Show RESIDENTS MAY CUT TIMBER FOR OWN USE i colonel percy 8 sowers bowers government mak grubor agent 1 la I ass been instructed ted to rere bere entertain andaca and act upon petitions from citizens of the state of utah forn limited amount of umber timber which may maj bo be aalten af after ter t the h e petition baa has been considered by col 0 onel sowers bowers from lands withdrawn temporarily rily for the pui pul pose of 0 creade creating 9 a afforest foat reserve tho the petition must be addressed to the secretary of the interior but sent to mr bowers and DO no timber umber may be cut before consent Is obtained from him blin such petitions must specify the amount of timber desired in what sub aub it is desired to cut 14 it where it la Is to be used and what use it is to be put to dead timber must be used aa as far a practicable the amount of timber to bo be cut will bo governed by tho the needs of the people and must bo within tho the requirements quire ments of the law and in conform ity with the rules of tho the department forest foreit reserve acm ra rules with regard to the economical utilization of all parts ot at the trw tree ad abiu tue disposition of 0 sage and so as to preveat prevent forest anre irl ilbe required to be observed particular kuar instructions instruct lona will bo be given where petitions aro are favorably con shered ed sd ered this bulling rull lagon on tho the part oi ol tho the I 1 interior deportment department is a modification of the instructions originally given to tho the special agent and Is made with a view to helping the people of tho the state and allowing thora them lumber aber and butil pending the consideration of the establishment 0 a forest foreit reserve |