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Show was D12 De Halt Lake Tribune Wednesday, February 10, 1999 100—Help Wanted 100—Help Wanted _ ee Wanted rower TOMNSRAINE feast tare, Some pm peaded Moon Ne freiveud recotves wortoad fom SIERRACLUB ‘Mos 60 worm WHO HAS THEBEST Favect'8, QuotePro/e icterimenso'composion,| : PART TIME JOBS tion. Pay commensurate feign open i ‘owacee filedoy AVAILABLE YOU ASK? SYTSTAR GAZER**) By CLAY R POLLA} rien According fo the Stars * ie ~Toreaddevelop message for Wednesday, words corresponding to numbers H24¢S-64 Your Daily Activity Guide _ of your Zoic bithsgn sory, Nuon [fo jongopto, nitony1 ane eRe OMINSRAIVE ASSSIANT Bcatent for @ bright SimusoseOwenwinger| Shaxgeome ‘ot NSWor ond eae na. Corecionious cus. sence skills and phone etrose: needsos reno. ott S| jocr. Se | NOY.21 3 | (12-15-17-32, \39-40-81. Ss SAGITTARIUS, NOY. 22 et seed) | 100—Help Wanted | 100—Help Wanted || RPARIMENT MANAGER On se, "8's0plusASCtent concession: | | General office skliis needed ., . pomaenioaTA ee Attention Automotive Nee leses 5 veerea| Service Managers! _Spetencs retonc |e: No smoke | _oot pene gapsoe! APONIVENT TER hg eras onalecl ieemeat| {2 jou tov‘entes NOW HIRING pesotneln| ANSWER pea abae eeie 100—Help Wanted | 100—Help Wanted MfOMicrtec pis SOOT 0, Whey Honda has on opening foro —mn Jonfotal, Guiding Maintenance Girogortstonteson operingto| Fanon [owed Foy or momng clean Woreup Grrasuunsran ftems 2c cflmtepees nite Riortedotewecterabere Raswrj oeos lonsteapog WAC Becuen Spear ge toe|| Funes. Sood phone kawaii. sles Scicry CompuerCommensurote Wing. communeuion oyares| wi Sona sis oustorsWindows O° | eee cae peo 70 votqinenoraceprebeyo|| Say sab hasewh poste mee Newspaper Agency Corp. EarmissonStorArS222200 ok Suteme!soltacion by dang Sgihe tt ire. SETTERS Peasereply loCode0682 incore of Nhat the folowing pot he ABPOINTMENT QNTMENT SETTERS 0] hg nemoope: PO Banee | __stort_foam-4pm Mor-Fi. 814-8487| Conigentiol corsideration. APPASALAND COPY TYPIST URN REAL ESINE AUTO ACTON TM (| Avaobie Loca! fen oF Natona Bm-10 Ot untl| work is. Com "Organization needs five new fuk fines 1s§7perhou.WWO%| room tourod| hme Moricareerended wing wor horde || 5 reeco Sept secuchoy eie;| Cherhonng Fortyear|Brasher's Auto Auction aio berciceandipora| uneSasi Cone jon oy tr. inveiie || eect | Te Newspaper Agency Comore! ae paca poner | ACHEStam 2 C20 com OREN weticies Berae DISTANCE seeks! “advertising VAOCAD V44 "ORAS Srisociated cone! day 3 days 0 Fororsenc eames wont ey wh cu exge accounts eon we eon ont San baaSicBa0t, | Geet vents ‘eta! surance ineucng education desio-| COPY DESK CLERK a oh far mareSO cr cine BF Ee, MCMECT DRAFT PERON Lgesah| Lemloumvonscore Ato" eos maaan Wisesentaea ais Administrative Assistant BAN ADpYy unit 2/12/99 Brocosing Emo on faxedoat ‘Be Set | aio ASSSU Foirbanks Copital is 0 growing ADMINISTRATIVEAGASSI, Reycomety Pogoond win ‘egorang of peicescass: os)hal ionae Unique icon Piss et ect] a oxttech nag Steve 487.9978 and established mortgage immed istrative Ass. be fed mnising, Bt Desaes ng. ate servicing company loking fora Silochefoalnssdoahese Beani loch,nAchoos eeded otMiko e CLASSIFIED ee ‘ktog well professional who INSIDE SALES TYPIST ‘sereen printPenaga top poy, 401k and con handle our important lents, run office machinery, 100—Help Wanted Se ripaeaie BRGHEEOES nehaatenten) foiecocoate ut of nem Eirascmucmg Saar dee ew foci, tery an EAE and who is proficient with ADMINSTRAIVE ASSISTANT Microsoft office. Applicant will PUBL RELATIONS be working with upper management ond : e must have tg 218 crochet excellent writen ond. se 4 conmunictin skh; 1 pls ye | 100—Help Wanted | 100—Help Wanted RCCOUNTING-CONROUE? ‘ Ig