Show A NJ q an NJ RAIL 13 be it ordained by the president and board of trustees of the town of helper carbon county utah sec see L 1 eliat R W crockett 1113 ath a assign 1 associates and success ora ors are hereby granted tha right and privilege of entering upon the high ways roads streets lanes and other public places within helper town for the purpose of excavate ing such holes trenches set etc e and for the erecting g of such poles and crosa beams for or the stringing of wires thereon above such highway roads streets lanes and other public places or underneath the ground upon the same as may be necessary 0 to o conduct electricity for power light and other useful purposes sei to the inhabitants of t the he town of helget and el elsewhere se where sec ec 2 all al I 1 work done under and by virtue of this grant shall be under the general supervision of the su supervisor r v r of streets in the town of H helper ap e ra sec ste 3 all trenches holes or other excavations made under this grant shall be filled and the highway road street lane or other place upon which the same is made shall bo be placed in its normal condition without unreasonable delas delay in case of unreasonable delay in restoring such normal conditions the supervisor of streets may cause all 1111 necessary work to be done for such purpose at the expense of R W crockett his heirs assigns alj as chates ai at d successors sec 4 that noti ing nR herein shall b I 1 construed conseria con ed as exempting said grantee his amo associates clates successors 1 fess lessels lessees les ces sees airs and assigns from any Imbi liability lity arising from the erection or maintenance of or said works or lines or from the negligence of said grantee his associates successors les sees 61 es heirs and ahans or their cm em floyc plo yc or Impo imposing sinz and liability or responsibility upon fw d the town of helper sec 6 5 in consideration of this tant the said R W crockett his beirs heirs assigns igns associates successors and lessels lessees les sees during the life thereof and afeei the construction of a plant has his been completed shall furnish the town of helper at such points as it shall designate at a distance t not gr greater enter erter than five hundred feet from the lines of such plant seven arc are lights cf not leas less than thirty two candle power each or its w equivalent free from all cost to the town of helper I 1 sec see 6 that the right and privileges herein granted shall continue and be in force for the term of fifty years from the kawage of this ordinance but the same shall become null and void unless the said R W crockett hia his heirs assigns associates successors and lessees shall before the expiration of one year from the passage of this ordinance corn com mence work upon the power anif ana light plant in connection with which this grant is to be used and prosecute said work diligently to its completion ion sec 7 this ordinance shall in no way ly ba construed to exclude the granting to other persons similar rights and privileges sec 8 this I 1 his ordinance shall 1 take effect upon the tenth day after its due publication passed and approved this day of march Alar cl INS 1908 attest J TOM FITCH president town board hi A WARD town clerk SEAL trustees voting ayo aye i A harrison ben stein W C 13 broeker stefano fan 6 giannotti Gl annotti trustees voting nay n none STATE OF UTAH TOWN OF HELPER j 1 I at A ward town clerk I 1 in n and for the town of helper state of utah hereby certify that th the e fore goiner is a full true and correct copy of the original 0 resolution granting gra fiting R W I 1 crockett his heirs ami assigns associates am successors sors a franchise franc gs ise to operate an electric light system in the town of helper and n now ow on file and of record in my office witness my band und seal at my m office in helper carbon county this day of march A D 1908 M na A WARD seal town clerk |