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Show Bs The Salt Lake Tribune BUSINESS Wednesday, November28, 2001 Che SaltLake Tribune Sia uy Rayay “110.15, 1,942.01 Dow Jones Transportation "282.54. Dow Jones 51989 250930 -1655 S98597 114050 40862 373.62 Russell “51 +7 9.61 2908 5455 +10095 115.41 Net YTD42-mo -1.89-21.88--24.71 -1.10-1345 12.56 -1.07 21.96, 23.64 24.53 41.75 +368 -1.26 -1.04 -2058, 25.31 1061397 Last 49637 2617.78 5089.57 5,860.44 10,948.89 -10.27 526-27 -21.64 2021 792 ~68-1294 "13.97 20 -04 545. 70 4600.71 12,811.63 9,073.24 Wilshire 5000 -66-1484 4122 +42 -30.02 --27.022 GES -62 -11.01 7.84 44.18 750 2BB43 S458 816 86.78 ~5S3-1283. -12.98 daily net change, as well as one to two additional fields of information throughout the +88 -1.10 +97 Amazon Delp Worm Votume Surce Name:Stocks are listed alphabetically by the company's full name (not its abbreviation). Company names made up ot initials appear at the beginning of each letter'slist. ‘Tir: Th stock'sticker L Vol: t).iber of shares traded in hundreds. Last: «2 stock was trading at when exchange closed for the day. Z ‘Change:Loss or gain for the day. No change indicated by... Bo 1148 0889 25.48 267311 1488 ‘Stock Footnotes: cc - PE greater than 99. cid - Issue has been called for redemption by company. d - New 52-week low, dd ~ Loss in last 12 mos. ec - Company formerty listed on Vowume Surce ii Stocks wih greatest percentage of outstanding shares traded. Sucge is in %. Stocks must be worth $1 or more Name Last Chg Surge Name Last_Chg Surge Nasdi00Tr 4020 054202 Emiexs 3108 4273 4194 11543 5042073. Glog 48.99 4275. +176 SPOjTr 27.17 -50 4612 GenMer 6243. 43.99 +146 2682 - -18 +173 IbisTech 1021 4151 +133. SP Inds SPFrd 2870 +06 +149 OmnVsn 624 +56 +111 SPTech 2473. SP Engy STFS0) SPMd 22-47 457° i Teun ATA 401-442 KLATc sTHIT35 51.10 -40 +41 4992 DILBERT DOGBERT AIRLINES 7 Sep Tre eoeaon Tae ERS! OUR HUB AT Arse ast Jers +21) $34|*-] EXPERTENCING PERMAFROST. : 24.15 ANZ 25.86 Beas BopSouth AOL 4+ 15.75 i Ccremsas7e1 1 Cour 1318 65 Cena8 14403 Been 248) 10 cee We re 1s Bhi +115 516 B55 +.08 | BeckCoul s1911 4252-10 Coll 3.85 +) BaciDek 9167 3049 Colon 523 973. 29.8 Boon 1273, 21:95 +09] ycomiecasiee 44 137. 51.90 my Gonits 765 390 41 “o9 Gc * Benches {37> 1987 str |Gmod 2150 2583 01 Fae S r Conccoptlt 1983 +$23 + Betta 20670000000 5240 2543 + MO52160 1280 Abnyin 445 2115 EDO 1075 2454 EPasEPt lan Eloor EBrasAerot543: 1852 Embral 1987 4.55 + EnbridgeE1521 41.30 +. +. oo Aer 9 Sb 50» Abeten 2968 ” tea 270-55 Bin 1268 101 +: a5 Edessa G03 1856-32 cnet) 888"1 ‘Aicoa Bombay 1022, Enorpisg 849 Aan hee tise ey hs 27116 9828 + NoxREE 592 Nery ee 'ss¢ Mettol 4394 ‘Alorgan ‘Alte 2368 4145 3.17 et ‘898 $12 78.07 2431 +06 Ning ‘O78 «ot Ampognieas Cio ‘AllonEgy4411 28.45 4.46 eee 1S Eners 18 1489 Emap 3267, 2173 pas EnnCotisor2 12% «S68 Goawr eas <261 -ia EnmC pfR2107 1289 +3.97 GoksmanS2474990.00 1 1 410 Goouncn7404 2420 +09 1163 2038” eecciaeet i7a8 BrasiTol 1658 39.80 200 Nani 1: toe Binary Bren s928 BrwneB 647 BronStoe204o Genamcaoaat ~6 8 $*413S Aets 1063 MOt + Anites 7060 5700 4: Nerve oes Aikoat niOOld 16M o k Aunest51022. 