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Show 700—Help Wanted penancepeceuctyaah Sa ~100—Help Wanted DENIAL ASSIANI - Great dice CONTROLLER v — ‘DENIAL ASSSTANT penatOOMeetee DENTAL HYGENST- F, SettogonU0 Ks oe aan DENTAL LAB, * apebods723099 DAY: Donovan, Peter Newman, a of Doe Tet, Pease est Debbie hits Col Yarn, $71-2704 Disp, MARA, ‘provider oINC.‘sxvices ray. the ° ‘ond benef. zine ? ee Ree Se fis ee sasaae tin teats gue testing cuciied ix al delivering You'oe abl folup oS sles be slale to constuction Glos andhk {1\COLwestemwihOperation. Hanoi Delve sxpuince wl you] [RAVENS RUCKNG cusiod| ci clam som hme screwrenis, ae Poeumalic2DukGe, Ur,Canty, Compete Bielehe trek taminath sc Spurtoa806250006 Rpg pebeclabeatt Lake City. The chosen inciidual rye cca. Sgemortoferperse oly Sern Due rie cm ot Inte fodocument! an reconone Son teres ee PMCNN TRU RUTY iamonetengoHte, ‘goods Fspection. Candidate wil 2509 south Stale Skee! Bi Sis ‘orleans, ve,coms, @ LOLA ALSLDY ocxyon aversmeme teieases oni’ ELS ehgt 0 sar. SS Cera Fao oppor Employer Bare) ecorapey eee E RS ON NEL) codesirsacaten (Matingam,niaeeMeet ee| 4797 W2300§- 908-8000 |_COMIACTDAvEso263s014 Gove, quallycsuronce,Excat Fagessenal gov aeriod Youngyoutin cemany toes” cet sRecae Accesstom ecdwoad ood DAVES goerk Tre acconadco SOREN to; FO DRIVERS Rave: /.dump and end dump i Feseas town nmedile openings Ava ieail pte Practta 24 DAPAICHASSSTANT tucking Co leckngtrAsldord eee |. oaon9, oeuee payaneke. DRIVER - Full Time Diver wanled. Needs Asphalt 4970 N.| Sena| waeee tree ticese fl. Slee!_ Encounters Bastlns avaliable or potredlstuckaalYost bea iecate “CallNowi 530 .N. DIAL Stsdnpios ri Nrmmncacte sports MEDRON,INC. Cone P.O.Box 25382. ‘ie ils oene Daves MIS) nigh and wookencsCs A win amma ore eabies Vermeer Navigators ond FREIGHT OPERATION. WEXLYNCE SOUPVENT, MEDICAL apa alie cond benefis. 888-600-2550, and cutee 565-4969. oo - DRIVER $12.75t0sat — ‘milwark diboeo ae wy 8 See heated sori are itve phat ‘ack tEQUREVENTS: Vall chiverslconse-Class A vith PRESWANTaaa Pa ha “Coes cence -| ram honding com Conveyor exp, hel : : _a point where yourhealth 4953 catlomia Ave, (+245) ave a (eon gze888 DRIVER/DSPATCHER TAX) °° "MEDiyas 974.1947 conicDowtue 3695520} otk Aulo- Caden ecgFozronere 1436 Stale. ale No fees NOres: 326-2255 CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan.'19): watching Put ing for will assistance needit xtra workwhat into you yourconsume. appearance. Favors be offeredif you readily. Your Shopping will be favorable. You will mainconcer should be meeting GRAPHIC DESIGNER / WEBSTEMGR./SKIER FORKLFTStandupBlectticexp. $9,35/hx, Uh Employment Senvice find interesting itemsif you attend i your deadline. 060 ercasteuramrteren|Otaytance htop “eae Otel surly tears will be tempting. Think twice do with children. Your ability to THE SKIER'S EDGE CO, | Srigerne, resekinal| before you get involved:lle promis mother the world will ackieif uyyou world’s best ski teams, Is affairs wi tempting. , RGRGnd inlAdrenarebo-| es are likely with regard to career end up payingfor other people's SMeMANTS. MusbeAN Avib| advancement. You can be extremely mistakes with your hard-earned Greal growth careercppatuniies.