Show MAMMOTH RESERVOIR IS SURE TO BE BUILT levi X harmon nod and B R G 0 miller je returned last night from salt lako lake city niter after attending a meeting of tha th dr tr of abo mammoth ua compary an Art atlon eption has been ghon glen ea on the entire property to J T W hoggan of mand and thia this rent gentleman leman together with hia tits associates the latter salt gait lako lake city monea moneyed ed men are to nut put the enterprise through work Is to be started nex spring and anti the dam dain c in time to out next car the company as at present p resent organ liml ha has liquidated its indebtedness to surveyors ors inen in tho tile field ite and Is 1 in excellent shape generally genei ally under the near deal an opportunity will bo be given anyone desiring stock to subscribe for tho the same |