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Show Monday, January 20, 2003 930—Trucks io eg eat $21—Sport Utity Vehicles $21—Sport Utity Vehicles 930—Trucks ed WHO aoe eersee 7 wasaTen ects Sect Sie ee Ree onto Corps oeSs Sa, omer rae90 8) ‘fig trove wenn Teepe 3 Asem Fd Erker Secon Server 8 7 8109 acveare: wi leer Moe. 97) 6860 4587. Sa | eee eprom a Bs | aa 750.1397 $3 ass$5400. 860iar TOYOTA OE Tundra, ext 0b. oe grect nner. 88K, ae Ten ae Ch erwices $18,208 | ert earstier Toyot0532-6333 Mn Th = | b,, eoded, 33 322908 hebeo a 3 3430 CO150 aes54876 | pestsea Adventurer Ford V10) 2in He $38 ie 358 ‘36W Chieftoin DBL Slide 3/4 4 Spa,_| Jee" TBOAa Air, 6/5, ren, Te ney cond,iow miles, sitesi ae pes fi? FRONT RV: SIOsEE ree OLS WASATCH 895 W. Riverdale Rd. om fecore est Cab, conte, herb botae528 3.358, #0570 bed Bead TaeSEE6333 A Sang ~/extros #12745 $200" 560. ae tie low mis Ukenew "3,060 /cbe 955-1 oe Fae 1440, W207TeRS169 1-888-208-5103 eae tongest, re DHTOVOTRTocone SS Ba OAC, 180mos. 675%+ T&L Presi$1900 we a To etoabox 838 ra ‘spercb, 1-866-pee 2888 350cba, GeA8 rae Te ee ow otSNeST 98,334ALLEGRO SUSE) | oie SSStahseo OO TOYOTA Tacoma cond, ira must ~ 266-0033, FORDTroe aie, et ES sep 308:7082 fecoma Xtra max, pewier, Sapa, A/C, glion, bed dc like new. nave £0 sel offers 255-1122, oui e5 mare Millerte.3734 our GNCSonoma Ext Oo outa low maT 988 yor,only GeaE 460, $36 ml reorbed,roof 13-3103 Mor ‘Miller Toyoto532-6333 “OaCees SETOVOTR Tare 40, ariaHe Pot ‘SRS, X-cob, excel. cond., $1ee as tah $25958 255f240'dttoo7 at Teweob 4x4, 6.0, aid al 990. Sacrifice i is ee Ege \Pa00:257°2768 Fagen se Es,seh.° erties, Mie onnie eV 1-888-; seats gee MortMiler Toyere532-6333 Springs $28,000278.9275 Z $23,090 BTOVOIR Tanda X-Cab Marathon Cooch, shell, loaded, eH— Call Bob Motor 910-4061 Bes$77,499 fade ‘Subaru Sed, barn footed:2%k| Jerry SomerSouth 5200 1300ate So. Main 366-4534 TiSB00256Si | rk Tacoma Power, Werraaniy!RIVERTON HYUNDAT anh545 345 YoRa0oo (801}-266-5500 014297 S720Nae “4x4, fortostic truck $14,800 ay a, are 255-1122, DLIS55. de $7,080. ih as SaTSGSoT tow tae 7002 LOOM 850See S Redwood saayMONH outer 22Eire = CHEV 7? viel avin$7,990 USED CLEARANCE SBOE e cia. S0oD in ante$030 966-2207 O1 BMW 55050. 2.900 mi. Like new. Very Special Bike $8,800. 