Show DENVER AN ph EIGHTEEN DOLLAR ou on august and round trip 1 tickets to denver will bo soba 1 via taft colorado midland MIdI at eighteen dollars tho the midland la the right way through the mgt for the beet best ec sc onery entry service and equipment through he rocky mountains Moun leae by daylight ask at the midland ccker 1 CLO oiw 77 we welt second south salt lake lako city fort arther particulars nod anti literature cheap rat rate east sast ate summer fish fruit new potatoes toes at al price trading cowf aay morning cah cali eacia aw IWA choice everything the best beat at price trading Trudl oa com compas PYs vve never groz old I 1 aa ayers va r s falang hair mesia weak hair then streng strengthen theR your hair edIr with the only hair food ayers hair vigor it checks falling failing hair makes the har hair ur grow completely curtsean cures curc sean dandruff and it always restores colorato gray haiar all the rich dark color of early life my thair wu auns tuns dt on badly I 1 WA tania I 1 would loi ll 11 them 1 I 1 tried ayr ayer i hair vicor it q tir cuing tan bila n bahcall I 1 buum etli ft to b l Y va bet tad J CA C A tw for 14 alf falling g hair N tai r what we stationery is compliment to our stati stationery nery department Is the de we aro baling baying for nico writing papers we lead tho the town la it baety tatted bex papers mall mail oritz aa promptly filed the ail publishing company U the advocates lino box 1 papers and stationary ia Is the most completo eora et of any in 06 t detate east cast ot of provo unil ordera given prom t 1 X Ks of ledgers journals jour nale day aeh books booke bookland and general omee just received at the ado aio cate office cla another shipment of dry irice Price trading comp companas com panya anys ban bau B an au new nerr otylia up to date wanted wasted egg oate oats baled hay at price brading comp companas anys highest ld 7 go ji CP WEETER FITT LUMBER j y co g WHOLESALE AND i I 1 lumberyard I 1 7 J A x RD 1 j with ill f 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billiard BIb LIARD AND POOL g stranger and od vit visitor idars tor tp t be the off it col camp invited 1 to cl call i at alace mace HELPER V UTAH rooney s r 06 04 wm will bo be found F the best bes t i i town to drink and smoked smoke fine old kentucky whiskies eastern and salt lake city beers t bottled goods t in fact everything Dabir ablo in tho the lino line ar tie time mk while the stets tie inar a bottle crip for 1 1444 I 1 I 1 6 P S 4 fort foil lum 4 liffee an fE SINI IN 10 boress LM A J t a jl 11 proprietor a A IPIE 1 buur butir boree orse concari Conc lri Cc coaches aches dally daily between prie price sod bd vernal ware arom fro jerl to deml 44 boand trip wm 1 to 0 TARIFF j to koy any dt ettae tae stear un the md if eata per pT attle ilU AND up to dounda 16 coats I 1 to a 2 piear piea 4 40 4 on atai isa I 1 fi to 0 pounds 30 over bounds 1311 Is S deou per vale 1 D cents per frani ariee to 1 or 0 vernal 9 t artoy a 6 tf to t f RATES I 1 CO fruits fresh lub or of oysten utah beato khue 0 v bri george E nelms agent price utah r ALLX alexanders ANDEn s jt JOHNSON FOWLER AT LAW stu 8 S UAIN 8 salt lake ke city utah p F F FISK 17 AD physician Physic ion lon and surgeon sm feea priar UTAH W FICK voett DOORS WEST ALBERT ALBEK HALEN C E surveyor and civil land and lawyer myer irrigation tt a apeci specialty alty adert timber od mining claims located land nod mining in the U 8 land brought id ad defended oded ai ii moffat P 0 ft dickt WILLIAMS lliAMS Wl BROS PUCE PLACE UTAH UTAN nothing but best dest whiskies wines cigars bere and mixed prinks brinks the fastest I 1 alcot planol Pl Ili anola anol atu lluc ile oa on tap tam bag dab rooms ko an f P ic to jn A 4 best befit conducted and fin cat est resort in the great cod CAMP m BROKEN BRICK FOR SALE fargo targe quantity of broke broken brick sul editable tabla fore for chicken bicken lious holace cs ami and HUPS titles two dollars a lead oad it I 1 t to cure cur e a com cold in one da day y CW gop 1 laxative bromo matote e ev f 07 bate SW MH b saw I 1 in P 13 12 mesas ahk ajl A vr a |