| fepat Presidentpoxbe In!!! % (237-2000) unstoppable; 4 stars -- time for new projects; 3 stars -- focus your efforts; 2 stars - don’t rely on others; 1 star ~ avoid re skiedge1@sklersedige.com ‘Skitstage Company ehingbomie conflicts. i te coonctticr —|t00—Help Wanted eaveMAKR Cem xatee Sag aeee Ne ence. Mima ualicatons ON lt ee eee BREneeded ol faringion Co: comenenp enmtormottal pet im Geert EPERENCEDRUCK DRVERS Srueeene *iisosaumstec””” Heesfeck AACSRYis) pavers ]@ 44 Wester states plus DRIVES: COLA S10S3."B" $7510, ucts, regulatcry advocacy | sDyyonw ‘Service "D* $7.59. 978-0378 peseice: experience. Ful Benoft Daves Co hig diven| indus, tomitr *ExcotonEoupment Ace ng iy ime/cement with MHA rogucions, Toll '@Rider/Unlorn PSPS: cacy: back. H&R TRANSPORT ‘Spall enough loknow yournome DRIVERS WANTED, EXPERENCED ground also desrable. hleresied Meroughioteepecrcing “heady Mates oatevs Reha may enol tener12 Tied Of YourDead End Job? Warr tomake up to $36,000 ayear wnt 1o VicePresident environmental BVGRGiaos! || Gaeta sth- sy cs 304,Sail Lake Cy,Ut 844107 HENDRICKSON TRUCKING ROCOR ‘Are you stuck ata large company? 4-800-235-8254 No Credit Checkor Money. as eee Bigger is not always Better!! wreporal Hea! HEAVY HAUL DRIVER poner Too TwetsNotonvde and [Mal naveox,wih cyteand over RED HANGAR | GRAPHC DESIGN: PRODUCTONDESGNER 100—Help Wanted {ARSIWST;Newfocttondtas!_ [HEATH CLASSIFIED AD aieio: aro, Compelive wpe and F/I ct F/I. Wil Koln,Woges, nega. # Contact: Ryan Montgomery 4-800-251-8846 of OTR DRIVERS RvR’ ACTI Medeorcarla Neosat certo 201Kvocstcn are, ecoten.| who ae Ask About Our biol | Be-| matbe Gge yeuwsdkded,to check Weencour clone" ore vison, denis, Soph;zotbeason bet” fepkinen oon coenes DTORAL ASSTANT Now Hiring Drivers) Ose Ment DRIVERS alert mies Paid Ly Pevatoren Gur tealcondef'99 cnc 20| $4,000 9H Eola estitot ermareirto. Se woeis97 Fete comer [DINP te 24rods teesfe [reg TIC ata a asme Now hing solos ‘and fears. Criver ESCORTS | Mthg aoc? 18 ip Yan umeatacn cn hes coertr orew eae Flatbed, step deck exp. Home refs ee, gence. come work wit wih websint which bargeits _lPeceoPtekeasy femal ne watWc ewe excelent pay tcenwngondpoviie 2et Ronen: Sacer Nee pe Soypoly. xcs cvecge fine compute” oxpmsence, £000 S2b4477, 1E Sought REALS Bonus Chass A. COL cers fo a0, OTR Ang con (a0) 963-0864 (Ai 5 leiconrs No 7 NoPoblemi weSe, sring Avoastiel meni. Call now 1-800-348-8224 SOCAN 451 £ 30080, 1C DRIVR tional company. ‘Platiorm strong ilustrator skis. ‘Sendresume fo: A. Jones 378, BoodwaySLC, UT 84401 ‘or fox to 801-537-0294 sae RAPHEDEGFond PL Ing agency, Faxtesume 355-8087 ean CLASSIFIED AD a m :0 P.M. 8.00 P.M. MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 7:00 A.M.to DA -0 P. 500 FRIDAY FRAY ae STYUST, reniol East Pick Upon application tom your HAIRFREEbooth 255.585,2 weeks ceenton yo Courtesy Booth, ‘Qeotpoycoerheec ‘Must be 19+ yearsold. Responsible. GENTS C2ste Yottroe 877-488-1386, areose, tT colltera a6e5605. CLASSIFIED codoo, Mt ive feete days DOESMORE THINGS a dophyinpanenssice- o ‘yes MoslerDo Taner nhanee paar cee BN sree ore aeroeee DRIVING RECORD MUST BE SUBMITTED AT TIME OF APPLICATION. CALL BONNIE 237-2300. forested in ‘okey a: Sitesio lacanicoss roleprcdar Scmori'ne pomoceuka | Send/fax/emaal scary takenRaractoyatg ie you resume ans “SN TheBalt LakeTribune rp NA’ emerio ee Aor: Prosi nasroy, ch 8a123 (NA) Deseret News . SOUTH 333 WEST 500 execuive experience ond Fox AERpapa [FANADVOCATE Watongetnoma casts nest wih) ecole Ceiots 0497 eaten chested were _ Abed = ELECTRICIAN rmewbata‘Gonerty ond bore ey eas ropensreemsae Gr posiee 1 Sotacetoares shalGichield.com “Mancsadby TosptionilesRerile ine eral: Blom HOT 947-8240 eee: ARE SNOWBRD Sl & ae eorair, flandP/T BANQUET SERVERS vconer a Val ercotie on WANT TO EARN SOME EXTRA CASH? o pkeatn ond esamode| soeceseess, Powtions ec cnyen| a SHES ‘aka'vey|eatenee erecrow cx rare! RINE047-8940; f }@ HC Clinics and Dr's Offices 208 i FAX: 947-8244 Office Hours: 8. am -6 pm, Mon 41 Climb on board with the Discover Processing Center. We are ‘seeking multi-tasked oriented team players. Checkout ourstate ofthe art credit card payment processing and print mail facility. ENTRY 6:00am - 2:30pm EXTRACTION vend you remune: $45-525 HOUR slgeeksected ek witon. ord telaled to this Inlernational 1d chordBowe Solary is SEUBN MOE RE UFeats jaoreeeey Mand Bolton yo 104700 Kanani Deel ee Shania pce fxnBet,Gemoe ae peat deg cammynicaton, com bah varbal“ond pong lo paint depeed logether‘We wage medica, benetis dent packager areJeeta ond | chsing pe pea or 11:00pm - 7:30am 0am 11:30am ee Reciicions fronciot servicesDon co. ‘Cleortokt location. # you cre "S|o Wanted ker Bie loc Boye, eben,ond Woreed bacame gee) Foy Aa. "ee [rev anc hv cts toon fhecance poet cet ct Ls ning ehahiinkao dynamic ee WimmeraTiaowe age fore, 10 2 EXECUTIVE ASSSTANT™ ‘odean Amytrratiensuces ses experienc, Wilcloar 15% comm.over Coll$2,000/1mo, 5329177 om| limomcon —Caperny DATA 5 sedev hel ster‘ondbotmael onack card Of Patol Sonnwole Apl 2ER0S02 /MANT. seas ook onporiche nt jeg treble, Dua Cooleara ond $14.90-617.24, LICENSED HEALTHCARE Ful ime groundskeeper needed fr necessary. elec. ony ray &xp.| plumbing, genegommenaucie ra rept Pharmacists, in aftition wih crod-| But Community. nol necessay. Ofwithapts Proec naies ard coe 4924 So, Murray Bid (500 W.) dilly. 272-7425 Moniii.9-5. 1S1 SPSShee’ mroletsonals wil Saturday & Monday 6:00am - 2:30pm Tuesday (4-8 hour shift) Starting at 6:00am Energetic pecple onerted ecu: understand English. Aipat Canfe ln seoks fff the of Drete Greatae cgomntcl Ofice. We oer o compxahen aoe noees EXECUTIVE WALK-INS ALWAYS WELCOME Applicants mustbe able to speak, read, write and inn rp of Sales and Marketi ee ears Telacnolbe hore nae accepled i froceutica company are pre priser occas Tegan requent local travel and public w Vice President - rankSets 264Clovisvenue, Sale106 PIRERC Son (89cule ‘tonsavollable. |yeacraneon$5.78sorrlppotpoo 190 Katng Peace oe eam eeenema aECTRGAN ieee Meal pet socaastafrien ——_——_—_—_— a Comfort in Sait Lake |_,dpscale Son now ning No TootSalLecvemagalsz22bzn|_Tecivilas ondvids 6821919 SRE a ame Se | MARSTYUSTaAReRR ocemehnzsbl preearay Tai (Plus .50¢ pay for driving The above shifts are approximate hours, Full time positions are also available eksegere HEALTHC penete wilh a years or older with a See Wa ar erent Sola ond bones ore commenay sie Soebat.. Poo rao wih ulicatos expat mol, fox {644715} & OpBY M ence,ond cally 16Bull person SEOe A | AGLOAY AM DOWNTOWN| fig 995Mant ReneegerTS8 lamer |A ORNS Det South Valley Sanct 7 Musi be 24 Jat role fo this postion. Experience Utoh diverslicense and a good wih proving innome personal| civingrecoxa ood ft Care ‘services under goverment of the Sal Lake and surounding Contac! is plus. Knowledge Sogitetad "aceetngof reais ae Falond_pxt [EROOMER Sno Wo coae orps en oe 1456200 (01) 957-4724 eenae