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Show CLUBS & CONCERTS Diz I riday November 28, 2003 Upside-project Reggie and the Full Effect. Also Out & ABOUT on thebill are up-and-comers From Autumn to Ashes and No Motiv. Tickets are $13.50 in advance, $16 day of show, and availableat all Smith’s Tix outlets. ( compile d by Dan Nailen and Bryer Wharton AT THE CLUBS Sticky sweet: With a career spanning nearly 30 slow ing down. But the man better known as Kek-A Mouse jisstill on the road, bringing his mix of roots- reggae and the off-kilter vocal style he ALBEE SQUARE 165 W. Temple, 801-963-8723 tonight, Simple Plan, The Red West Doors; Saturday, Ring- helped pioneer to the people. His moniker came worm, Bring It Down, Aftermath of a Train Wreck; Thursday, Stretch Armstrong, The Bled, This Day Forward, The AKA’s; all at 8 p.m. from the name of a losing racehorse Hilton kept betting on, but the songs he began releasing in the AXIS tracks 108 S. 500 West; 801-519-2947 Saturday, DJ Panama, DJ Tony Marinos, 9:30 p.m. “Ganja muygling” are still concert staples. Kek-A-Mouse jays at Park City’s Suede, 1612 Ute Blvd tonight t4. Tickets are $15, available at the door and ymith’s Tix outlet BOGEY'S < 7 g qt discovered playing at his Newark, N.J., church MEN! With his own group, The Family Band, Ran dolph has toured with the likes of the Derek Trucks Band, Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe ind Soulive. Saturday, the group will play at Park City Mountain Resort's Kagle Race Arena as part of America’s Opening. The band will play at noon, between the first and second runs of the women’s slalom, Tiekets are $5, $25 for VIP, and ive available at all Smith's Tix outlets Working class heroes: liver wonder where the BURT'S TIKI LOUNGE 726 S. State St.; 601-521-0572 tonight, 2 1/2 White Guys; Sunday, Sweatin Willy, 9:30 p.m CLUB 90 9065 S. Monroe St. (150 W.); 801-566-3254 tonight and Saturday, Triple Trouble,9:30 p.m. ELECTRIC THEATER 66 E. Tabernacle, St. George; 435-688-7469 tonight, Local 15, Form of Rocket, How Many Fish, Undo, Saturday, Fair Share, Near Fatal; all at 8 p.m HALO 60 E. 800 South; 901-557-4357 tonight, Flesh Peddler, Mad Calibre; Saturday, Diemonsterdie, The Other Pocket, The Drips;all at 9:30 p.m. HOG WALLOW 4200 B. Big Cottonwood Canyon Road; 801-733-5567 tonight, Backwash; Saturday, Quadraphonic;all 9:30 p.m. KILBY COURT r weressive mix of punk and metal called hardcore tarted? New York City's Agnostic Front helped 0 4 a. | oo > s Ye a ae| Medeski on an all-instrumental gospel/blues al bum called “The Word The religious nature of the project was no sweat for Randolph, who was p.m.; Wednesday, Dimmu Borgir, Nevermore, Children of Bo- dom; Thursday, Alkaline Trio, Reggie and the Full Effect, No Motiv, 6 p.m. fy byt i hanks to his blazing steel-guitar playing and a gig ecording with Medeski, Martin & Wood's John 579 W. 200 South; 328-0255 Saturday, Agnostic Front, The Fictions, Salt City Bandits, 7 ie scene these days BRICKS , hottest names in the music oRe Steel and snow: Robert Randolph is one of the 22 East 200 South, Clearfield; 901-773-7164 Saturday, Jimmy Newquist, 8 p.m. | and ae sUCCOSS Wa-Do-Dem” ih “Once a Virgin * ke ee a ee 1id-'708 had considerably more 741 8. Kilby Court (830 West); 801-320-9887 Saturday, Zombie Zombie, What Remains, E] Toro, Bounding Babies; Sunday, 90 Day Men;all at 8:30 p.m. bring it to the world starting in 1983 with their de but, “United Blood.” Following the path of unity LIQUID JOE'S death, founders Roger Miret and Vinnie Stigma rallied the band through hard times in the ‘80s, 0s and now the new millennium. The music hasn't changed much it still pummels and punches listeners with a good time. Agnostic rront headline with The Fictions and The Salt MONK’'S 1249 K;. 