Show APOSTLE REED EED SMOOT IS SWORN IN AS STATES SENATOR I 1 V washington march S ono of tho the biggest receptions that ii as ga ghon on to any senator who was sworn in to that body was to senator reed smoot this morning when tho the senate inot this morning senator hoar hear arose and said the chairman of the committee commit teo on arh privileges illges and elections ele tiong syna senn tor burrows is 1 obliged to bo be ab absent bent he desired ina mo 0 0 o state in ills behalf that ho he understands that the orderly and constitutional methods of ut procedure in regard to administering th tb oath to newly elected senators aeno tors to bo be thus that when any gentleman bringa brings with him or outs ts a credential consisting of tho tile certificate of his ills due flue election from the tile legisla tiro of hie his state ho he la is entitled to bo be sworn tn in and that ill all questions relating to chiq qualifications should be postponed and acted upon by tho benato 11 if there were any other procedure dure tho the result i would bo be that a third of th conate bonote might be kept out of their seats foi fol an birno on the present loR of objections without responsibility and never beform tho tile benitto by any n judicial inquiry the result of this tills might be stint it i champn 0 hang 0 in th the 0 political a 4 power of the government go which tho the people desire to accomplish might bo be indefinitely postponed when senator smoot arrived la in the senate ho lie found lying on ills fits desk deak a handsome bunch of pink roses placed then thera by the citizen citizens ot of utah tile time arrived for senator smoot to take thoo atti of sont ee stor he arose and leaning on the arm of senator kearns marched down tho alclo 11 of the chamber r tho gallery set up a of applan se and it continued until they arrived in fronton front of tho tha presiding officer office of the ilia renate senator smoot was ivan sworn in assen as at the bamo u time with senator platt of new york after taking tho the oath he started to return to his seat the gallery again sent out a large shout of applause among those present to sec eee senator smoot take tho tile oath anti was hottell omell 11 chairman Andel andersen roon john 0 cutler ben illch rich rev wishard of bait salt bake lake mr and anti mrs calmelo Cl Pal melo nielo and other utah citizens who are 0 hare ure temporarily |