838) Had COD_WIRG_TTO. ca Eteeekare amet watesee| “anaes yee nein imeem rk weatg OLCRY S10 New tires, CD play $3,799/ob0 "9 CHEY 510 2x7FU,3/e, 1) 2082 $540 aCY rutsgreat one "BD CHEV S10, V cuanigh nsgoat9850 3 “a5. cH177 keg, CB, 20$30 WEso00 MURDOCKCHEVROLET "50 wyvtoR aw, ‘Must Sell aD‘ae eb 7 | % Fe hoe a for ban. FEN1-888-937-5956 GARENISSAN eed Weaba-403-5103 ieTA Taeama,xd e Oo T lave} $22,990, 263-1001 36500. possible eet Bort ede48:248.2703-"| va ‘LOSS79 a ihe, ete, 6308 me "1,600. Bor-54a-98 aT 2 tone. 1- $1995. Por eetctsstage 641-7769 mp. tom, $1500extras, $6900, 965-0254 801-694-1214 SpBobsasehasiant ort, lets of extras Ol ‘forces salel Orn S000. "263-205 MOTOR SPORTSLAND, | (851) 69.6835 500bo, with over 60% of morket i Fea algae| Sr TOYOTA Tartma axa 40 : d-cob, cyl S3pd, rSporttond.oom Loma ee shell, bedliner AM/FM, faeogi 910900. suREAMW/EHOT HA ‘OBO,Peter 706-0 Bos1001 Co Avo Cainoaets see, $5,750. 809-0822 Cos Goch waa a eee“| Maya ‘te an $0.00. |S, TeFONDR, eSsonn Ear "SisESh Sad scan’ ive? 20 gad Cab Ma le Pde Bh8 Wohl) 585017" psae103 ‘woGHC 0,| uea 5,475 se 7Ryv ape Oh Gi oho. 2 ay) CreBarer 10" SfortedJo restore, nea10 ga STEADOA3OA. 00:737-5121 oa $16,960T6108 604-2196 HS772 -888-:it 105 ‘99's, ‘00's. &'03's All Priced tosell : 13.508. EVERTON FYUN: Al.'877-292-1046 waa wwwnengartidad Tal ree’ Podoe-598-6704 73, SAcmIE MOBY Slt toaded, $02,999 is ribs SUT, out ‘seats, 532-2000,DL1 465. 07 DODGE — nly’$93,900.298 5 ‘bottom end. $3100/ob0 699-8247 sary MaceoSole, 4X4, Ext-cab, $15,995. (601-266-5500 14297 TOTOVOTRTRCORA 4x4, ex.saat cob, biFas Sonam Toaat 12968 $5(ee Set ‘AWloaded, ats( 2,300 nao, Dove 495-232 acl Grsei,e> & mere Ht32804 ieOFOTR Tacana A #0,te , oi a 556-5605 peoae's ‘OS Fare — hours, New fies, cre aeaonsees|| TRIUMPH ors Bars. Cha "02 Sole whil lost! 8 8 95, 19,995 1) Tak mi Fair $42 ober 280-31 S00M808 FT, 000 wae "SaTOTOTA tt4,500. New.Calltires,Pickup. windshield. 537-5301 |eraae ina mone FkBinet,New cond. $16,250.569-21 8” ae ce Arid CALIwees | Ba vflooded eR alloys Mont Willey Ford ame~6025 Tr Cob axa 403005 $20,999" WEST VALLE) www kengardod; Tali Free 1ee203-alts CHC ive “lySOR, HIST16A$11,865 ICES GO.95)MO, WANDERER & eh siiF 3 NOMAD a WILDERNESS 297, sleeps: |, very clean, self-contained, -B 86-203. s1es or a 1-8 5103, cree 30 several Crew Cabs 5781 choose fran Call401-9080. 545-9292, DLA Seater ‘hell, ORS FR We tis.$8,700"i942 Call for detois385-0089. dlt072 Tall Free 1ee aee ae 936-1340, a 6 Cob, forting. ct ‘335950 336-3107, ‘TTDODGE 7500,Guad T i DOW Cob SUT 132204, fds VALLEY 46K mi. 10 obo. 491-1993 ‘excel )loaded, 319-0154 ol "4000,atta PeeA tasiey 1 ae daa gid tea, reat ‘cond, $12.9 Fab.eh7 sie 5.beards, 262° it short eos = GROUND Feeahe thr Commerce SF Eataah 372324 bed |” truck. Ste86143354 262-2486 aehPontes aaa Sadeb! 7 L388" °'/ CREDIT PROBLEMS? 3 ae eH 106-1700 dit290 Ford a iar 932—Auto Financing JerrySener 2191 956-3222 709. $37. ae bial eyes 30 | Wanbae ™ Nate Wi Suborv 366. au S| ees | nL5800. 