Show SCHEDULES S C H 0 U L it is 1 TOPSY I P S Y y nine hoir 1 law for railroad employed Emp mp loyes now iri fi force gw on week N not ot altogether I 1 satisfactory to roads the railroads rail rouls of utah in common with all tho the other roads of tho the country are now operating under the new nine hour law passed by con krebs gresi the law went into effect wednesday of last week nil all over the united states on many roads throughout the country it has caused schedules of working hours for employed emp loyes to by bt turned topsy turvey and a large number of tho roads have had agents in Washing washington toli protesting against many provisions of the act before the interstate com merea commis commission elon little has been accomplished however afar by the roads in securing modifications of the measure mea oure the commission stating thai that the act will be thoroughly tried out in all aft parta parts of the country before any change is mide made m ide in its 16 pro vis viane lons in the average case the provisions of the law affect the men who operate directly or indirectly the trains of the railroads and the telegraphers and dispatchers of the roads the trainmen cannot under the law work more than sixteen conw autive hours without being given ten houra hours constitutive reef rest and the telegraphers grap hers cannot work more than nine consecutive hours out of awen t ty four when they are employed in an office that is open and day tay the exceptions to the law are as follows ik agents gents and telegraph opera operators who do not handle tram orders per to or affecting train movements are nob not subject top t conditions of the law and can continue the performance for forn mance tance of their duties without change telegraph aper operators atom at all train ordee offices not operated continuously night and day whether day operators wi night operators or split trick operators acors will ordina ordinarily work twelve e hours hurs per day inc including J meal hoin hout as is the present practice at train arder offices where continuous twenty four bervice is provided for telegraph operators w will 11 work nine actual coira per day not including meal hour Tele telegraph groh operators at all train tran order 8 beay be permitted in emergency cases to to work four hours per er day in addition to their regular bours hours aa as stipulated in this law not exceeding three days in any week in such emergencies time thus employed will hot be considered aa as overtime nor any allowance made beyond tho the hours of duty for such positions as per tha the schedules existing ing at the present time when a wreck pr any other diaan ter delays a train and forces the men operating it t to remain on duty longer than the time allowed them in the law lawo the railroad company cannot bo be held responsible the law pr provide that any road caught breaking the law in fa forcing employee to work more than the time stated above shall be fined five rive hundred dollars lr L cr r each offense the fines are to be imposed fj through suits brought against the roads in the united states district courts having juris i diction over the territory w where e re the offenses are committed |