Show WAR TIME MEMORY story ol 01 abat 1 instrumental in breaking Brea kint up knights Knie hta of the golden circle for a third of a century an exile from hia his home in kentucky through tear of an avenging hand felix feltz 0 stidger found mercy at the hands of ot judge kohlsaat at chicago because of the part he took in breaking up tho the famous knights of the golden circle during the civil war thus doing tho the country an invaluable service the th defendant had pleaded guilty to i ind indictment ament for writing improper let to persona persons in Crawfor dalUe ille and goshen ind and was awaiting sentence tha roan man len en dered good service to the cause of the union at a critical time aid said district attorney bethea and on this recommendation the court cout suspended a fine which be he had imposed SUd StId gers service in the war of tho the rebellion Is a part of history ills alls name is enrolled among the government secret service agents who were detailed in an 1864 to learn the plane lans ot this notable organization of southern sympathizers stidger says he was followed for two years yours by a hired assassin bob spruce ani aul that his life would te ie in peril if he gewere were to go to kentucky his former home as surviving members of the golden circle would hill kill him I 1 served in the united states state army tom t om oct 8 lbs to feb 14 1864 0 said stidger when I 1 was hono honorable discharged on a surgeons certificate of disability having taken part dart in the battles of chaplin hlila hills ky stone river and chickamauga lookout mountain and missionary ridge may 6 1864 1 was employed by the provost rat marshal irshal general of the district of kentucky united states army to learn the designs of the knights of tho the golden circh of which clement of ohio onto then residing in canada was supreme head I 1 became grand secretary of the order for the state of kentucky the official officials revealed to me the exact details of tho the proposed assembling of members ot of the order aug 16 1864 foi th purpose of liberating rebel prisoners sonora at indianapolis chicago rock island johnsona island and louisville the plan was also to seize the government arsenals arm the boners and together with the mem bera bore of this organization put forward a force of armed and drilled men for the rebel army in august 1864 your own judgment will tell you that this would have prolonged the civil war at least two years and added to the coat in treasure and und lives 1 I was the only man to whom the active head of the order in the united states revealed the phansin pl ansIn detail to others he gave the detailed instructions in regard to their individual parts every move contemplated by the traitors I 1 reported fully to the commanding officer of the united states forces in and to gen carrington and aud gov morton in andl indianapolis anapolis dally daily often hourly in this berv ico ice secretary of war stanton in an off dal communication stated stat my help belp had beerworth been beeM worth as much to him aa as any battle that had been fought during the |