Show sair salt lake city dallies dailies of laet last friday birve a telegram from boston read ing togas as follows A writ of 0 habeas corpus by supreme court justice morton to take effect forthwith in tile case cage ot of bert ot at suit salt lake who ho was arrested february Feb while in this city pm paring his defence in the suit of 0 W wright ve vs in the supreme court As soon as jus lice morton was informed of Sea bolts arrest he ordered a writ of protection to issue and enabled to attend the trial but did not further protect him in asking for the writ defend ant 3 counsel eald that tho the affair was 11 ti tie lees less than ian outrage and amounted to contempt of court as heat ot wa was only enabled d to attend the trial teal of his cam ahr ugh the court esy of the deputy sheriff who held him as a prisoner at last account accounts beabout was in texas pending spending hi his honeymoon at the home of hie his wife ia people baring having lately married miss bessie shirley at south bend dead ind |