PHARMACISTS ic7927568" = iheaoee PE {fire years experience in c sim-| FOR MORE PEOPLE TSCORTS BECUTVE VOGUE CLASSY FUN LEGAL (Starting Wage: $7.50 per hour) ion 9manage eects aemeee as {cous on customer service, ond thet feel ond the public THAN ANY OTHER FORM OF ADVERTISING!1 Spennes Code, SERS86 Wwe Drector ae {81 an cmos Otoprcaspase aon Moke $1000 per week or mare (cle and: 100—Help Wanted HOT. Groncor whos perso BELL PERSON/DRIVER came services © uated Full ond Part Time 7:00 AM. to /@ Non Foods FRIDAY 237-2000 Penk ocr. lung» gute ih vee maytucking com MVR and Wel io make amove and vomnraurcyengiee eS ot crc 500 PM benef pkg, In person at Expedence pret. lralside, 2313 E Injermounain ‘and Heavy _Porleys Way, 4853214 Haul. 964 So, Poneer SLC. Dbuid cterveie Calas t0b0. co. hs immediate opening for A WAIT Riemer)AVOID SANERTeietTT jt os) “Felvcual wih excel eomeuiet ——Wwooawar PLACE YOUR fi Fea erecsea PU Baiting atenanon cr BISceeet Wout oequetontxyou eos 908200 VeeOok HONDAY ssorht SAY 1s ial OSM Perry THRU THU Wit ‘someoes tiggingrisa and DRY CLEANINGPRESSER 700M. to GOTDRIVE? suffer eer(May 21June 20):s You Your mate will be sensitive to your « {syeaox THAN AYOTHER FORM PRBSaaa cosicionave Combetilomarcnal 72s502._ EXP. recuted.Sta Foctory949-7632 AguaOreace fies onmanagerert po, ADDUS HEALTHCARE apes tr prefered) DRIVERS NEEDED MEDIAsay . ppeeretetect o LOCAT DAIFERMANENT WOR| (ers colo Benet jratoh octane: fontCOurea,fe NTE ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER Cond pai, HELPFUL eeher SN oeoeaeemel te BRANCH MANAGER © Must pos DOT physical wih ssatenaSnnRonaits Rote 810 12hous per day David 269-1144 or 420-1254 9 gone, ce ASS™ an niamationalinierview 583-1696 Daca an Suglaeohated swelcene.WPAMTS 8612251 usr ave eags cou Expeence ORVERS 1Mle Ickng now Fal tive palin, wih banatsk eof RSTO needed: Pec aaaas : pplcaons comment lo *PEtos 080 Seu Sol Lake City, UIB4119 If ts will their situations. Do not take on the Love connections can be madeif you SKER Greate, setmalnated.| popular if you socialize. OOO cash. 000 meet dooatne:, 23 eat year exe| VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You Theplcopcernt25 IRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Yo rapegs c Samany hay i ag é + be: 5 stars ~ Fe ete ee Stars indicate how good your day will Seberontmercnsemees OR atBan | 5. i will be emotional aboutfriends and F HR P.OBoxS14 Springvlo, U04869.0514 motels Ttis tor agar Corte| matters CoeiderimpourDovterprvate youwishthedayto movealong aSao slide, especially those that smoothly. Devote sometime to the Older win ClasACOL Upio s3| Patan 1261S. RedwoodRe ex mie. Wo) 10 601.972-4044 Eation Call 801.374.0764 ask for Dave BCREEIVECTIN ‘DESIGNER ftongittecm payer os | ReeunY,APRN ot SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You will have the energy to accomplish Don't start arguments with those at your goals. Don't hesitateto present your ideas and put theminto action chances are it will be your fault if You will be well-received if you talk *| calsieSrvia vai iahes GENERAL OFFICE are e262 Rh Te Neciricav i Praised exp Mabe2a {« "AWS, Al Corlieg). Apply 'otd required. No GDL. Profl sha watcnceinc.avn Mama t'sTrias, 566.5150 Neatad 10: Sime mustbe taken care of immediately. OOOO 1ela ee| Sears eeeames—| responsibilifes of older relatives, don't hestate to interadwith ote and. Food