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Shel 5282 4149 Sherwin 6753 2740-62 Shopko 784 920 Shupard2376 2980-41 tae eet +13 leer ao am “57 Enwaven 785 1127 +. + 1 +1"+ tera 8 “BIRRBe eseed ae Me 20186 1958 + 8+ eaeoie 3670 3700 +* ae| rao 3081 50.95 1476 1930 am LaPac + LucenAOTe7e 78 18 21.15 1 90 2305 + 561 + 1264 + 1140 Seacpnis eS Pen (ie 20t +01 Shave 91280 7980 | Soe Sumi “701 i 1190 B+0l8e Entlcposi Emchpii760 1255 1320 +218 ¥2 oomea7eat 280 + Aonemae: 20.21 |aaeasi 2m 6 Rasa faeeae AbneFny 1047 4472 ‘Absilo 24779 3269 441 ‘et pclet279 25.34 -6i Aeet Giewskniaaosion -1. 1 1890 Emon 218 $48 15.69 614 +.| +. Borders 52 1 1874 sobera7 m8 + Bodo wor 2695 Bowatr 28 Bom 16 4.95 Name_Wol_Last_Chg_ +. Trion “ae 313 ¢s2g/MEMC 8B 445 :05 |G as 3 i. 637. 2823 7a Mer 1S B28 +02 Newbies1600 41.20, 431 468 EEmplca kenie 1195 10.80 426 1.96 18 ITT Inds 2469 49.04 +40 Wacom 1008 3748-01 Edw408 Mince? 506 11.95 Emrsné5563. $3.01 725 20.80 971 eee oe Eco 9828 9767 Blackrck 808 4090-1 BRT 472 7.35 4+, BMOT 1218 923 4 BRSUTT 2325 % {hy TOTCopsee 1308 THOPCp 756 2828 +19 MCG 2170 1178-04 hee i iT 603 1083 4 Str 2656 25.38 +, |Top, se 187 $01 ITTEd 1011 3630 120] 30, EV Stinc 1128 Facet 145 370 Bast n 520 704 1450 BANA 1022 ¢ 3) JON! +1, Contnaeer EXodek 25331 Eanan 2103 3299 EVMulT 542 BorkHB “892250.00+13.00 7108 +. ya 3138 9.02 Biglots 3754 9.34 Biovail 10988 $2.17 “or site BRAT 716. 1460 ¢ Nae cota e bor28.22 ANskAir 5350 17.85 858 EOG Rest1580 24.8 Ob THEOE EVERY MONTH. \ = {18 Mame_Vol_tasi _Vol_Last Name _Vol_Last Bamtab 16059 75.00 +1. a AMSA 288 Bamexcztses 1470 "4 DXAS” 2524 21.79 92 Bausch 3384 3347 +39 ‘Abbey 9858 Baxter 319003 49.52 ‘Adamsex1015 14.36 2 * AVLgeGepan Ba,72012 presets «0b bw24027 2405 4: 686 +. Arseny 613 miz00@u3280 1694 +16 z S13 3 8.36 THAT CAN BE USED SERIA CORNER SRB 1 ee et THAT“DOGBERT YOULL EARN SIX MILES” AND LIVE IN THE # £a 0 BkOne p49! 25,00 16 PLEASE FORMSOCIETY, A PREMITIVE { THE SOUTH POLE-IS 8 Hitnasz2 23.50 AMAL 23124 21.40 AAW s Sol” WATT ss. 1215 6B lage Beadn1O4 ots 80 AUCD SS¢ NGLResto60 2140 +08 AKSioe 10158 Pr 4040 1700 2559 AMUAS 683 24300 38.02 Sears B23 11 SecoG Scie E2743. 