Show tr or acting upon tho the rt its special committee oo 00 plana plans for a ov ivaton aton which have elicon icon submitted by an ca t gincer om cm aloyed for this special purpose the ward oe of trusts for irico price town baa has ordered a s election for tho tile ath at host next month when thu tho oters tiro are to ratify or zt tho the proposition t thi th i AdNo advocate cato belles bel loea lees a majority of IF arice 4 people favor the proposed water works system but how to acquino it la Is t alie thing that puzzles about nuo out tf boory tou of ua how fan tho be lic put in how flow aro are wo io to py pay for it I 1 or can wo we acquire it by bunding bonding or oui out of cot tho the ordinary revenues of tho tile town jr or both tho the prest lit town board has now ben in control of affairs for about fout fourteen teen months it wits promised or n tacitly under stoA when the mi clyto who compos it eav vero it at would stand for advancement what 1 hae they thoy done what amount of funds role turned our oer by the old huard ward what the receipts 41 rind und expenditure oj of the tile town t nce and what amount of money havy have 1 we on all hande hands now true an requires tho the town treasurer troa to inake a it statement ivory so otton often and that the ban kuust bo posted in the tile of tho the town dork clerks whether thia this has been done we venture tho the assertion that not a half dozen of tho the u ont inanity know tho tito clerks office 1 lo 10 open for perhaps an fux hour on someone evening of cite each donth no nth so that if it anone should take we til trouble loto to go there ho he might get when thit 06 hour kour folla tolls around once oneo a month it la Is utter after business hoort busi business neso eien oxen and also a tinto others aro are otherwise iid d Nuin numerous crous and oneat flags of the tile loaid waid bave bion adjourned adjourn iLd tind tho tile business busl of tho the people neglected that members of thu tile board of trustee trustees might inight attend iho tile lecture jecture of a trai traveling eling roc dicino dakil attend some other meeting or look after mattere matters why could not thu the othor tareo of four members go ahead allend with business bu alnesa tho tito ix know things and nd it tho tile waterworks proposition la is voted town it i III bo be not so much that the community does not stand for public ua as a lack luck of in the of tho tile members of tho tile AV lional 40 handle it business apropo etalon ou on tho the x hole it look looks as if it publeo was wits a seron dari con considers sidera tiou and tat tho the chief aim ahn ie Is to ped WO tho the towne towns ts in tt x tty ea lurle for tho the it few fa aired ones a adv ath acate la is not yx ex agge orating rating tho the conditions or ortho tho een sea ginejt oc of tho the Lusi riess climent of tho the G ten IN it there Is a 11 lack of it la Is with considerable consider aLlo pleasure r the adobato Ado cato directs to the tile published of tho condition at tho first national Nato nul hank bank of ju ia thia this issue at a of iho the directors held on tho ath of ane month a dividend vidonI di of 5 pc pet cent on tho tile caal tal stock of uel thousand dollars end ond to 2500 was wits td at tho tile alino placing plus jund leaving leMI 12 pr of 51 thi this for in an institution but littie tuoro thun a i durold cair old la Is a it record u af f walh president whilmon Wh Whit ikmon nion arit jash for 0 tie may well volt bo proud tit tuo bault now hua ints of jlii 11 taj 70 rather clotill for this time little of year butin tho 1 loof 1 oot ita its belof it auw institution sori son must bo bu I 1 mado it N 1 0 ratify tug to inov 01 that ut ilia hus tiu a bright future tl for fur ito its fehd taid your year and that it te Is dw it 4 kinod tu 4 b t one of the 4 hotd cono urno of Wi hintor COli 0 tile pullman has adopts adopt eI th lap nine houran in fit it its oar car al lowing ten houra liours pay it will of a M I 1 Pul linan porto porter AstIll get got tb th ir r pay oft ox uio the trav ellul publia and poor I 1 a i devil devils isail foramer forc ncr tip t fu paying two wo prices for I 1 indifferent ad me rent acco accommodations in bioda rather than bo regarded as le 1 I 1 ls cheap choup 1 th tho e Ado advocate cate would like to theeo see a system of water woi in price its u it kucans a steady growth for tho mo town tou a in future and tho loc titto with us of a desirable cluss of people pi hopfe who havo ht e been in tb post because ol 01 tho the exior water la ill till val 41 loy ley it if ue e ure tire to grow no 1 must make inducements for others to live among lid ills our oar uncle Is now going 9 after the wildcat cum paules bm aliee OL their use of th thu malls tn in defrauding the 11 authorities seem to hue morn la in u flu crice id in a suppressing up pressing swindled than anybody ciso chiefly tha the depara neut cun can do anything uny thing it order its it rule uta id ie its going to cut off considerable trudo trade from price with goo good d iwho schoola olai and aud good water price cub cat this to csomo bomo citeno by increasing her tier population from tho the coul coal and elbe elsewhere where by making tho the bovit a de place for tho the hobson bod bad about worn off tho tile disgrace with which ho tie coerced co bretl himself after ho fin started out to br ca ic t the h c re 0 ord of jal adik k the I Ivl but lie has gone and spoiled mery thing again hilas ho haa resigned hia ills commission in order to dentex tho tile ae tui mid tho the moo to increase the of tho the pres president dent to a year muy may 10 1 it to beat beut Roos roosebelt erelt it plight to bo be that much perhaps but au haie a balut recollection of what they saia ahert it was lulack from to tj F foar ow people uro are opposed to a water works sy so fur far aa as tho advocate is able to ascertain how to I 1 lo 10 l o it la Is the proposition to bo be solved towns lu in utah havo have been suc ce casul sul blung these lines vily not price the principal business district 0 ot arico is 1 lit tit thu tile merey of tho who noer a tire fire starts waterworks would afford not protection but reduce present as 91 insurance ronco editors cant the anglo way ol 01 going gunning for it country thit tivit pay ita its dobbe editor editors nevar nev r trat delinquent aub sub scribers thero la Is a suspicion that that somo some friend of a largo large american navy haa has coaxed germany to station a bicet in tho the sea |