit of rabbits. Visiting Sunday with Albert west desert The PuzeV vibu has been ill, were Mr. They numbered 900 killed. ami Mrs Giant Christensen and sale of rabbits will be used as Mrs Don Allred and family of a fund to build a softball diamWellington, Utah, Mr. and Mrs. ond at the City Park, President Willard Puzey and family of Rich- Eugene Syme reports. Pu-Z- t field, Mr and Mrs, Mrs Bertha Christiansen entery and family of Woods Cross, Mr and Mis. Nad Puzey of Mur- tained the Social Hour club ladies afternoon. ray, Mr. and Mrs Charles Puzey Thursday A dinner was served and the and family of Cluster. afternoon spent reminiscing. Those enjoying the party were: Mrs. At the Sunday School conferMaggie Frandsen, Mrs. Zina Jac- Mrs. Thora Robertson, ence held Sunday morning at the obsen, of the Mrs. Matilda Hansen. Mrs. Rena ward chapel, members Mrs. Minnie Olson, School Crowther, North Sanpete Sunday Boaul present were Verl Johan- Mrs. Libbie Hansen. sen, Ijcwis Anderson and Kirby ' The Sorocis club members were Bench. Sunday Si hool stiperin-tendenc- y and board members, delightfully entertained at a dinMrs Vilate Hope, Francis Black, ner Friday afternoon with Mrs Mrs. Pearl Holman as hostess. Miss Viigima Anderson, The remainder of the afternoon Ina Jones, Phyllis Plain, Mrs Mis. Ila Tidwell. William Shel- was spent in promoting special ley, Burke McArthur, Lester A. activities for the club with Mrs. May Peterson, president, presidMiner and Stephen Anderson. members A talk was given by Superinpresent ing. Other were Naomi Allred, Lyda Carter, tendent Veil Johansen. Ethel Anderson, Agnes Oldroyd, Elinor Nielson, Eliza C. Jensen, Ada Allred has returned Hannah Pearmain, Nellie V. JenMrs. home after visiting for several sen and Sadie Rasmussen.weeks in Ogden with Mr. and and The Elite elub ladies Mis. Samuel Wallei stein enjoyed Salt Lake City Monday afU oon at the home of family and in with Mis Verna Stroud. Mrs. Lillie O. Loyd A delicious dinner was served. The family of Mrs James (Adal W. L. Anderson, Ellis met at the family home and who is emsurprised her for her birthday ployed at Roy, visited here Saturday and Sunday with his famanniversary on Sunday, Those attending were Mr. and ily. Mrs. Arthur Johnson and family, Mr and Mrs Dean Shaw and Mr and Mrs. Robert Graham and baby, Salt Lake City; Mr. children of Nephi visited Sunday nnd Mrs. John Adams and chil- with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Christidren, Provo, Rufus Rees, Ogden, ansen, parents of Mrs. Shaw. and Mr. Ellis. The Singing Mothers are preMrs. Ruth Osborne and Mrs. paring for their Easter cantata Emma Sorensen were visitors in and will continue practicing each Provo last Wednesday. Relief Tuesday after Society meeting. Mrs. LuJane Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Connell Osborne Mrs. Geraldine Johnson are the and small daughter Cherie of directors and Mrs. Rita Allred i3 Provo visited Saturday and Sun- accompanist. day with Mr. and Mrs. Virgus OsMiles Jensen of the Lamanite borne. program. Church of Jesus Christ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howell of Latter-da- y Saints, was in and family were visitors Satur- charge of the program at the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday evening meeting. Talks Russell Aiken. and musical numbers were given by a group of Lamanite children Mr. and Mrs. Reid H. Allred who are attending school in Sanvisited Saturday In Provo with pete. Slides were also shown of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Allred and homes and the country inhabited baby and Mr. and Mrs. Ruel All-re- by these people. OHt-snn- i.iA'AI. RAWLEIGH business av tillable Shut immediately Sell- Clothes Washed and Dried Automatic Equipment 56 So. State Phone 88 Mt. 1'leiuuint or Harold Hunt l'hone spanluh Fork Ilione Want Ads Laundrette X Wilinii' s n, I lli lbs S.iudt i Mill, folios M.uy Coons and t'bi st i n.v n with Nuian t ii. n dl S lit lake Cit sjii'l nil guest MISCELLANEOUS Christensen Bros. Plumbing and Adt Si hint Plumbing Ileal Hanking lvlu ii, On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gallic wcie hosts at a chicken Guests weie Cpl. Calvin dinner Gallic, Muiy Hamilton, Cpl Kyle Follet and Reva Jensen. The two boys were stationed in California, Calvin at Camp Pendleton, where he was assigned following overseas duty; Kyle reports soon for overseas duty. ... Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A Scout banquet as held in Ch. isti.inity has not been tried mid want.ng, if ha.s !xen in d dll limit and not tried G K Chesterton. INIebo Chev. Co. 740 North of Utah Nephi, Bishop and Mrs. Scott Cook were Salt Lake City business visitors of the week. Main 1953 Chevrolet 1951 Among the three fathers receiving puzes for having the most sons present at the Father and Son banquet held lest Saturday evening at Moron' Stake House, was Morris Cook of Fountain G reen. 2 1951 $1395 Plymouth $795 door Stud. be tier $765 Chump., O'drive 1949 Chevrolet $545 pickup Mrs. Velila J Springville at here a few daj Mrs. Jackson and husband had recently returned from a visit in California with their children, Sharon Jackson, Boyce Morley, EuDean and son. ALL CARS A P.f FULLY RECONDITIONED Come in and ask about our guarantee on all used cars! Beautiful Boxed Chocolates GLADES WHITMAN'S SWEETS MT. 1c to $1.00 Valentines For little folks and adults or boxed Single American Greeting and Hallmark Ml. Pleasant Drug srwic FARM PLEASANT BUREAU annual Apron and Overall A Friday, February 18tth CITY BALLROOM QUEEN Buckaroos Orchestra Gents . . . Prizes Galore Extra Ladies .$1.00 . . Free bii-n-- O 1v Mr. an 1 Mrs. J. Leo Seely and Mr. and Mrs. R A, Clnistensen foi. Josn Peel went to Price Saturday services for of Ogden spent the weekend In to attend funeral Mt. Pleasant. a relative. Olsen, Henning U It il Ii I above-describe- re-i- ii w 11 r, Newspaper Fair-vie- ward Wednesday evening was a big success. MIA officers were in charge of the banquet and the prpgram was presented by the Scouts. left-han- Mortuary a South ing Present were Emma Evans, Ila Jensen, Anna Jensen, Ellis Mad- - a sister, Mrs. Bertha Walker Salt Lake City. Fls.e Cbni Miilm Madsen Mr and Mrs i tamed lecinth ut a lunch-- i on and rook party. Guests were Mr unci Mis Aaron L. Chciny, Mr and Mis M. F. Tinker, Mr and Mrs Ross Vance, Mr and Mis Newel B Cox, Mr. and Mrs Howard W Rigby, Mr. and Mis. Maitland Graham, Mr and Mrs. Amusa Teny. Prize winners were Howard W. Rgby, Aaron L. Cheney, Burdella Terry and Marcella Graham Nellie McAllister entertained her Eairview Sewing club at a hot plate luncheon Monday even- Central Utah post-offic- enter- Teny tained a group of friends at a dinner and canasta jxirty Thursday evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs Darrel Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Turpin, Mr. and Mrs. Mirth Miner, Mr. and fa. Ted Mower, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Cheney, Mr and Mrs. Edwin Miner. d. r of said cor- Hospital. Those making the house-to- poration, in Spring City, Sanpete County, State of Utah, on Wed- house canvass are: Mrs. Anna E. nesday, the Second (2nd) day of Allred, Mrs. Olga Black, Mrs. March, 1955, at the hour of 7:30 Edith Sorensen, Mrs. Helen Madoclock P. M., for the following sen, Mrs. Maud Downard, Mrs yHazel Black, Mrs. Shirley Black, purpose: Bids may be made by the prinTo consider and vote upon a Mrs Vera Sorensen, Mrs. Mamie & Hardware Implement cipal or his agent, either personal- proposal to amend the Articles of Allred. Mrs. Mildred Petersen, ly at the sale or by mail. Incorporation of said Sorporation Mrs. Helen Barney, Mrs. Sarah Company Bids sent by maii will be consid- by amending Article III thereof to Beck, Mrs. Nellie Blain, Mrs. Etta JOHN DEERE QUALITY ered only if received at this office read as follows: Larsen, Mrs Nedra Jensen, Mrs. Hilda Jensen, Mrs. Ada Ellis, FARM EQUIPMENT Article III prior to the hour fixed for the sale. Bids must be in sealed envelopes Parts and Service The time for which said corpor- Mrs. LaPrele Neilsen, Mrs. Clara HOT POINT APPLIANCES accompanied by certified checks or ation, The Cedar Creek Irrigation Donaldson and Mrs. Athene Ose ACME QUALITY PAINTS money orders made Company, is to exist is for a per- borne. HARDWARE HOUSEWARE payable to the Treasurer of the iod of one hundred years from and United States for the amounts of after the date of its incorporation. 36 WEST MAIN STREET Mr. and Mrs. Gottfred Larsen the bids. The envelopes must be Dated this 2nd day of February, Phone 71 Mt. Pleasant entertained at a dinner party Satd cormarked in the lower 1955. ner Public sale bid, Serial No. Lamont Jensen, President urday evening m honor of their Elder Evan Larsen of Utah 012490, Sale, March 2, 1935. Charles A. Thompson. nephew, Fairview. left Elder Larsen Secretary-TreasureThe highest bidder will be reTuesday evening to go to Japan Co Cedar The Creek Hhe to Irrigation pay immediately quired he will serve a thrpe-yea- r Published in Mt. Pleasant Pyramid where amount thereof. L D S mission 1955. 