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Show 100—Heip Wanted oe 100—Heip Wanted 100—Help Wanted ip Wanted ip Wanted 150—Seif Th 7999 190—Business 200—Unturnished Opportunities Apartments Tr ake 200—Unfurnished partments € _200—Unfurnished Apartment \/20F neeDer] ‘STMO.RENT Col Larne ot Waxrckey Better Hem SHES Ware Secuaty 8 Garders (5728000 or tor you [wear Yo S729fs Week Comm tim 2 <alee n Beck Eectowot “se. $90072598 nde of te STAFFING SERVICES. $300 eecasi: MOVES YOUN! AT CHELSEA PARK TUS: WE WALINCALULE THE WASHER, DRYER! berg pave + Sion moe oc 12, 8" ot expeemnced Sates || WarreSeawond oeac ‘eoa| PLyICOnS Miml rouance Soe eae 28 Be 2 potrdesreunre: {SAIS 1& 2Becroon CAREER OPPORTUNTY red x cn 2 ioe “rane ae ord watch hone aetel rouse | 356) =a tk 176 2a cok O584238 50 | coeratics ood Bessy this oreo. looking be ci3 ans Mv BOM oO ees a ‘: =a pe NOW! in apaan af SLAED HNN SNES) Baaatsrszy n° VREFAL RA ARS ert = 5 eranrasiee ein ON tekeen we xk ok en ate et + )pportunities 2+ savenasoaca| 745-8000 } fonce fox apeh okt? 72 |BxrcuintscstiAey salary bore |""fts Ferwlersow col'2430749 1 [eum TAC ram |Pbonces, Mon 11 95 Sot. 10-4 ‘ OpenSun 11-3 7Styles to choose MVON eeeee ae from starting at $525 | Noni iercieiod ws evoke Sei teat pa x : Beamiaucy cog wer)SReresHe dy Fae we MeXAL ~ ya ut fect Cone 0] SE ate ais ot | sels teoiccts 4. ekun ha aeaOA Wega) Ne "SHABIMERDOWS sett) aR neshosmtes NS | 138 it on 794 £ Shown 25)Meads ME 277-2666 or 571-8010 COUN MANAGES any wee oh Sous haBusnes ae Reading Eragon ong foulare Pay 0c aM) a ls pass an PoleMolearnscon 2 abe Career gowth far “bent tewme10 | 06-8259 aOR ORE MAN ANY OTHER FORM ieTeteKneeeenHere CEABOERNE Siperence "prekwred bu rea |SECUAIY full pat iene Graal | as fabaTook pod Reeeyads aca 3 sk pone 708 aweg er prt eaten frre iia és FOR YOU!: Ala SEAL WES 4 pee rea e gues . BLOOD DRAWING 2 buta 2Somers vel245 enn S650 ALvara ADS — 7000 inWl ee A ‘onaopp 5 a 185 A JOB WORTH DONG =i) 0tr Making less than © tae $10.7» ctico average(comm) He dO Nous pa wok a year? If so we needto talk! Opportunity Information HO ge Jlovine crga Mano orn VAL ADS— 2000 (237-2004 eon vie ; etm 04 Jn ot. age. RN ey eat 2180 F | JAN - PRO of Utah TO MACE rou CUSSIEED 237-2000AD acralale Ceca fanctusns ‘any ae2 ont ma wee” FREEINCOMETAXF RANCHSE SUAKSRIS NG Val Hon (is ed . ee Summer at rmanCantos | CANAL 33hy portecos sals soma e ze Fara iuDMatnt ne cay Ey=z]. man HIRING IMMEDIATELY c Raat mn hows Ried te] Club | Apartments! 6 Floor plans to choose from, lots of amenities and fun in the sun. Perfect Is An Understatement $AO/HR GUARAMTE | PROLSSORATAYro ian apts as tow Wasatch MONIBT Ot z ey 00 ek st rons io Spring into youn fen Fiano Communications Deseret News eee 4 TL t rien VALE Cy. re SaSeman ee PAS! info. ASPENHLLS!! | = 2 89° a S ne ts waa Can ks anvergys cunton Monagermen tcp GSCRINEE Neoged Txpeience oaMedSponOrbe MeIOKE THAARRETING 885.137 10CLASSIED RACE Your AD 237-2000 Bere Awency Corporationft . MaRRAY Aro eh sam "8 wne w Drectors| Dance, Music, Theatre SLCC 957-4430 SAE ROCUCTON. sho shScarerece| ac Serato oe cnitoc! Lay, loyor 98 8808 cx BOT 903 8608, ounvely expanding compan gH Oggpesuive prot aan ABSALES POPE als Io ext Negchen onc en AGENTS torelto.e lorehe 2 ys Ghoge 2 eeread ae onl1300. 34) ont 1981 ETINATAL WORRIES warleg hal xe me faetheaieand venta, AUDI DESIGN rom Yale fae Iara Mtichcmc be the neoed ue sah Contd ara This challenging position offers the following: * A stable company ® Eaming potential of * A tun, professional work $35,000 to $40,004 per environment year(Salary plus * Great benetit package commission) that includes vacation lime, personalleave. paid parking, cellular phone program, 401k plan, and more! The person hired will be responsible for selling newspaper advertising 0 new and existing retail accounts in a geographic territory. Successful candidate will be a positive soit starter, with o high degree of enthusiasm and energy Minimum2 years sales experience, alongwith excellent oral ‘and written communications skills also requir Mf You are interested in joining a winning sales team, and fool you are the right person forthis opportunity, please submit your resume to Jeannette Ellis, HumanResources, 143 South Main, SLC, UT 84114, oF fax to 237-2856 Rosumes accepted through Wednesday, June 9th, 1999 Equal Opportunity Employer "Sau 2609565 ODA vtBaim asses and _aprvoved tabentertiship 82 322 Stake 3514 m3 )"'s35,000 to $40,000M T alice Son ek 3}peaty Recahpostion tape eeeavalcble’eee hoe: trtreMove, eed eee 1980 soDISERecenGshiexper awe ee SAY. | FsNs who would ‘ain| WARE Sa ont ty 213NBot 355 bre 1 So AVENUES STUDICS TRUCKDRIVER TRAINNG [S50 Sos Since1978. locally 34 wk otekanSabot wii SF METAL 8 1758 6 0 Samm “Welcome Home fo. ” pats smoke Tae NA. 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