Show TOWN AND COUNTY OSSIP fi SIP governor cutler abna designated dated april esth as arbor day george W mccall has old sold a half halt interest in his senate saloon to tex forie ter of helper 0 T mead his hots eold sold hta his r price rice stock of merchandise west of 0 r tho the TIce to mrs urs M cendor doseph jones has opened a butche ehu shu in tho the building bull fling ou our door west ei tho the frice aco coop co op etore store there III bo be a dance at town ital hal tomorrow opening c givon given by georgi W nixon tickets fifty cents buffalo tiffalo bill cody has been refused a divorce by a wyoming coun from his 1 wife whom he married forty years ago I 1 ercy lercy southard of norwood colo and may kingman Kingma not of Plea toai fitly city were married here yesterday cst erday ly judge curtis fred blackburn hns sold twenty acres ot of land at wellington to wilham william ham S tho the consideration being fifty dollars if it A in a bilious attack take chamberlains beriat ber lains ns stomach liver tablets and a quick cure curo la Is certain for sale by all dealers in patent paten medIc medicines Ints harry J worlds concert at the district cc mccurt urt room last night for the benefit ef of the union sunday school brought oita ot a fairly good sized crowd mr and mrs B R Donalds mcdonalds Mo wedding danco dancu at town hall 11 ailts t monday owning wap war largely attend ed and waa was one of the ery pleasant affairs of the season warren jones doing a year in tho the county jail for involuntary man slaughter has agan applied for a pardon ills his caso case is being considered bi b the state board tom barton former formerly lj f tp P ico ice and helper haa engaged I 1 in a the saloon business on hie his own acco account tnt at logon logan being on of the proprietors ol 01 the sideboard a new place petitions havo have been sent to the washington WAshing tou officials protesting against any place othor than price aa as the location for the now go ft ua iu lent ent land aft 1 leethe the same being numerously signed amended articles of incorporation on of the wellington canal company have been filed flied with tho the secretary of slate tate the capital I 1 Is now with mere more powers given to the corporation 0 maxwel has two assays from some location locations a lately mado madd on an the san rafael each nina well la in copper gold and silver sliver and ho he will send out a quantity of theore the ore on soon for a mill run test ezra duvis davis john pryor waldron and W L tracey have been taken to the state penitentiary for afe keep ing by sheriff hill nod and deputy world their cases come up in the di district court in june next the university ef of otah utah eummer nummer school will open june suns for a sea sen son of six weeks courses ill be given in subjects required for teach eral er certificates and diplomas in collegiate subjects the nine whito white river uintah ond and uncompahgre utes who have been to washington with their agent captain hall for two or three arrived here yesterday going back to he reservation they had hud little to sa s concerning tho the trip men named It rockwell sin SID gleton and nelson of a rio BI grande western railway bridga gang wert fined twenty dollars each nt at castle gate yesterday before judge forres cpr herfor for an assault upon luan llrsen last saturday night isaaac isaab miller liter also arrested waa was discharged peer rotor callett CAI etts a resident at the half halway avay ouse filled up with haht S wh whiskey it few clayt ago and creaked his way into castle gate onto on train arriving there he ban to ralso raise all kinds of trouble and was vas later arrested and given thirty da dalu s in tho the county jail at price trice fie la Is new now serving bla his time ho he la Is an ark i striker bitt dorton was exhibiting pat aings from the green river this week from hal a yard of gravel tho told show aho itil up I 1 i groat shape ho he ins gobo gone back to the river and in with austin glean glenn and the allred bos bo a la Is going to make a anal canal to their ground and anti try sluicing he has located ground near the daniel ranch vernal express thero there should be nn an against throwing rowing ti baling wire into the streets etis and alloys to be picked up by the wheels ot of passing vehicles often frightening borsos and caus log narrow escapes from disastrous runaways it there to a any covering the case it should be enforced it necessary nece seary making a few examples of persons who throw wire into the streets and roads it was stated before her departure for fou du lac lao WIs last tuesday by mrs annie M elliott that she intended to bring a camago suit against the rocky mountain nowa kowa at denver colo for libel that newspaper recently made aki tt state mentin dise discussing tho the case that mr mrs elliott is or was a n plural wife of anens M cannon mrs el llott ilott claims not joeen know cannon only nine times in to two and a te cent centuries urles has faster fallen as late as it does this year only five cimra in this period baa ban I 1 it bonfio later loth ia th spring than it does during 1 and it Is not possibly for it to tall more than two days later in all of the timo time from 1785 1783 tt there Is not one occasion when it falls later april and only twice does hitcome on cn this lay tiny of the month that period it cornea comes throe three kubs on the civil service examinations will be held at salt lake city abill cr the position cf ct assistant in tile th divis ion ton of biological survey department of agriculture at a salary at also on april for field aftel tant stant la to forestry department oc of agriculture and philippine serece BerT ce salary from 1200 to 1800 a year rear for forebode book keepers department vervlue Berv lue kf A aal aul ary of 00 to 1200 a year and inspector cf of clothing in the quarter masters department at a sal salary lary of per an a num um th the public school dospod last friday having had most successful 11 year under professor eeor johnson aa as principal and miss cur our c tia ae as ass litant although the school kept up tip only seven months nearly every pupil passed his or her grade friary forenoon the patrona patrons of tb tass district gathered at the ecsi bu hicl log aad listened with interest botho to the program rendered rende rend rud by the pupils at night all joined lu in a dance aud and it n gen eral good time tim the volume of west bound general merchandise over liVeo tern railroads 0 is e beyond all precedent and tho equipment capacity of these rands too oela ja taxed to the utmost abo tb say that large as the volume of makohan me ma rohan is it la barely auell dent clent to meet the consumptive necea cities of the sections section Fi to which it is consigned the merthan diso la to going into consumption juet as foat tuat us it ita it desti dest nation loution country merchants are no a oola and indeed have in getting their good delivered to them ft fast at enough ta to supply their ute fite needs should the ear car bring fort forth havera average acro crops 9 ai epry ery roul ro ul lathe in tho country m wili be in need oc at large additions to its equipment |