Show be co confiscate fa T E SUNNYSIDE S UN kays IDE iia erous suits against utah fuel company in the federal court nerous crous carbon and emery county peo e alleged to have ien en used As stool pigeons ats that former ao governor arnor he lie A ells as 1 re 1 e it t and it it d by dron ro to u of the land swore to uni davita nial milking ing statements and allowing the of 0 utah to become parti part to it 11 to defraud tho gor go government r of 3 tal states a alryc re eo it tu I 1 it ed I 1 li to two in the united states court last friday iro other complaints william ton too ff 0 WIllit williams tills robert ar and anti other officials of the tile fidel cola company pally ale tile of racy wy to defraud the govern goern A long list of names of people I 1 ito to have hac been dia dhawn n into the racy by then thein la is ga given ell among a acal act liely ely for tho the coal ay kylii Is CIL charles a rles mostyn often e n valta buttes of america Ar 1 is i bitant in ili all till fouron four of the bills athe the utah diel 1 company and I 1 at lalle coal company coni paa ale oddal defendants to of the 0 one against each corn cona kit with the acquisition of coal landa lands by cicalis 8 election by tho tile defendant I 1 les through the take up the of i by coal 1 entries in the federal 11 ce it la is charged that these made through lea 9 aull area of the tile land involved 10 thousand ecres and I 1 le between ond and SO G 1 of the tile pro alin lne f the companies rement ment aike asks not only that 54 t be void old load nil the tilt led to to tile united states but 1 pay foi lot ill tile coal mined in ILL qu fill atlon estion tho tile v alue little ij not estimated but la Is 1 run an into tile hundreds of f o 0 4 J general bloody moody bianga tilt the bill filed by int Itt arne irtie general fred 4 who ili dented thim to 1140 Ut torce file E booth for let just before tiling mav batu engaged ou on the tile cases hooth booth do 10 il tool to okan a n act I 1 0 part pit rt I 1 in it ec oat 1 landa land for tile carbon liolla fl company tho tile miller ll cute I 1 is not riot bel believed leed till 1 bo be permitted ran liy by the do d tot lettice to take in tin active atta h to the com complaint plaint of tile inter litter k and attorney 1 hi pro president aloo o Alil ness M tie neof of tile ablest lawyers ill elot nt of jil justice stice moo 0 ho tins ling of all 11 ll land anti fraud 41 Is enroe is signed to tho tile bif at AND EMERY MEN BY THE COMPANIES 11 1 Is 1 a lia li A of persons at makl rg affidavits con anti w itil ata a of utah to become part to a fraud on oil tilt ap af M former gov gon arnor or cuttit ariti of the bbate laud board III nillon RON of tho tilo stilts s t a tt 4 gluud at 1 1 b bourd 0 L r d ci i tl r g e il mill v i ti i il ii alli tie the tile b dum nilea to blahe out entries atad andio to the niso WILLI 01 M F COLION prel president dent and r of the Plu ill sint villice coal a ionuti I for llie the L tali juel yuel company and allas aut alit I 1 alley 11 loul cold 11 U 0 giatia ger of the tile lauh L cah i del uel cout i pati W 11 bill atlo deceit led attorney ne for 1 ith c ili 1 4 C DI ot of boston Clat of o 0 killi a 3 MU L 0 LN LIN agent for or titu tilt ile t mt I 1 lilley con coal 1 calil til pita ft ath tuula tools or the tile L till in ill a 11 to coal I 1 ind atu alles 11 fittim Will Willi lain alli b jl 1 tane forrester RI Teron it li lidwell lwell clarence L MX nix jolin T liall J Tl diell or ange 1 joeph jo ju eph stel itel W 11 rid well yell coph ll lodmell 11 Nell alanis C jolla k williams fred W V clait lien 11 kiuse kinsey and unit elizibeth EH elbeth I 1 h charbel charged 1 I ith lalu it atta for tile j fit tile au ac ot of coil hinds as terni lanis through otate iriona I tIona robrt robert forrester For reater latia ferreter Forrest For reter cr may ma kimbirl charles churles oer willian JI mars U 11 sprague strait rt minell dwell ro robill lIll 1 L carp Cirp itter nUr john tolia J TilI Aull dr A W V dowd dod AN illinik 0 will liin tills chris R jensen anil and juhn john U B bc liliu ora ors while nil till thy tile tools of or tn compani tom pani with perjury the tilt general tenor of tin tilt li Is to go easy on anti the tilt conspirators ii it la is ald that ill many atily of them hilive v told their ett its aiato to Assis tillit it general efti lite tilt land lani bharti arf in ili the taj two billa bill the of bec lay 1 tho foul loal through bbate loua one IA tl against i aln ajo utah o 0 im I 1 mn patty und la is t titu tile Nea silt A alii alit coni coal pau hw ire tire babst the tile sauie exempt ek apt its to IlLi lills lu ill file tile alf dt of the tho land lu olied und the tile flit toni plaint eN plains tilt lin tilt of hating lands and arid s that the state land board left ho tile deball deti ills bof af the tile t to th the president pros Ident anil nil wu seu fx gutrue Gu wells busts iia ex 11 prisident priel dent of tho th bourd ul tit that time nul awl blyton groo iti n delit ar IQ it Is that the re felt h I 1 ml ILI how for forbids blIS tilt atut to belert any biti lund land onta lilio ning in turl nei er th theldis the leAa eleis it la is tilt president and sec of thi tit cloird ho ird lontin cUd in it with of tile e 11 compin lea r hums a coni coal lands to tho tile a b by inc tin of kituto eke i eions its ia lemdi it I 1 Is that et ertain emida ume inal k pl on tho ment chata is iii con mineral t tilt pre laput nod ani secretary seco of tito ali blaid tilled them thein to tho tile coula ls of the th ren get eral land to as C lug n ill inan in i eral it is aneito that thin th tilt w rundo no da to th taft character i of or tile lands but the tile word wor of the nho wi tt W pan agents tilt complaint the 1 I I 1 ret tore benj pia e j alli drouha ot of tile wil coal with instigating ion von aei to