Show notice for no I 1 department ent of the interior ind domce at salt lake city utah april 1 I 1 notice Is I 1 hereby ulven that the following settler ban h nied bled notice of hi lil i intention to wake final proof in support of hi his claim and a d that baad proof will be made beff beloro t the h I 1 county clerk of carbon coti county lity U utah tab at irlie utah on may IT 17 1003 1902 vix viz kel a eorge A allwn it E I 1 19 1 for the X W 1 ja E 34 bee bec 6 tp TV 16 a 8 it 1 II 11 8 srm sr L M at he ile names the fol follow lowine lne to prove hn ht continuous residence upon and cultivation of idd said land viz scott Went westfall fall eulgere Il ranch john L vance george it allner all of 11 ell lowton lo irton ut atals FRANK D register first pub april I 1 U wit pub alay my 15 I 1 in the district court of the seventh judicial district Ditri ct 0 of the state 0 of utah ritt laff in and for carbon county lena M stine plaintiff vu harry A st stine ine defend ant the state of utah U tab to the asid defendant defend nt you are hereby summoned to 11 appear 1 ar within twenty euty day days biter after the service of this summons you it o ered within the county la in which this aillon 14 1 brouth brought otherwise within thirty daya days after ncr and defend the above entitled action and in case of your failure so 00 to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand ft of the complaint tiled therein of which a copy im herewith arved upon you MAR eov P A attorney for I 1 I 1 a past othoe storay carbon arbon county count jr utah 1 Iret pub april 10 last UJ U J 8 |