Show oil notes and personals the advocate Is selling I 1 n rj 0 o quan quantities tItles of locution location notice both lode 11 find placer which indicates that new ground la Is eipl if g acquired though this cotlon it la is thought that tho the death of 0 wittier T jones occurred in denver 1 taut aid saturday will again dofer dafer tho big iron deni deal new near cedar city and tho the salo of the big tract of coal land in huntington ondon 1 avord word has co como ino irani froni kainber kimberly Kim borly i y aliat tho the trappers arido has ha been bonded to Dis bartles for tho trappers pride la Is ono one ot of tho the properties belonging to tho the madsen gold mining min ing company several carbou county uro tire lit iders quit clolie dededi from rom W IT thomas und to the colton vax cities and ana oil company for tho colton in a axt niDa nos 2 and 3 liu e boon flail with the bouny reo recorder order of at utah county vf vt 11 I 1 bowen and anti associates jim 0 tho hobon hobson T son mining binim to tho sallie company aho considerate on in said eulo sulo lu in aimed ud lis ono one dollar twenty hydro claims situated rubout four miles nilles wust rest of col ton hao lime beati transferred by quit dalm deeds to henry C lund lima of salt lako lake city for it consideration of tho the grantors niu W aa L ellch ardson and other tho the same prop arties nvere inter litter ault claimed cin lined by lund to Abra bitin stein ef of new york for it consideration of K report reports from brique Ur ique mexico retard aw las ing the earth earthquakes quales in that district state th tant at there were fou shacks throughout that section one oc occur currin rint on an the one on the one oo 00 tho the and one on on the tile all bere rere ere followed by un od explosions ons but only slight camac r rosbud ros nUd eighteen houses were ta A f ll 11 the people of the d district ac t a are re stricken ptrick eQ ana fear a wy wane mon men leo lee barnes and george georgo Sliver silverthorn thorn fought a duel to the death in a email small cabin near redding cal sitter thorn Is dead and barncs barnes cannot live the men were gambling tor for small stakes an ant ani I quarreled both re sorting to their knives weapons st with nine inch blades they fought desperately loth receiving numerous bounds SlIver thorn finally fell to the floor of the cabin mortally wounded there waa was only one bitne witness ss and ho he sw saw but the ending of the affray |