Show illch mews len Tone rn noral rals when a rich man diee dies his death as burnes an importance in dollars and centa cents which to the man who lives all his life with the prospect ot of being laid away for hie his long sleep at a cost of not over seems enormous though the millionaire cannot take bis his wealth beyond the grave he frequently takes a considerable amount inside the doors of the tomb the coffin in which lt U hung chang a was burled rec recently cutly waa one which that wily old diplomat di bd bud had made to suit his fancy lancy and bad had carried around with him for many mary years rears it t was beautifully ornamented with gold and nd precious tones and was valued at the widow of a millionaire named hipler fer lavished on theroan inah in wh ch ehe abe burled iier bar husband hut band the coan waa was of ex quiel tely carved mahogany profusely ornamented with solid gold and lined with rare silk which cost 65 a yard nearly all millionaire millionaires spend great bums upon the mausoleums where they and their family are to rest at laal last the great mackay and vanderbilt mausoleum mausoleums are examples of this and senator dark clark of ot montana haw hal bulu bult him a tomb the coat of which is eald said to have beem now New york pros press |