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Show = CURRENTS o The Salt LakeZribune HARRIETTE COLE HAPPENING TODAY COMICS, GAMES TELEVISION by Airline he Vulture’s Sundance opening weekendgotoff toa decidedly shak’ art Friday with visit to the new club, Suede, at Kimball Junction. Mixmaster Mike,a worldclass turntablist best known for his work with the Beastie Boys, was slated for the club’s Sundance openingparty, but the air- line heflew from California lost his crateof records. Disaster. - TUESDAY world of pop culture JANUARY21, 2003 PAGE D-2 CULTURES, SIGHTS AND SOUNDS “She has sucha quality of humannessto her, that she’s one of those few actors whoI want tosit down with andtalk.” Cc E VULTURE BY DAN NAILEN Mixmaster Scratched What's hotin the GEOFFREY GILMORE Sundance FilmFestival director, speaking about Holly Hunter HUNTER’S URSU Whena band’s equipment gets lost or stolen, they can borrow or rent. When a club’s electricity goes out, a band can go acoustic. Butthere is nothing a DJ can do Actress who withouthis records, and the show was canceled. The Mixmasterdid show up to thankthefans. Eventhe hot tubs forrentat the club | shunsthe < could not makeup for missing out on the Mixmaster. On Saturday, we contemplated trying to crash the HBO “Project Greenlight” party at od Harry O's, where Jennifer Lopez was rumored to be making an appearance, along with her famous bootie. And we mulled stalking Britney Spears at the Canyons, where the“singeractress” was reportedly chatting up movie-biz folks about her spotlight will be honored tonightat Sundance screen “career.” Rather than courting arrest, Holly's Night The Tribute: The SundanceInstitute ARK CITY— Even though shestandsbarely 5-foot-2 and speaks in person with a soft Georgia drawl, one does not think of Holly Hunter as demure. Thisis, afterall, the woman who tamedHarveyKeitel without saying a wordin “ThePiano,”for which she wonan Os he woman who turnedthe glib George Clooneyinto a stammering fool in “O Brother, Where Art Thou.” The woman whosocked Nicol: ing, in City. The eventis sold out, though waitlist tickets will be available for those will- ingto stand in line in the cold The Screenings: ‘“Levity’ screens one more time, Saturdayat 6 p.m., at the Eccles Centre, 1750 Kearns Blvd., Park City. “thirteen”screens al8:30 p.m. Wed- nesday and 11:30 p.m. Friday atthe Li- brary Center, 1255 Park Ave., Park City who,on twoseparate occasions(in “Twas so happyae I didn’t have xt day, )00 peo: “Always” and “Once Around”), made Richard Dreyfuss appearsexy. Last Thursdayatthe 2003 Sungala, Hunter, attending to support the movie “Levity,” preferredto stayin the backgr‘ound. thing good-timerock 'n’ roll fury Egyptian Theatre, 328 MainSt. in Park age in thejaw, whiledriv. sing Arizon: [he woman dance Film Festival's opening-night wedecided to takein the sureofHell’s Belles at Liquid Joe's. The all-female AC/DCtribute bandalmost pulled a Mixmaster Tribute to IndependentVision, honoring Holly Hunter, is set for 7 tonight at the ple.” Tonight, Hunterwill be on the stageofPark Ci iteatre, YE beforea more inti about250, as she receives the fest ann al Tribute to Independent Vi sion. Mike, showing uplate because he hassuch a quality of human. of“car trouble”before launch-ing a shreddingshowa little past midnightfor the packed house.In addition to delivering killer versions of AC/DCclassics, the Hell's Belles entertained with their saucy stage nes to her, that she’s one ofthosefew who I want to sit down with ” enthused festival director Geoffrey Gilmore. “She’s not theepit omeofglamour, but she’s also some onewho can play ethereal roles. She cando a lotofdifferent things.” Hunterwill talk about her ca banter,particularly when singer Om Johari responded to a ru- reertonight on the Egyptian mored Sean Pennsighting with oneof the more creativeoffers of Sce HUNTER, Page D-3 sexual delight ever uttered on a Utah concert stage — anoffer, sadly, too graphic to be repeated here, Photo by Rick Egan. The Salt Lake Tribune Yo, Superfly! Morgan Freeman and Holly Hunterstarin “Levity,” the film that opened the Sundance Film Festival. Hunter, whostars in two Sundance films this year, will receive the Oneofthe mostfun aspects of Sundanceis people-watching. For a good laugh, peep a stream of film-industry visitors exiting ascreening — the speed with which they reachfor a cigarette and a cell phone makes one wonder which is more addictive. As TheVulture stood in line indepet for “Party Monster” Saturday, Vision tonight at the Egyptian Theatre. he saw some“Sundance fashions”that makethefestival so darn stylish —and amusingfor thoseof us whothink if you can’t wear jeans to something, it’s not worth goingto. Our favorite outfit was worn by a 40ish guy wearing a backward baseball cap(strike one), a neon bluevest(strike two) and fleece pants tucked into his brown suedeboots (steee-rikethree!). Mac’s Back “Party Monster” is the story ‘Idol’-ized Television Event Returns for More of New York club kid Michael Alig, his collection of flamboy- antfriends and a murderthat changed theirpeculiar, insular world. Macaulay Culkin plays the sexually ambiguous and dance-happyAlig, which would Fox counting onits rags-to-riches story as the sequel to ‘American Idol’ debuts seemto indicateall that time he spent hanging out with Michael Jackson might havejust been ct acter development. Cue Rimshot ‘The post-screening Q-and-A session with the “Party Mon- ster” cast — including Culkin, Seth Green, Dylan McDermot, Natasha Lyonne,Chloe Sevigny and Wilmer Valderrama (but sadly no Marilyn Manson, who Stole every scene he was in as drag queen “Christina”)offered someyuks, thanks mostly to Green, who hadthejuiciest role as Alig associate and partykid James St. James. Asked how he and Culkin created such chemistryas the emotionally and chemicallydependent dynamic duoin “Party Monster,” Greensaid, “Weall learned from the great example of Corey Haim and Corey Feldman.” BY VINCE HORIUCHI The souped-up, super-sized televi contracts, Nowtherushis on tofind another American Idol before Clarkson has evenreleased herfirst album. The second season of the block buster series debuts at 7 tonight on KSTU Channel 13. But this time the showhas competition: a batchof copy sion talent show drew nearly 23 mil cat reality shows trying to cash in on lion viewers when 20-year-old Texas its success. “We know that the showfaces ‘THESALT LAKE TRIBUNE HOLLYWOOD It is called “American Idol,” but during a scorch ing summerlast year, it became the American Obsession. * cocktail waitress, Kelly Clarkson, won in the Fox program finale, It was the mostwatched episode for a Since then, Clarkson has had a No. 1 hit single; an “American Idol” concert toured the country; a movieis in production starring Clark son and finalist Justin Guarini; and Clarkson, Guarini and semi-finalist Gray each wedo have veryreal ex Gail Berman said last week at a television summer, ‘ stronger competition, and pectations for its per formance,” Fox Enter: tainment president series in the network's histor run, rated new show of the Tamyra ‘ Confetti rains on “American Idol” winner Kelly Clarkson, got recording critics press tour. “But judging by the turnout for auditions and the public's appetite for unscripted shows, we think that viewers are eagerly anticipating this next go-round.” ‘The auditions for the new seasonof “AmericanIdol”drew morethan50,000 singing hopefuls from around the country. Aninitial 234 made the first cut, including three from Utah (none Hollywood to start the competition, al. though those names will not be an: nounced until next week's episode on Jan. 29. Each week, the pool of contes are allowed tobe interviewed until the second week of the show), Thirty-two people have already been selected from the 234 and flown to tants is whittled downuntil there is a { See IDOL, Page D-2 6 |