auti tho the by b sectoring the tile lm front from tile state at 1 1 10 an till acre of pa lug tho beul 0 of 10 and 30 an air anro ro to ali it dowl dow dot l not riot 11 dl II n t tho tile and wt w t tro re tm of alio and oard of baing purthea to ahn but suggests that For rosters e ell know kno to far ruf nu thi tilt coul coat ai geologist in ili tho th of getting 4 coul cold landa win to put sali lent anil anti st a t retard on it inquire quire and to hana ha thou that estur und and tile othere lind no agricultural the of the tile a land comes lu ill for et ItIL IAin the hotoi ious 1 lierni nun vulla ut tit the tile thue iltis it 16 li ul ill hegt d ali that lit the tile fact that the tilt imd hold to thy tile lands hud indich to 10 lo 11 ith tile of lilt ho patt a uta its it in alt tl b by mi statie ol 01 byrlie loy tile ftp all of erron er oili I 1 igles I 1 tile r rho file other two bills deil ith the tile be wiring of lauds by a out i narle ali clit irge alint A billum I 1 colton 1101 V L C exit III led in page 4 WOULD w 0 U I 1 D confiscate ATE A TE SUNNYSIDE duelm td ed from pago I 1 ert worrester Jorr cater rester charlas moat mortn n owen and others ere pricie 1 it a conspiracy to detri defraud the in n the interest of tro tto cool coal companies tho the bolh recite the method methods of securing landa lands by coal in the land it la that oath eath Is entitled to oily ISO IGO acres and unit that he lie must awer he lie la Is not net act 1 j ns the agent of come othir person or corporation but solely hi ili hia lis own ovorn interest it la Is charged that colton forrestor Forr ettor and the others tit atly or indirectly procured 1 men to perjure themselves in making antiles for the company illegally unoccupied LANDS ARE ARI WITHDRAWN FROM ENTRY all tho the unoccupied coal lands in tho the state of utah were last saturday withdrawn from entry by the secretary of the interior tho the lands affected amount tc to over live hundred thousand acree this does not mean their permanent withdrawal from entry by citizens but holds them until further notice in 11 II 11 theae these localities by captain ap tain george R hair special agent of the interior department prof f NN 11 taft of the geological lit irvey and other representatives of the gover rom atit are now in progress thy the order will probably hold good al at least until thew the men mahe make their the ir final 1 report government WANTS TO TAKE SUNNYSIDE MINES I 1 flat the suits brought by the gover nent seek awong other to recover poss ealon slon of tho the minee mines with nil all heir their lin pro proM cements ments and part of the townsite town alte thia this la Is one of the most i valuable properties of the utah fuel company from it cornea comes practically all the coking coal mined in atah the govern government mont in the complaints filed in ili tho the court seeks to inako the company pay for all the coal extracted froin from the ground in dispute la in the case caw of the mine it la Is stated thon the alua lue of the coal mined rung runs into the millions of dollars it the government wins its suits to recover lands from the utah fuel company the great side blaas will amert to uncle sam moreover tb the company vill bo be forced to pay for all the coal extrac extractor to during the four or more ears the mines have been in operation according to tho the bill filed in the united states court these lands were transferred to the company in two entries it la alleged in therill the bill that john T tidwell W J tidwell and orange bely sely filed on 05 acres of t land in township 15 range it 14 last 1 in 1901 ahto sear ear following the land was transferred to the coal company joseph sely W 11 tidwell joseph tidwell and slid francis 0 gru grundig Grund nd ig lg nied filed on acres of land in the i u aine township in IWI and later turned it over to the coal eom company pany two en entries tris contain the coal deposits which are being mined from four stations station 4 at Sunn yelde sIde bince since 1902 coal has been taken from these deposits and coked caked the aei ago dally output of coal Is roughly ii nt four thousand tons in the tile bill the complainant not only prays fr the return of the lands to the united states but that the com company pliny be order kil to pa for every ton tot of cotil that haq has been taken out it li figured that th a t the coal taken from these stations as within ith in the past four ears at a no nominal all sum will run up into millions ot of dai dollars lars sutherland GETS OUT OF THE THEOLD OLD LAW FURINI senator george sutherland announces that ho he has slivered his connection with the firm of sutherland jt allison as i of the suits brought by the go government ornament friday against the utah fuel co company alpan and tho the pleasant Plea taut valley coal coin pany party hia his firm has long been attorneys for the two companies and was counsel for them during part of the time when the tile alleged frauds were yere committed BOB FORRESTER IS NOT IN THE LEAST WORRIED robert forrester fo rr ester geologist for the utah fuel company compau was liero here during durling the tile past week and himself as not in the least wort worried letl as to the cases case again t himself or the company the cabes bp be thinks will not nt cumo up until about the of the year and when the do to 1 ill be thrown out of court en on demurrer special agent Laine lameraux Ln meraux raux for t the he government has alao also been here during the past pase week ana making king copies of record records in those these cases and anti gathering data in connection con therewith attorney general Ue nril mood lias has filed notice of of the pleasant valley and utah I 1 el companies com with the clerk elerk of the dl dis brict co urt at price the paper were delivered in person by six special caal agent I |