Sonic. worker w/| FEUER, CUSTOMERSERICE EE. Concentrate on yourself fora change. Attend social events. eataan attt DRIVERS ay encstmunieftWesten: Need ENGREERNG: co. aval ThoGeamhehe, Shean obred bu ro vara clo DRIVER - ROUTE - Good diva rec You will welcome adventure and enthusiastically follow your dreams. Imopercst, Wxevatelyalcpptvscieistio. will affect your financial position. ones you love. OOO one repeater NOEvaso AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): ug, SASGURGras Comecion CANCER (June 21-July 22): You'll get along well with your Industrial Specialists ,ins eetreca.ccnmereisee., Weight gain is likely if you aren’t colleagues. Don't vacillate about ask- Se wanted. xpeienced on re fOMLADIVER, et A winds Benet fo years yeas sectel wok cores |p helphl. 973-8207 Arseeee cereceeemeememeeme CHORESTAPCO DSTSTAONG poss Appin wing Digitrac igitrac: Locators, . Good pay ey personallife will be totally unpredictable. Don’t get involved with those: whoare or bl overindulgent escapist: Problems with‘ith your h house home, You will be difficult, and oo} Sufome,Savice, ingutial| some cashier exp, 73pm Mon.-1 re oo a (ree Beret Sg ESE a LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Your start. You will be able to incorporate the old with the new to come up with ideas to help yousolve probi lems and put yourplans into motion. WEPAYDALY person at ooremennen ENGNEERNG SECRETARY i 328-2255 - 11365,State 0 O00 YourARIES numbers:(March 2, 16,28,21-April 35, 39, 4619): Marci toonsbbebawr| ererceeanmerizoiat00-”| SUONME Te Solrtoseinc sok Sy pay fa eet ati, byfan, eo)ar. ae DRILLERS AND LOCATORS Swiancnin package. Pleas |F Sytteserigsmictemasel Seovaematreuneis” CDLDrivers meeeces|ara Ime postions cvalcble, the truth in order to saveface. HappyBirthday: You will work ee| a Wage DOE. Fax a resume |eee to best to en usy. EETARIUS (Now. ov. 22-,22-Dec. Pouce aa FRE Boe Wes tere vou ae betba| TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You 21): a not topush yourself 0 tasks wih ile orno supervision, baat Sas SotPe CHL BorasvehCoineline | focal dehverex Fat ne ond Ka wages Wexgan stretch GENERAL BORGES ORS JOBI OB. Benefis, ince tte, impdical, DeiveR /BS Sox (oot sie 3 no hard until youfinish whatever you gree, toepariion| ond fecuied #080" ¢10/. Seces| fceleron) stick up for the underdog at a group Emily McEnroe, Linda Evangelista, meeting. Someone you know will We offer ma Dispatcher. ASTROLOGY WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 2000 CELEBRITIES BORN ONTHIS can make a pointif you're willing to angtoes ca cee ih focitty ferrin * THE LAST WORD.IN serena and sclay The Sait Lake Tribune D11 Wednesday, May 10, 2000 FINANCIAL 6:00am - :2:30pm 6:30pm - 3:00am 8:00pm - 4:30am ‘ “Poid Life Insurance “Medical/Dental (Day One) “Paid Time OftHolidays “#01K/Pension “Tullon Reimbursement 237-2000 HOSTAL ass age ee Sipe s deraon Goleway CES Experience prefered bul notea JORDAN VALLEY HOSEL eem=™"B—eStoates PONEER VALLEYHOSPTAL acu AUTOR Discover Cuaer 5420 Weat 1730 South DAVIS HOSPITAL MED CTR auny downtownheel seeing nat |, SL. REGIONAL MED CTR spionol yeusa ‘ ‘00am - $005 Tenet tear 0 ROCKY MOUNTAIN MED CTR a sea ah vs sane bs PYvieadesttid ny pewter (MMe SeemaC cox Uta Salt Lake City, UT 64107 eee An Equal OpportuntyAfimatve Acton Emphoyr weal CUNICARE OF UTAH siti (PNY A ate eeae G== SHen ac ranurne 10 |