Show AcCas lins estate Is small A petition has 1 been llyod in talho tile district cobit nt at suit salt lako city by mrs jose piling n adow of 7 IV IN castin iho ended hit ills own lifo after funnily fLA tally shooting miss annie u RuF ibell and max A IL iter aking nuking ii that J T McCun MeCo noll be La borot tor of tile estado of hor her 1 hiah h loll 1011 Is lined tit ilic refi tion that J W mi bild on oil tho the 2nd of or august kugust und and that enid said loft left tin espito tn lit stith anti in ili chloi cot oil ido to anti that SO fai US its Is 18 ano n exists tile estate conaleta con alsta of aunill Inte interests resti in lit gluing cla clatilla tills of coni tandi lands shares of stock stuck in find other poison nl property In porty and ef feLts tho probable pro biblo bible N little of la 13 tho hairs tiro tire mrs mcclaun McCu aUn nula it 2 ani old aud tileo also ciui at i old a 7 acar carold car old eon son who licca with his ills mother a fornier wife |