Show WEEK IN CONGRESS AMESS COZ jameal 30 ivores hor the des fixel th ur hplu forthie tor tb iono A permanent serous ake tl tria friend tido ot of the it dill civil 1 lw law who poil t to m JB jag th b employs lor of til onu lluc 0 for knifer transfer i or retention were ever rep detested py the toja tetras of the lb bill the permanent ul succeed the tb present mp orry july luly I 1 and nd all 11 II employees on 0 rell rolls upon the data ot at ur the ot of the th set c will wilt become eligible tar for transfer to a ath th r 1 a ats or at oia lo 10 tb the it bil bill laise tie P pr for ft a census la in IRIN od d tar for the th collection of 0 tell artl ain pall special statistics sexually 11 A bill forthe or tb protection of the th livesey allm t minors la ati II 11 llen biet in laittre every uta mine over too 1 tet toes t et is depth alti ower be to parotid AM cual toot of pore pare air tor tot every ry fifty asir kiaer sers siant A solution by mr me tor tar direct lar the tb secretaries of ali the loter larsa ot at agriculture to report to the aust f an a I 1 I 1 too is they way regarding the ib prove rt ion ot at thA merter buffalo or bison and ad any steps ought aftel to be b taken to prevent its aft ex x dartlon of at the tb azis cals wi was 4 mr me rose t tb of reutin bal 1 ress nest called ay up for or tb the a lein joint re lutta lutt a pt an amendment ta to the til tl of at the unit al states att kellne reL lne ojue cession to the proal pra lilii deney la in to the th pre Aldeas elect should die between the tb time of lil ha al election ad d the lb date of f bh uis dot rl ot comment the th amod 1 pro tern sit inhere kere QU lutour toUr at me bitnar ilka two o thirds of f the lb seas tor tort bad voted for I 1 among wit passed was one OB to establish the ati aad aci adjacent lad asti osal memorial park la in virginia kill and ap p wo for the p ati ang 1 aw OW to the cost ot of the its 1 at bun finn francisco to lucrative the limit of 0 cost ot for or the public bul ding at t nutte ilutta moul mail win wows bows faO OOOO forth teethe appropriating erection of 1 bile we b at i evanston Braan toa amik 0 til tte of 60 W acres of 61 boa son 1 land to aid te to the nu stion enlargement soa of wyom inc state soldiers sod nil allor homes bom providing that boa 1143 aa tet ller lere la in forest reserves ma make food their claims to iod land la in certain canal ALIGE to tie state ft of idaho 50 ft sorts re of tend land to aid td to th jbv enlargement ad mal ali abo state boedler Bold ler sod ad sellers home r b sty 3 tho hour doroted the day to gen en rl debit upon oleomargarine bill th no opponents ot of the ne auro tempted to flu bueter buster status it Is at t theo of tat th g out but wen were beaten atea by inor more than a tr ow vote ot tin tho speakers wr war usury of f lish kins ot of vermont and nd omit ot illinois the th measure and of rf liw w york ot at lUla oli oU burleson ot at bad and clayton of at alabama 1 is 1 a to it trose jhc the t bill lit favored the th adoption of 0 the whid Is I 1 destined det jad to a present the til sale te of 0 oleomargarine ander lb butter afore the bill was taken up mr ur bull of rhode island land who bo ham ru teu III since lae concrete was from la in i a d me from 1 he committee on a ways 0 means the tb MU bill ta to repeal the th war r revenue tax eq the bill ta to increase ike k Ral 1 artes of united stata I 1 adges the tb madiana madi ant ns alitt effree by mr ile stoward increasing she salaries ar of outon bd ad member I 1 of the tb bouse house of representative to ITAW sunu ally beginning on march 4 aluf after brief 1 discus cb its amendment was w reject ails 1 to tot 4 A spirited debate on the i 1 tariff till carmack of tennessee arid nd beveridge burld of indiana closed elo wd the di del i a session ei uloa C i borss debit debate on me bill continued la in the houm bouse the tb opponents of th the bill madloc a tight so tar r as the tb presen aton of argument Is 1 concerned concern fl in favor of 0 she th bill were M losses tompkins of 0 N yo york r it or of missouri knapp of no now ork yo york da batem tew of 0 pennsylvania 11 wl cousin drecoll of at now N yore and od hepburn of or loir laws la to favor of ta tho bill sod conhard a of f blis barsham of texas grosvenor of ohio an t cleberg of i texas tx against ant V the bill attar britt brief discussion the senate the bill providing tor for a tl 26 pr per can bent la Is treaso la uio the so aties of united states judic judges by a vote of 29 20 to sl V joba john F r ass lo inducted ducted late into osse omoo an the successor of the late senator ir T atwal V w jersey auw du ib of the day i tb u a deficiency 1 appropriation bill bin was oade under consideration the philippine tariff daur twin laid falaq ida temporarily |