Show SENATOR S E NATO R CLARK BEHIND THE DAVE MOFFAT ROAD moore bros of ot icaco ia oro are boll eved to be furnishing thi bulk butk ot of the capi ital foi building to projected pro jetted denver North northwestern and railroad of which D H loftos of demer Is chief tho tile ww now road it Is believed will practically acome bc olne the extension of the rock island system from denver to salt lake speaking of the lew road D 11 moffat say says final arrangements hao liao been ee perfected nod the work incidental to building bildin no urline 1 Is rapidly progressing the e road m III be completed within to t o scars enra to salt lake its length from denver to salt lake is about tho hundred miles and by arrangement ran gement with dark clark we will establish a load passing through colorado utah nevada and california |