Show 04 11 4 TURN MIGHTY STREAM L A sticks la in sand to clisanto the cu 01 the swift fal jiva jf y 9 in thia this region too the river 1 Is bordered ith busy cities dubuque keo kea kuk quincy davenport rock island abolino thriving railway towns towne full of 0 factories fac torlea colleges fine and alt all the evidences ot of energy and culture most at 0 them are built upon hills and all ou high grot ground seen from the river they present the views of themselves thenie elvea the cities of at tho the flat fiat country farther down never do it Is a swift water that rushe rushes past these cities at low water which Is usually in summer and fall the cur rent dropo to three incite ra an hour or less but at high water when it stands thirty or forty feet higher on its hanks banks it sweeps along at nine miles an hour with irresistible impetus imagine what that means in A big river nine milea miles an hour we aro are so used to railroad trains that run sixty or seventy miles an hour that it does not seem an overwhelming speed but Lon consider sider that when ft a rail rall road train Is once heckel its power la is bone one interfere with 1 ue 1 e progress of at the mississippi and the river piles plies up against the obstruction sweeps around it over it under it and momentarily menta rily grows stronger about it tho the power waxes until it BIN sweeps beeps away the fret yet such la Is the contrariety ot of this mighty stream that while it will m throw tho the strongest obstacle to ll 11 it course that can bo be built it will 1 to the slightest one could hard hardly afta a moe striking illustration of tu power of blight slight things than the ehan harp contrast bet between benl the behavior of ei th river against a powerful check ebeck aae against a slight one for year yearn th government engineers struggled to direct the river with massive str etcie 14 dikes when the could o at 0 overthrow one of these it dug a or it and so wrecked it money without end wac wax spent on dikes there wis 0 mighty one below gold dust landtau in tennessee it stool longer thin thia most of them but a flood 1 lu the 1 at last conquered and sept it adir how then can the river be dirt direct ed simply by a few stick sticks set la in the sand A row it piling ol with a few brush hurdles accomplish es Cs it the river sweeps through ca dies behind it dropping sand md building up a bar nowadays traveling down the river through stretches that once were broad and sha shallow oas finds them narrow and dep nith sandy sides over the tops of 0 which can be soon seen lust just the tipa of the pile that accomplished the mighty change Aln sleds magazine the beadle of tho the parish is alwart of tho opinion |