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Show I Millard Connti HOLDEN HEWS I!M! v, M I'T ;u. vs, bv i ii i I . Fridav. he C':of MV or" ,1 ml s i' i'l i in .1 ,ur- 1. I .ii par-fin- s 1475. Hia L 'I f la k and . . Dreciirivr W0.. (aula Johnson and . ie ion. welcomed their Tr,t son Nm. 2b. Two 0 teams and wagon wheels sistes arc Instin. We Jordan: anviotislv waiun at home to also of V, st Jordan help wekonie mother and SIDNEY BETTY Kail-AM) C nd ii ni i.t Ben served and nidi. Cedar City Mere habv home. Ruth went to help out in the home for a hanksgii illy dinner to mom-I- l"me. lew dais Sunday. After si Dan and i s of their familv USA GRANDSON fOR daughters and three grand-proutiAnn Hunter and son. Mini- grandparents. Bill and daughters, one can see why Ruth Stevens Kimo and Mar- grandparents are all smiles. soi HISTORICAL VTAH: I - OK h Millard County . I d Long KANOSH NEWS I WO NEW MEMBERS were added to the Ward membership. Baptismal services were held luesday evening in the Ward Chapel for Sherri daughter of Melvin and Lorraine and Mark, son of Ray and Sharon George. Friends: Sunday School and teachers: Primary family members, and the Bishopric were in attendance on this special occasion. Stark's uni i'ig ' nil . lion at the home and Kellee Ann: Jeri. Bounti-Iniwere Warren and 1:11a and K.u lr inter nl' l"i hanksgii mg, ( losl.md, Linda and Russell. r o o' Ramon I In RI AND MARY JOHN-soand hois lu ( ai lings had their tanuli all with n ami spt lit them lof J hanksgii mg. Kcr-and Gav l.win and son ISII m I. ills (I, K ell. : I us Ill s V i sf I vvifii Our Best Buys! Sa v! 'i r t'ff'jy i't t So.iK iVAtff1 r j fit- i'Ii'.'M. 'w . rev Removable Filter - fW ark td ''"J f iy tulv I r d . " 'v p. i I . 3 Temper attire Selections Norms! Delicate and Fluff Manual selection of drying Itmo up to 130 minifies Separate Start Button ' i. f vcm v 'fn ft Ml ScAe w' 'ir.cj e A M s.-- rvr " A IMIt'lt tl'iff M'o r rD I (Blanihe) very inspirational talk of advice and Counsel to these new members. Fathers. Melvin and Ray each baptized and continued his ihild. Friends and family members helped eilebratc Sherri's birthday dav early, on Monday. a STI RUNG GEORGE who Hies for TWA in Saudia Arabia, is in Kanosh spending time with his parents, Olaf and Blanche and family. Repair work is being on the i racked tail section of a large plane. He came as lt with the crew, to Boeing in Seattle. Wash, plant where the repair work will be done. Blanche picked Sterling up at the airport in Salt Lake Sunday night. He attended the baptism of his nephew . Mark. Nov. 25. Air-"cra- $ n if Grandmother. George gave a co-pil- VH Me y' Z Up Front Lint loading port fcloClromcally pendflbihty NOW ' Teste d Oo- ONLY - MEMB! RS OF HIE WIL-lar- d Whitaker family traveled to Fallon. Ncv. to cat Thanksgiving dinner with Glen. Lilly and family. They were: Bruce, I call Bunting and four children. Kanab; Roy, Janet ana little Camille. Parowan; Duth-e- l. Christine and Mike, the parents. Charles Wil- - hams. $199.95 11269.95 ZTM-W.- she wave Wf. What is more beautiful than help in navigation. would head birds the released, in glorv waving brilliantly sun? Perhaps directly to the nearest land. the noon-daRavma Christensen. Cindy in the mind of this nothing author. Because of the bi- - McVcy, and Kelley Labruni centennial incentives of this used their talents to mold Union Flag, lr year, one of the departments t1-- ' British IhOb the white cross of Scot- in our school has taken upon themselves a historical cerntri- - land s St. Andrew was added to our school and com- - to the flag of England. The as it was re- munitics. Under the direction "Union Jack, the bannet became ferrcd of Audrey Quigley, the home' to, economics class has recreated ol the early British colonic distinctive replicas of form- - be'ginning with Jamestown it cr flags flown over the United IM)7. wa The "Taunton Flag time's. States at various These flags now fly above made by Linda Crosland the south end of the basket- - Carol Ford and Ann Kindred be ball floor for this year. The British Red Ensign colonics in the Janine Speakman, bu.an came popular Patri Rasmussen, alter it was adopted in 1707. 