Show for an impaired appetite to improve im firme the appet te and strengthen the digestion try a few doses of C hamber luns stomach and liver tablets tablet mr J it I 1 seitz of if detroit mich blich says they restored my ap appetite petitt when impaired re e bened me of a aloa bloated td feeling anti anc caused a pleasant plea sant and satisfactory tol y movement move nent of t the rie bowels price 23 25 cents ts free low englin ilci cantile co price and helper platea lates something enair entirely ely new nem can fit t any mouth see dr butt school supplies of ever de crip afon advocate co eastern utah people going to salt lake city W 1 find the hercules apartments on west third south adjoining the sanitarium new r modern and most respectable free baths on each floor rates no more than places having no modern convenience conducted by gosa got perking perkins coupon books furma hed in any denomination nom at eastern factory prices advocate publishing co bonds of e every cry description in the united states fidelity and casualty co it W rr r Ts r orders for rubber stampa stamps pi promptly filled advocate publishing co MONEY MUN a E E y COUNTS I 1 8 IF 0 1 WEIL WELL SPENT 8 P E N T 0 it costs money to have clothes but e it need not cost much the thing to do is to buy your clothing at the right ight r place and then there is no question about its quality oua lity our clothing has the style that is enjoyed and appreciated by men of taste and refinement our line li ne of oxfords and low cuts for men and women is complete at A t no other store can yon find the 40 exclusive styles and economical co prices we extend a special invitation to the ladies to call and examine 4 our stock wasatch W a S tl store co stores at Sunny sunnyside side castle date gate clear creek and 0 winter quarters 0 40 0 0 nu i C lum 10 I 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAILS RETAIL 0 ag LUMBER YARD YE A 0 I 1 with a full lindof sash doors screen doom doors paper g ar R logs ings casings Cas loRS blocks redwood edwood It and Fir lali uarda a E ware glass wire irot nails NON barbed wire comal la 19 nution lath fence k complete con line of harness wagons buggies spring wagons g handle bluds of furm farm implements if in noi no I ot of anything uny finy thing in our line call and BW its or write it will bo to you to do so fajr PJ NJ C weeter lumber company N 4 d v PRIC 13 UTAH gg VW 9 WH aw 1 fw VW nsf if aa VIM A BARGAIN BARGAN 8 fierce land in grain hay and 1 14 acre ground orchard and 2 room brick house fete etc rods outside city limits all for 1500 owners old and in ill ill health ganv other places paces for arje at from 1000 to in n or out of town especially favorable I 1 location for poultry men free of 0 mat cut aay any BUY i A HONE HOME IN SPRING springville VILLE UTAH MUST GO AT ONCE I 1 at t acres land in grain orchard and hay with 6 5 room house houge a good g cellar well corrals granary ah aft for 1500 owner is an aged wida and cant work it juat just across road same soil N s an orchard owner of which 14 i alms 4 3 5 0 0 0 per r were ere from fram game same rat fast 11 year 14 1 4 mile mille prom from city we have a lare large canning factory a bank lighting I 1 system best water that flows an 18 opera house in course of construction schools numerous and ani second to none in the state climate emilw mild lipids very grod we are 1 V hours distance stance from I 1 salt lake like city and have inhabitants write SECRE springville SPRING VILLE commercial CLUB THE CITY 1 OF ANC AND GARDENS emili |