Show MORE MONEY TO HELP PAY FOR waterworks L it hurst the mau man waa was taken before justice curtis last Tue Fiday morning and after pleading guilty to a breach of thy the peace peare was alne flood d twenty live dollars and coats costs aich ho lie paki paid aud and resumed hect trip to the tile reser reservation atlon he was taken ID in by night marshal moore frank wt abfall lolin M whiting aud william peterson wei e ari ariestea ested on 0 n a like chargo charge and ulso also pleaded giallo the line lines of the two tao former were in thu tho sum often of ten dollars each and costs while pt waa lt fit oft off with two and costs I 1 E T jone i of helper as thrown in ln the toi n jail last night for a die dis nee of the tho buon 1 aco he ile was v as given twenty five dollar dollars and cota this Thum thursday da morning for the fun he lie had |