553-0083 UaWe01) ag 4900 obo. 78-0445 ere aSeer oe a %ee fo 495-0959 vith laa da eyINT Mois Hagesees" rneyoes SCOTS JeninSEF rer fille 295-2293 CREDIT NO PROBLEM NTT ae ta, $700/obo. 808-5162 ae te203-5103 Weer wv) ‘4 ahi entre. es oe ‘out of Honda: 561-9601 or eranen yheels. lift, rack. = '5-7021 ow mi She ser7084 4x4,1500 taysates. tite ‘roost, SomESSTGESG fiATERGe oeK 1300 be ke 245:2672. "86 YAMAHA YZ 80ce °es00'ebe st 7208 Walle, 3, excellent conditen,$600, ‘Cail 180-019 DEAD WANTED: oc scsofer: Der S is Atv sare. Coshan,ete 350-44 WEFINANCE YOU! R&K SALES 563-7482 ed liner "winroce $380301-2074 Tater 790 SEIT, V.dseet0s-s103 WaiFie PboeSER504 caearpans Sentbone 367-2200 or 279-1188 fog, $2800/cb0479:0908| euial cond” Bo Nie Zea,Steet 9p.ero. ‘02 NISSAN SONTE meats to Us. 4X4 $18,000, 518-4266 Crew ‘OXNISSAN Fr orien abdnd, oto, NVC, CD, Super "low mh ATVs, te. & buyhere. abFl Leote hore! Lowest rates inemo. + tox. 495-381 YOU KEEP CAgL Rae eST TERMS. 231-9997 ruck Shells 1150 98. Block,CobNigh ‘obo, Neds to go. call 455-0549 rollFree Ponce ‘Tsog |eeee =e 14 tenthal reat 81 ait microwave,sereo. Moto. rentals. Best Rates fravel| Guar.t Gift Certs Avail. ‘raliers. We "hove 5" to| Wosotch Rec. Lehi 766-6100 startingdior?"ot > $2585, from. £55008 14 of ATV Trailers, starting: 5 57400 obo 435-882-9066. ‘or 801-445-1972 days. LONE PEAK WAILARD "FEIT pow ow: 7 363-8300 or 801-cee fier SuDbru768- 734 a0" 257 5121 BONG Cob St S588105:be ; pein, WO YB, low $15,980 582. TURK Exel cond. 13k244-5870 mi $01 11950, 5i rebut eooe50-Paed "ues 435-843-5288 "U2DODGE Rom, ae «eat Pins vas on rails $4.40. 5545 So. Stote| 8" ATV rack for pickup DADCLASIFICADA HACE ASCOSAS PARA’ 580-8170$500. or 541-1017 ‘PERSONAS CUALQUER OTRA FORMA FENTAIS, Bountifullocation, operating Wo, Toaded:‘a. “BK mi oH 35 GHC Ser ae “4Wb, Sif, loaded. Sintoot, cll pwr. $1 0k. 562-0622 DGOGE © CHRYSLER ® JEEP % ie23,997. SE Rom 1500. SUZUKI DRZ: marsuy, gsm “BODE” _kengarffdod Tal ree’ Pdoe-558-6704 cob, feaFectnywan a “0 cond, Many extros. f208 801-755-214 bok ond ere?Fac, 58 Vorbe nic gaei0abe HO SEOUT PRICES, Wat, 243-6658 ond."apBeattoyotai pa Ms, 4x4 $650. 792-7592 Hae 29+ ta Fo a4. er| res oF"360dAT Blowout Frices 1500 000. 957-9795 RTSLAND 262-2921 ox, Wan’if iond.com "$1000, 268.2688 Depensed reat” ugly, $700 eya Soniitsger Clessicee «First Time Boyer? » Tax Lien? . rs * Late Payments?| » Wow or Used? FREE . eens cia eas SS nkSs TAG$3506 (801) 566.7785abe aor stondat 33,4 Jerry Seiner C "5c trcalient ena CHEV OVER 12 LATE MODEL DODGE RAM DIESELS $8000 obo. Scott aa 13; HAULMARK SA\ ORY SPRINGVILLE te to the 5 Carey ‘489-7775, |