Show WHERE OLIVES ARE CHIEF FOOD the poorer people of or cyri fyri tir the fruit Is 14 the irule ot of the olive Is the mainstay of the people of syria and Is indispensable pen sable to the poorer classes the fanner farmer and tho laborer leave their homes in the morning with no other provision than a loaf ot of bread and a package of pickled olives wrapped rapped up in leaves that la Is their dally daily dinner and it satisfies them the oil ol 01 the olive ove is a substitute fur for butter and lard and Is needed for the cooking 0 of almost every dish while until recently it was the chief illuminating power of the eastern communities kerosene Is rapidly replacing it owing to the cheap price at which it Is sold the entire supply ct soap used in syria Is to made of olive oil the tree has a very floyt growth it no berries tor for seven years and tho the crop scarcely pays tor for the gathering until the tree Is ten years old but it will continue to yield abundantly ly tor for centuries to extreme old age and requires but little care so long as there Is a mero mere fragment of the trunk remaining green shoots will vill burst out and yield oily berries there are knobs or largo large warts on an the body of the trees if you will cut one of them off plant it in good soil soll give it t plenty of water and sunshine un shine it will strike out roots and grow large trees in a good grod season will yield froma which are good grod tor for ten or twelve gal lona lonn of oil the oil Is made by crush fifteen to twenty bushels of olives ing abo olives under hydraulic pressure |