Show country merchants do not folly ampre aiato abt an im import nat part good roads good play in their business let lat any tou pvn n nn im provo ita roads out flie or six sit miles and it roads will draw trade that hitherto had jone gone to neighboring li boring towns people move along tho the a factor aie line nt of least resistance A fanner farmer ull in trade travel ilvo five milci miles over oer good roads rather than three miles byci bad ones ho lie can go quicker and hat hail I 1 twice the load k by HOWARD ff 11 tho the following q quotation from the valley 14 4 buil Les ta gise city north dakota record ecord It of juna june 25 is significant one of tho the oens in the northern part of tho the state ft a few cara cars ago discovered that trade was leaving it and tho the farmers were marketing their grain at another town making deposits dc in n banks of the other town and largely buying their supplies lios there the nic people of the losing town began an investigation aa as to the cause and found the merchant merchants of the town chih was securing the trade were not able to offer bargagna bar bat gaina equal to 0 o trio other tho the price of grain was no better the banks were no eater safer and the distance was against the successful town when theae were found people began to look elsewhere for the cause inquiry among farmers disclosed the fact that k canic of the bad condition of tho the roads leading to the unsupported town the farmers could haul only three fourtha fourths as much of a load to it fitt M A to the other u consequently it loit lott its trade there is no fact established in busin a cra that is any more certain thai thau th that atgood good roads help trade they short n distances to market promote business and enhance values I 1 and make male life better worth living good roads arc are antin diction of tho the Intelli intelligent gene prosperity and of any ajr community |