18, 4, 25, 11, Feb, Present at the party besides JACOBS MORTUARY Any adverse claimants of the d land should file thp honor guest were Mr. and II. C. JACOBS their claims, or objections, on or Mrs. Ruby Poulson, who has Mrs. Byron Latsen, Ettamarie, Funeral Director Susin and Louis Larsen. before the time designated for spent the and past several months in Eileen, Thoughtful Mr. and Mis M irk Nelson and sale. The Bureau of Land Manageon service. visited here Lake Salt City, sympathetic children all of Fairview; Mr. ment has not searched the files of Sunday MT. PLEASANT Mrs Glen I.arsen and daughand to ascertain the 76-In County been Sanpete Poulson J has Mrs. Phone staying the evidence of any adverse claims. Salt Lake City with her daugh- ter of Salt Lake Citv. Mr and Any contiguous owner claiming ters while receiving treatment for Mrs. Glen Robertson and daugha preference right must assert a fractured vertebrae she re- ter of Spung Canyon, Mr. and Mr. and such right within 30 days from the ceived in a fall at her home here Mrs Monte Jacobsen, Mis Merrill Jacobsen, Larry above sale rlate. several months ago. Ernest E. House, Mrs Poulson's Mrs. Stewart of Ephraim, Mr. and mother, PYRAMID Peter Jensen, who has been with Mis. Hober Anderson, Mr. and Manager. Published in Mt. Pleasant Pyramid her m Salt Lake, also came here Mrs, Francis Johansen, Mr. and Sundav and will stay with her Mrs. Dean Anderson, Mrs. Jay Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, 1955. FIRST IN son, Ted Jensen and wife at Local News Local Sports Mr. and Mrs. Ted Norman and Spring City for the present. Local Society children of Salt Lake City spent Local Advertising The only three atvus of Xoith Saturday and Sunday visiting America Phone 14 80 W. Main Europe not accessiTeds parents, Mr. and Mrs. An- ble tod iv and bv railways or higuw iyn drew Norman and with relatives of 'te the Cwilderness m ul.i, Alaska and northern Mrs. Alvin Christensen visited in Spring City. week etc legions of Sc.rnln'i i la In Southern California last from Clair Madsen Is home on a ten-da- y accompanying her sister furlough visiting his parents, Gunnison on the vacation. The 10 a at , ui 'be Mr. and Mrs Carroll N. Madsen. United States in 1953 rp were Chicago On February 11 he will go to Miami, Los Angeles, Clev-c- l Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hamilton Salt Lake City to board a plane Midway, " I. Wieh.t i, At a "t i. Now Yoik week last to will him take which Lake went to Salt Camp City where he Dallas, Denver and Tetoiboro. to visit Mrs. Hamiltons mother, Chaffey, Arkansas, next be will stationed. Mrs. Hober Pehrson. who was "Ni wonder its Clair completed his basic train-- J i.-- . buying thui seriously ill and had been taken In Ford Ord, ing Artillery at to a hospital. California. Seminary ut Fair-vie- pieseiited tin piugium South waul sac lament meetthe Habits was ing Sunday Hu me ot the ping! am. Mrs. Lyda Carter was enterMr. and Mrs. Grant Shaw and tained at Administratrix, a birthday dinner SunMt. Pleasant, Utah children and Mr. and Mrs. Clarat the home of her Published in the Mt. Pleasant Pyr- ence haw of Salt Lake City vis- day evening Mrs. Fern Francom, in amid Jan. 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4, 1955. ited Sunday at the home of Mr. daughter, Moroni. and Mrs. Delone Carlson. Present besides her sons and was NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING Mr. and Mrs. Cutler Schofield daughters and their families, OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF visited in Salt Lake City SaturTHE CEDAR CREEK IRRIGA- day with Miss Yvonne Schofield, Mower and baby of Mt. Pleasant. TION COMPANY, TO CONSIDER Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schofield AND VOTE UPON A PROPOSED and children. Visitors Saturday at the home AMENDMENT TO ITS ARTIMickel Mrs. Mary Finell accompanied of Mr. and Mrs. Fred CLES OF INCORPORATION. them and the group also visited were Mrs. Eva Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Laycock and chilNOTICE is hereby given that a in Bingham. dren of Provo. special meeting of the Stockholders of the Tedar Creek Irrigation Within the next week the offi Company, a Utah Corporation, is cers and teachers of the ward ihfVn hereby called to be held at the Primary will make their annual residence of Charles A. Thompson, Penny Drive for the Childrens Secretary-Treasure- No! h Sari)vte I'.'A I, Servicemen home on furlough are invited to attend FREE! Jozi hi ihf 7 irmtr al lluir miiiitu f timin |