1774, the people of Taunand Emily Martinez, produced bm Mass., rebelling against a beautiful white and black added the sliking Flag. This flag was British authority, the word depicting Liberty first to the fly flag probablv of the times. trend over the New World. It was "Bunker Hill Flag" found the Raven Banner of the Vik- that although the desire fnr Ravens were on carried ings. distant sea explorations to y VIRGINIA WATTS AND her children attended an Ashman family reunion in Salt Lake over the holidays. MR MRS FRED WATTS were in Salt Lake to be with their sons, Carter; Ronald and Bill and families for the holi-daA: s. I may Independence was strong, the complete elimination of British emblems came gradu-olally, his evidenced by the cross ot St. George' oil this famous flag. It was one of th( ( jrst flags to use the pine tree symbol. It was rccre'atcd Denise tsy Becky Mooney, Groom, and Becky Unthank, lamera Pikvavit, L.ena rcn. and Cornelia Begay brought to us the Gadscu Flag." Rattlesnake flags were the product of the Southern colonies. One of the first was used by the new Conti- nental fle'e't in 1776. The motto "Don't Tread on Me" further indicated the strong feeling .igainst British Rule. "I he Moultrie Flag hy Kris Crook, Teresa LOYD AND HELEN ROG-er- s joined the Larry Anderson family. Monroe: the Gene Battle Nodmcs, Mountain. Ncv.: and the Keith Nielsons. Ore. for turkey dinnet at the Evan Anderson Ranch in Pahvant. Visiting at the Rogers home in Kanosh were Sunday, Willard and Norma Rogers. Central. Utah. THE ORVAL AND Kimball home for thanksgiving were their son Steve and family, St. Louis, Mo. Steve is being transferred to Yakima. Wash. He is a Senior Research Biochemist for the Monsanto Chemical Co. Joining the fam-iul- v members, was Kirk, who is working on his Masters Degree at Utah State College and is also doing research lor the college. AT Hope Attention Bantam basketball who wish to play Bantam Basketball may pick up forms for registering at their school. A check along with the completed, signed form may be mailed to Jovcc Scot torn. Fillmore. All boys 11-1- 3 War-butio- COMING FROM SPANISH ork to have dinner with her move into. parents. Clay and Nora Price and brother, Lee; were John, After Thanksgiving it is THE HUBER FAMILY and Marianne FFuntcr and back to hamburger, pep it gathered at their parents three childre. home Thursday evening to up with this recipe. Mushroom Burgers celebrate their father Revs PRES. GEORGE AND LEO-l- a ground beef birthday. entertained the following s:,'J ' A lsPgranddaughter. DeAnn; The group took two ears guests at their home for the Perkins was Dash of Monpepper baptized and arrived early Thursday I hanksgiving holidays: Leo-la'- s day. '3 cup chopped onion mother. Velma Stott; Vj cup chopped fresh Moun-GUESmorning, bring snow with them, for which they got Ires. Preal and wife lain Mushrooms AT SPEAKERS blamed. Glen told them Cecil, wife Norma Sacrament Dash of Tabasco sauce meeting Sunday that this Thanksgiving was George and family; daughter were the Former "Miss Stu- Mix all ingredients thor-cki- " the first he can remember Janet and her family; son patties (who teaches band at oughlv. Form into of having snow on that day Richard, and the two full Millard and her hits- - and broil until desired done- High) in Fallon. An enjoyable four time Stake missionaries. El- band. Mr.' Platt. A ham- special ness. Sene on heated visitwere Bennett Nielson. and there ders and buns days musical number was presspent garnish with burger and Sorening Whitakers entod bv Vicki Staples as a fresh mushroom caps and or sens: driving to Reno to shop SEVERAL OTHER FAMILY solo. cherry tomatoes, and perhaps and taking in the entertaingatherings were held in Kapotato salad. Serves ment of "1 he Sons of the Pionosh and will be printed later IN VISITING KANOSH neers: going for an airplane as they are reported. with Willard Whitaker and rule piloted by