Show pem trading company ie is the sole agent tor for pell selz shoes old ter for aale sale at the ad vocata giboo office a hum hundred dred 1 fresh every friday morning at t price trading clator machine oil for maiers 8 cherry best in bulk golloub sandl and half 9 gillono gi llona at price trading corn 1 my fifty years vears Us COP all mads made from fra pure mm cream ef of f tartar derived from grups 00 1 HAT SUN there Is 1 a lesson ID lip the work of at the thrift firmer f irmer inner ho ile knows that the bright sou shine duay last but aday a day and d he prepares for the showers which a aro am so liable to follek law so it should be with evory every household houm hold dysentery diarrhoea and cholera c morbra may attack some members ot of the home without warning cham ber baralo bo ralo latala colic cholera and diar rnoda remedy which la Is the beat best known medicine for these diseases should always u kept at hand as immediate treatment la Is necessary and delay may prove fatal atal f sale by hannon olson mercantile company FOR SALE OR LEASE the so 31 dr ti stags stage station first place out of or price A good place and a d money maker terme terms R W crocked r new line ilaff of ledgers journals journal day books cash books book bookstand sand and general office supplies just received at the advocate office we c can all handle mole moie fre fresh eh eggs cuts outs and baled hay price trading company 4 BIG 1310 HORN BASIN EXCURSION ROUND TRIP 30 the colorado midi ind railway la in I 1 connection with the rio orande grande western and chicago burlington find and quincy will sell tickets Septen september iber ath to fannie garland oud and cody wyo wye and return good for gairty days at a rate of thirty dollars this will be the only excursion to these points tills this year and anyone wishing to visit that country should take advantage of this late tho finest agricultural country in to wyoming la 13 in the dig big horn basin write for lor book on the big ilig horn basin country and all nit particular particulars tic ti relative to the trip to ia L H R 77 west biond south salt lake olt W 7 owr a 0 IF YOU PAI PAID and got a pa pair r of shoes as good as our shoe for men you get your moneys worth however our price is just the same it wont cost you anything thim Z and it will really please us if just come in in and ask us about this shoe the price coop co col op 01 po arthur W horsley manager we handle mowers takes akes D and twine birdsell wagons and farm implements T fit tuft DUMB ong feat 1148 no elp a U 9 4 0 E leea pi i irit eaas ir aur horse concord coaches dally bet ct vean veea price and vanal 1 ira from rrb 1 fax votes Vf leiM hannd trip arom arlo to TARIFF ta SAY oy distance dl tan doax me rod rea LO 10 ente onto pr per pu 3 AND A IV 1 ietter u 9 to a A 6 pounds 26 6 to 0 3 pon jwia 4 49 4 14 16 U r 1 L as 00 at otar ia pound I 1 sta paz pa JL A us SAM el at I 1 cents per ponnu from train price to vornal or VW to 40 h RATES I 1 CO fruits 1 croall ual b or cratem fu 4 abr george E nelms agent price U utah ah tah t BROS PLACE UTAH nothing but tho best bost whiskies winos wines cigars beers and mixed drinks tae latest musto on tal punching club lucum kte me in connection best conducted und and fin inn est resort in the great coal camp ALBERT HALEN C E buryi vi vor and aud civil engineer land lane and lawyer Irrl gatio 11 1 a homesteads dearl and mining claims located band land anil and mining congests contests in the U 8 land brought and defended offin at C affat sf fat P 0 ft F Duck duchesne esne utah F JOHNSON S JONSON JOHNSON FOWLER ATTORNEYS AT LAW 2 18 9 MAIN 1 AT PEET gait sait aalke city P F F FISK A D Physic ies and aid sargen bicz OUK COOKS MORS WEST stationery I 1 compliment to our stati stationery nery department ie Is the ile de manal wo aro are having for nice writing papers we lead the thet town iu ju tasty ax papers malt mall order promptly filed the advocate publishing i company pocket m aph of utah in two at with valuably obin abla statistical information for alft sale at t the advocate i A mitchell Is a praL practical taller tailor nd ind cutter lie ile gives a try ou on before your clothes ore are and a perfect lit tit la Is alus assured if ou au want genuine tailoring give your order sour clothes on when cut aud and busted up thus insuring a perfect fit stationery BLANK BOOKS SUPPLIES you dont ion t need to send to salt lake provo or eleew elsewhere here for anything in thew lines nee the ladles ladies are invited to inspect tho he very lappet tn in high grade sta itonery Il onery blank book memo books pens panella and office supplies most complete corn pi ete etick stock of legal blunk blank forms justices jutt loea blanks alm ilm dorfe la berils boa antes receipts etc it in eastern utah ADVOCATE publishing PUBLia PUBLISH niNO INQ CO tot cloward the reador sid lit this pap erwIll bo to icard learn thattie alia t thee elas t least one d disease d that lim haa beer been able to cure in all it its avi tar tW 4 ami and that ie Is catarrh hall a calarco cum I 1 te to the only cure known to the in medical edical fraternity carrh belog afons a tatu leleae lle ae treat ment falls ats th role taken upon the liml and raucous ur fu or of afi in thereby the patient st up coni cons titu tion and asa vaut 11 to boitet its work the proprietor proprietors hare have to much faith in if its curative curi tive power that t ir ier offet we dollar for or an t bi it falls to our rend for lint list ot of t t in Ad andross dross VJ J cut firkel toledo I 1 ebo 0 got I 1 br brugal ta ur 71 flail 10 ft 11 are the amt n |