1105 ‘ass Sontous2630 Sersetzie Scott Adams eee Te § }$7920 2830 +. Soroco 5248 36:39 SurwAssiti256 2805 + Snel 4 642 Sor 20 3612 me Yotbcy ‘soe se8 |2.24 +41 & ts: US See 33 na 3 ao.ae 909 2201 1 S10 = Siete oat sate 8 Yorum So? 42 SREY Te fan 2 veemines 48 699 + Shorey tas 1999 oe Syom STIS 1650-43 antteaoG IBe0 + Vagtenadad 38 7S, 19980 2513 Fn 2054 4656 -. VirigPt 407 Vahay 29110 ta ae, 4.02 352 401 ca 247 4.10 TOW” oe ame wn Teco 284 TX 113 3785 i es ea TWatecaie "575 cates asad eqnge6s 48.90 oman ATO 108) 12 1240" WPS Res 670 34.t- art “asare 3706 "14 2Mf WachoviaSSA 31.00 WockCor 867 1399- Testy’ Tosvora 252 ToknOest365 Toot11305. Hanis ‘47 Tommie Teen 687 Wms "4925, Water'5080 wascnt 0 Weanseei4759 ‘Taubmn 1372 1460-09 3308 +f*2288 6.99 + 1394 68 1570 3749-77 +08 "+. 1890" "+: Ven 76 BBS ViSX Voenes 2480 I: ;+02 er yooman ¥ 758 wibzt |WGLHoa7D 27S. WIACP 17S habe Waddolfht583 628 Ss Bak Ct Trade. CME = Chicano Boa ofofTrade:CMEChicago ita 808 All others =e am AGMincoASOA 02., spot) z., spal ‘404 $0.7020~$0.6715 NYMX = New York Morcantlo Exchange; CBOT = New York Stock EXCHANGE Vol cr CgES : $e AINpD ae 1808. eo tt Ae lone san so 14 3145 Boat 980 436. ACLNLL Gold (troy iver(troy 2943" 3 eeiaasesesseee2 . 9 most recent dividend announcement. p initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r - Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus ‘stock dividend. t- Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date. lars. Source: The Associated Press. Sales figures are unofficial. British pound expressed in U.S. dolars. 86 eeeSesesnssescass BHP BasizI9 T0954 x Bateman tee Aa a, 2302 1a 1 4376 SBLREVNREe BSSBSR RSBSSS x eetee aft BRISLKB=VBSSSERS: SUBSBSER: S8 BsSBSBss2URSSSRSVRS' Vor 412 pense 114 850 Total issues 15 New Highs 15 172,788,885 Volume HIE FT : 17a4 Inchanged 3,369 Total issues 79 New Highs s 2 New Lows 1,568,379,740 Vi New Hi +498 1,754 one a inchangt Totalissues -07 Jan 02_ 19.48... i TT Diary 924 Advanced ii 1,403 Advanced Exch Contract Settle Chg Lt Sweet Crude NYMX om installments of purchase price. q ~ Closed-end mutual fund; no PEcalculated. rt - Right to buy security at a specified price. s - Stock has spiit by at least 20 percent within the last year. wi - Trades will be settled when the stock is issued. wd - When distributed. wt ~ Warrant, allowing a purchase of a stock. u ~ New 52-week high. un - Unit,including more than one security. vj - Company in bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under bankruptcy law. Appears in front of the nameDividend Footnotes: a - Extra dividenus were paid, but are not included. b - Annual rate plus stock. ¢ - Liquidating dividend. e - 730 41.01 +100 217 4212 499 Brioom Diary Advanced the American Exchange's Emerging . - Dividends and eamings in Canadian temporary from capital and surplus listing qualification. ne in last year. The 52-week high and low figures date only from the beginning of trading. pf - Preferred stock isue. pr - Preferences. pp - Holder owes. tt VoLume SURGE 1950 M9 12991 198.70 12570 5448 fffatale ae Bi eaSealeg’ seyeneg 283 eREgEREEEeee esn 2: = 2 iessoee i obes82 Coming Compaq DevonE BictechT OT = hif& 171248 780 -21. 156444 1021-02 «148082 982-42 |