Jarold Sorenother friends and relatives SHARON GEORGE AND Monday, were Garvin Charles son; and enjoying swimming in John and Bernice (WhiMadge Johnson spent last worth of Salt Lake city. y taker's) indoor swimming pixil. Monday. Nov. 24 at the I was the lucky name illy Library doing research Mr. and Mrs. Charles ill awn from a barrel of tiikets work. word Avery have received and I'.ei'ived S H0 worth of that a grandson. Sli phen A SPENDING WE.EK'S Averv. a high school senior groceries, which rcailv tame in handy with this house-ltvacation in and around the of I a Verne. Calif, has seorcil of conipanv . Riverside; San Diego, and in the highest percentile in Milo Calif, were National College Entrance MR FRI I) and Cleovvn Walts. Milo the MRS AM) test scoring higher than three Johnson. Holden and Farid reports his mother. Barbara ol those in the lop lourths Johnson and family. Salt is in poor health. I":, in the entire U S. He take Citv. were guests ot has received invitations to Stan and Madge Johnson TRAVELING TO CALI-lorni- a enroll in all the top colleges lor I hanksgtving. to spent Thanksgivof the country, but plans to ing with grandparents. Alma at Pomona take pre-meHE OLAE GEORGE f'AM- - and Lula George, were College. ilv had all of their children (Kcsler) Robinson and lor turkey dinner cticpt husband Brian and little son. N ROG HC AND I II the Brant Georges who were lay received the sad news Main! had ers. as their havin guests California vacationing luesday. her father. Alma, lor I hanksgii ing eelbr.it ions ing Thanksgiving with Kar- had suffered a stroke since en's sis'er lornu Rands and I hanksgiving. leaving him two ol their sons; John anil Kallirvn Ann Rogers anil Etnuk . partially paralied. Many good wishes vvill be sent their wav their lamilv of three chilMR AM) MRS VAl'GIIN that they will be able to oc-- i dren. West .Iordan. Utah; and Craig and I issa Rogers. Williams and f.imilv. Cali upy this beautiful home that loima were guests ot his is almost ready for them to Riverside. Calit. 1 - T a; 4-- 6 4-- creat-Warnc- hristensen. and Barbara .aiding was the first difinctively American Flag used Colonial Army in the py f South. On June 28, 1776 (0 william Moultrie, com nianding a small garrison ot men. held off a British fleet in Charleston Harbor. This gallant defiance saved the southern Colonies from British occupation. Sharon Christensen, Linda io symbolize of New Ithcir sturdy qualities. In 1775 iGcorge Washington outfitted six ships under this flag. It was later adopted by American Sea Forces in New Fn-glan- "The Stars and Stripes Flag" of Robyn Carling. Julie Cnx "I Bartholomew, found its way into the very hearts of our early settlers. "Resolved that the flag of the thirteen states he thirteen stripes alternate red and white, that the union be thirteen stars, white on 2 blue field representing a With Constitution." new these simple words the Continental Congress created the American Flag. June 14. 1777. To these girls who have added another dimension to our ancestcry. our hats are olf. We hope every history lover will admire these flags when they visit our activities. Gcn-eolog- d v. lc Shop Western Auto on good buys for d 1 La-Ni- 1 1 Christmas toys Western Auto II I MORI Utah 22 South Main F Novus 3500 743-537- 1 ( atalog S.iles Men haul Calculator DON'T FORGET YOUR SWEETHEART 95 Urdcr a beautiful .Residential Extension Telephone. Pie!: it oiti puck it up and put it under the tree. Other calculators from $10 NO INSTALLATION CHARGE IF ORDER PRIOR TO DECEMBER 31st C, ' . loc.it trtanhon, T 'V- - for information Cofitinentc! Tolophono rrf ot Utah 10 J n F Arti-missi- Kimballs & Co. d 1 Sanderson, and Margaret Jackson created the "Pine Tree Flag." The pine tree appeared on many early flags Utah.' Remember, if you play you must register. Ka-nos- ir S KLPOKT MILLARD AM' NF.AKin A DICENTLNNLA.L i ms , I , ,.i e i1 5 December weekend Mull heir Oita id Alin ; i I! i'ii hi SEARS has everything!!! CHARGE IT Oil Sears Revolving Charge . , Fillmore Office Supply 25 W 100S Fill.nore 743-515- 7 |