3300 South; 801-467-5637 tonight, Bootie Quake; Saturday, Royal Bliss; Tuesday, Mondo Generator, Likehell; Thursday, Metal Gods; all at 9:30 p.m. 19 EF. 200 South; 801-350-0950 tonight, Starmy, 9 p.m. MUSE MUSIC City Bandits at Bricks Club, 579 W. 200 South saturday at 7 pum. Tickets, $10, are available lic wrath. The band’s newest record, “Death Cult Arma geddon,” continues to push the extreme musical bound aries of heavier and faster;it is oneslickly produced slab of discordant evil. Takenote: ‘The showalso featuresalit eral who's whoof the underground metal scene. Seattle’s Nevermoredishes out some melancholy melodic heaviness. Finland’s Children of Bodom produce some mindboggling metal solos at hyper-speed. And godfather of the Swedish metal scene, Peter Tagtgren, brings his legendary band Hypocrisy. The show is at Bricks Club, 579 W. 200 South, Wednesday at 7 p.m. Tickets, $20, are available at The Heavy Metal through The Heavy Metal Shop and Smith’s Tix Aaaaaargh!: Mondo Generator started as a olo/side project for current Queens of the Stone \we bassist Nick Oliveri, ecord, “Cocaine Rodeo,” and after his first inspired awe in the noise-loving rockers of America, Oliveri decided to put together a band and record a second album. ‘The new “A Drug Problem that Never existed” finds Oliveri joined by drummer Brant Bjork (Ky uss, fu Manchu), guitarist Dave Catching (Queens of the Stone Age) and bassist Molly Maguire (Yellow//5), and the whole crewis tour ing, including a stop Tuesday at Liquid Joe's, 1249 1, 4300 South, at 930 p.m, Tickets are $10 and ivailable at all Smith’s Tix outlets Norwegian chill; Metal fans, if you thought Slayer was the show not to miss this year, think iwain, Norwegian symphonic black metal group Dimmu Borgir is returning to Salt Lake, in all Alkaline Trio plays on Thursday at Bricks as part of The Vagrant Tour. (heir spiked black leather and face-painted metal Shop and Smith’s Tix. * 145 N. University Ave., Provo; 801-377-6873 tonight, The Trademark ,Torn by Thought, Allie Boy, Joel Pack; Saturday, The Debonaires, 2 1/2 White Guys, Earth Bound; Wednesday, Mullets and Bullets; Thursday, Digger, Sober Down; all at 8 p.m. PLAN B 268 Main St., Park City; 435-615-7588 Saturday, DJ Lux, 9 p.m. PORT O’ CALL 78 W. 400 South; 521-0589 tonight, DJ Birdman, DJ Wimpy; Saturday, The Sensations; Wednesday, 2 1/2 White Guys; Thursday, The Young Dubliners, Ides of Soul; all at 9:30 p.m. SHAGGYS LIVING ROOM 155 W. 200 South; 801-359-2215 tonight and Saturday, DJ Cloud 9, DJ Bob, DJ Chris; Sunday, Tony Oroacoustic music), DJ Suzanne (basement); Monday and Tuesday, DJ Martin; Wednesday, DJ Knucklz; DJ Scrilla(basement); Thursday, DJ Ryan; DJ Godina (basement); all at9 p.m, SUEDE 1612 Ute. Blvd. Suite 200; 435-649-1850 tonight, Eek A Mouse, Afro Omega; Saturday, Aqua Dulce; Wednesday, Dwele, Slum Village;all at 9:30 p.m. TAVERNACLE (Jazz) 201 3, 300 South; 801-519-8900 tonight and Saturday, Michael Rogers, Kirk Garrett; Monday, Kirk Garrett; Wednesday, Wayne Christansen, Kirk Garrett; Thursday, Kirk Garrett, Michael Rogers;all at 9 p.m. TODD'S BAR & GRILL 1051 8. 300 West; 801-328-8650 122 INCHES TO DATE A Romantic Winter wontSLO The Best Early Season Snow in Years! Get away before the holidays. Enjoy a room at the Lodge at Snowbird and a romantic dinner for two at the Lodge Bistro. Early Season Stay & Ski fromVO With a rate like this over Thanksgiving your relatives won't have to stay with you. Includeslift tickets and lodging. Murder Mystery Dinner Theater We are family: Vagrant Records has established itself as one of the “major indies” in short order, thanksto bands onthe label in its early years we're talking maybefour years ago like Dashboard Confessional and Get Up Kids. That growth has allowedthelabel to keep signing bandsin the pop-punk-emo vein andgiving them accessto America’s teenagers through things like The Vagrant Tour. This year’s edition stops at Bricks, 579 W. 200 South, on Thursdayat 7 p.m. The acts involved rangefrom the maudlin-but-energetic punk of Alkaline Trioto the poppier sound of Get HOLIDAY DOOR CCULORCAuyAlci)Ah SRORCC UCRCur ureG ¥ Mineral Basin and the Alta Connection CR mCLomeCy4 URBAN LOUNGE 2A1 S. 500 East; 801-746-0558 tonight, Salt City Bandits, Red Bennies, The Peels; Saturday, The Body; all ai 9:30 p.m. WISEGUYS OGDEN (Comedy) 269 Historic 25th Street, Ogden; 801-622-5588 tonight and Saturday, John Moyer, 8 and 10 p.m.; Thursday, Rick D’Elia, 8 p.m. WISEGUYS WEST VALLEY (Comedy) BUSTERS 3500 8. 2200 W.; 801-463-2909 tonight, Saturday and Sunday, Cash Levy, 8 and 10 p.m.; Thursday, Earl David Reed, 8 p.m. UNIQUE HOLIDAY GIFT-S CATALOG OUTLET STORE HOLIDAY DOOR BUSTERS wi a RU RaheeRPor ete URuCOeECLCy Are Cpen! (weather permitting), snowbird yy Serrse eteMeeeeee) UCR her 217 eee ae)Ree 2 4.) Terres eC The Switch;all at 9:30 p.m. sundance “American Medical Assassination” Dec, 12. Call 933-2110 for reservations and moreinfo. TTlias mCAm ereLael On Sale Now. tonight, Shred the Gnar, The Red Bennies; Saturday, Lé Force, meReeet ere “e Ea ee ee Ride a real mountain.° ai Stocking Stu er $199* HANDMADE SWIRL ORNAMENT Ly, * $50 Resort Credit to be used toward any — activity, at any food & beverage outlet, retail outlet or at the Aveda Resort Spa SPR rd ‘HEARTWALL POCKET reTan $28, our.er $9.99 gay nianements ian Benen SET OF 5 OLD-FASHIONED ORNAMENTS RETAIL $28, OUTLET $1 9.99 GREATGIFTIDEAS! vn eat oes Caaf SQUIRREL THERMOMETER RETAIL $45, OUTLET $1 9.99 oO $199 per couple. i.eae |de valid seven days Packages valid January 4 June 14, Seme Not restrictions Apply. a week. 2004, valid inc luding tax and gratuities excluding with any 2201 S. HIGHLAND DR., SLC all major holidays other discounts. or promotions. Must be purchased prior to December 24. 2003. $50 Resort credit must be used at the time of original Reservations: 800.327.7220 801.487.3400 SELECTION VARIES AND IS LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND visit www.homesteadresort.com | HOLIDAY HOURS: MON-SAT 10-9; SUN 12-6 GET READY FOR THE HOLIDAYS! > ¥ HOLIDAY DOOR BUSTERS a years, one might expect Ripton Hilton to be |