oe, CupticsAire ARO Dedenhp ness ire Tanning oavenng| {9801.87Ave So Bldg O. Kent or ep tareGood ACCOUNTING /CLEREAL | aia opaig, patina) ie Genes xbeen, fer) Pog) Soy Feller’s Precooke ‘Nofth Sh Sova wal] Saris feasaree betes | witbe r) Atecertcericoten| (81) 96% PeemeB| poet ‘epo13 ie we | years working with upper WORKFOR S i p e epoedtome s o r uneWet,AOD N| A io) then rcseporercs Handwar| THE #1 iiieeth RAE Erponcing Fors decent neecs Soudan epee fd SEG tice oy procedues | management, ond a sense of ADVERTISING MEDIUM eae hove” ord ee loxdoy] ae NaPao ofhut le ear experence Henly oteoantFwon| || to Rusty of 801-298-9906) sre SOF a2Sb Soe | SaHeOeaeae gar LAKE } error. "pena "oe |leeor e-mail resume to Wotan se Seo et eng : in | _jabs@tairbankscopitalcom. "aon seh ‘Meso {ake Tune Geveretsie News :2 ANTMANAGER Joryoe Chew Oktaking ally ADMINSTRATIVE Keaton oleao ebote: fora 20 hous 0 week. Col rs in Entry level position in busy foronaiioe saeco ‘ mower | SorenBeesincsewea ACCOUNTING x aactg he ofa |Pepors fost . eae OMMONS,“atom erie SALT LAKE ciTy DOWNTOWN COMEJOIN OU;RTEAM ; Seiteame) THE SPECIALST eet iter PRIME Holdings sockscPA ox!| Up to $9.59 per hour 45 on omsotle ut Ramah”) SLC, ur atti eae 359-7186 Sets Sow egos en| Indidual fo) tWoh's ACCOUNTANT KeatingShwefocus “eet eves lop candidates will! to gow wih Faxwing resumes 0, 801-3065505 OF |1Pa Company requites exper-| at _tau Opprurty Employer Hopson: ¢ Great Corser [saeContinental, Fairchild,Goren, and| See St es peetrceo |" frais ene allt | ie ‘iAcepac, onato), |Siehe ton e ovsotie in| Fyauhme, tyeokey of cusoret sar] GramoanaTeITeNdO!| ACCOUNTMANAGER esSarat Reporton ‘porn ond base o 3 ra scat! ‘terminology. call Todays ForfaNios fequec:| (Osan aged now covet 8 You Yar . GogroeExperience experin io- ongo | SitsayOscos eee wat 1100. Please send resumes. 10 eon d Zar teas ance cs io Ghat ale?AnyMone. ex's TODAYS Office Statfing _S97-4196.anention ; Compotive compensation pig. | Pau person persionond aonPY Downtown AccesACCOUNTING. ong Doncs hao |532.200 : ‘Send resume and salary aber Op sa Fes it7037 ie BOY 261-1107 ELE red. Fax resume ACCOUNTING ve iC SECRETARIAL person Curately process necessary| @& KEN GARFF M7 Eat ppotinty Evert MIO in nator 1]rge voli Saderstot ented ford dealer needs |_' itl easservice 2103 years of customer eed mamves. Good. comer emote messzNMcrtendio| 815 Pork Bc, Sute 330, B08, 1 - a must. Drug free workplace. sofistoction ane Matoons ter fert|AVIO/RV REPAR on colonsoisforaerae experion eeherel oo CAMPING WORLD OPEehtodtSFree uscf #963 Siro 8307 America's #1 RETAILER We sagt SeayEclove for for RV Ace: torre Legal Detende Asoc. | AUT Equal Accessories BSgoer tserg serpotctne| Nig % Mflactrd mn Ceartien| opanrg Kennawe comet ServiceRepair Soh bree Grect win cuslomers, knowledge ; ony Sar ClieOres ond of money Iransactions and fen Shop Foreman/Dispatch feyWats between Poin 430|* pn Moray ord orig co,Gb| Call Amanda ot 264-4844, Enel ved bo] RECURS eMens] ieewst Tam ioeam Nendoy| Graabe Mon-Fr10 ams. pm| fe Hooter Kohnct weet . Technician |*: Ghonsea rapes tae) Seated For appointment callBob Walters Were’gr Wooge Ga beocenoney HALE RE Torigetaton.generator) Usion Park) FiScemeni‘of advertsomens, GOTBSSoons OF sna ) | Tcecesrdpret 5621114) 7 Reo mu | pees ealBPARIMERT MAINTENANCE ee 2AM18gs og2 clerk. Call 2-1962, press 8 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT eet ‘Graposhon w ich| Retnigan Sokeeet el oe Ee tno raoon ST ors ‘8or mote copencng conmany. Geo benots.srh refeuise”gectmececonnores AUTO SALES PERSON Sere ighbo ACCOUNTS RECENABLE esse Br experince. pus commission Soperparts) rset eae miepetonced| Need oa, That Gre sickSore of] vocations. ond hn "oonng co j ‘vbr our Tesune oherion Mary : aed Crest opp ed tron Wedtestoy Feo. 17 —° oflPails, TECHRICAN actaies in/acces SM aPus! Sommers and no hee Col for appaitment, iar aa PERMANENT 4999 ot pm. De reas tcrtet_w_ some | Banelis PackageInce Position neeced Droper Mares Htedio| ® Heath, earace Sraingertgtim leg) ees|SSR | mmsngausin| G4 none MC zn] poten eens Sobel smpirorureesmte| Feleconm. | See tamtea ih mee, Ses | ACCOUNTING nNOn| Gi Fors Dep pore cross |S ane imaerenero ensay oH. HSEMGOSO beeen b0-130| eee peleretfr CalJoyo feopp) #300 So_between' Sronton PROJECT ACCOUNTANT more information Srogren,Contefeywears Stow secreore SES! AIR DUCT CLEANERS | "5400-5800week Denis “Mattona iisco Teun | ACCOUNTING nd coiccion pretend | ut allItlevels of experience| ‘Considered. lg corer interdew col | Miko ot 27-7072 Sewers Gumeraames| Gis ageise saree Le Gauss dels Senichongts) CIASFIED ADVERTENG | BICHON —_——-| te oben. [segs | bet: DOES MORE THINGS FoEnOHE Tene THAN ANY OTHER FORM | OF ADVERTISING! Gris aterposes| i CAMPING WORLD —We proniole a 7 ond AC ttoecta| KESRE Tn sm wos! —Senta callorostians ese. phones, fing.|_fvering apponimentsovale S| orteh tb ine S200 ae mas AAO MECHAN z.. vos Ps BRSTER ena Fe OA optpe tomrete eteeeanes $orhr. general oftes skits _s SEERA08 CORSO SEO. commision re . oom. <Ge00, Tous (ver stout | “eamaoeaeaast 780,00 West | _faual Opporunty honing RQ ECHRwordbe womenet caomumemazuses, reLeoie ey ae uP te ee —|_ vi aches. Joson 571-861 OY pason. Roose app in porn. BAKERY ipfo, gov eucerewoio SiderBonet | Chaedsensor or Think lassified 237-2000 Call Accounting | FESOWAMED Pepa softsoo Kc fantPetomesence ited Guicken/Ouick Books meee borehe Con Sh2a4 Carpenters Concrete | Electricians Handyman Housecleaning _ Painting, Papering Plumbing Tresower 25 YES WECAN! rrousresFENODAING 16 yoo dh4043 ORCELL 209.1506 IFnai ESS Wohfrp ona otoor tera9 poor 8Desai Retina gpetNedowsikDraper sued Coy e509sat go MEDROMBEpreg ‘sey New ot Remodel Construction “HOME IMPROVEMENTAND REPAIR Coe Jeong |epast od % Guha icoae, PUNE LOWa6B fostgna Derog ors | MMMraNNC EE| a | Seige one Hore ReposWatbonetremo ionest argon respon a) es, Guana sot Ce ‘Brent 967-0059 VALENES pegimey 2-3702 mobrle 232-4884 SS cites | _ se ; Air: Conditioning ")q.cuncvrain cate| Concrete Removal Gres = recurs ae OWN eee a3 *Fai Guter ous CAREROOANGINC | RRNICE WADONSAC S00fox) Rn L000OdEAA AGIERETAUNG ONCALDCESAL sueaes eo red |hee Mote ICON PEPAINTING Ine GUALTY gute nstooton repors | PENG INC wecore 3224) Telephone Installation FERoe Sor, | ceoma ORE LL youtae 6 SERRECLES Gy weak | Mie Ue razed |rated work S729200| a Peete BLO|| ew UNS oon AluminumSiding, etc. “traction. inct Teton ond Deodor ‘FAST. SAME DAY __lerovernent newts. ‘monn, ee Treo! ed" oot el str baresowen Pais 918-9070 ¢ TANDYMAN8REASONABLEBATES « SCS | omens saraane|e ly als a ‘pore refs 254.9316, 573.0936 ‘CARPET CLEANING Contractors Apphance Hensire’|| PALSECAL Sarto Appliance Repairs stssirimaon a es Beas brent gins ARRINEN Leeson SSpart mo (0 it Waparets Wives mw"189 Carpet Fixer/Repair Asphalt a| sphalt Saas weamaCTING PCH OOO RELAYS INSIALATION ASPHUNToactingD0 otoosna Sore aay sence. (eeooa ay Auto Repair ing Pact hie WOUGRANIM & Sons FAST SERVE Peon wie969300SAO vrata ff on wootRed “Carpet Installation EN57a)trooae Babe — ar fronton loo: Bol off duraphor IELGROm mae $46 te | __24AMROn, sonice.Ucites. 4856371. Sy “tontivientoe™ “catomiro Ae NSU SSceie om vss enerASE Apuaeen CoHagerHE | LE| Dom con Ucersed)ina 269-1740, 4143402 | _oxoen as Demolition Excavatn 19 SE RMOORNG Baetice PROFRSHONALPROM SVE . wuss ie ee ates A ‘Merton fisHEATING 3 for AND 10% AlS Of You have quesiom, We sha how Gatity Te Cone Dt Sov, eg | KEY ELECTRIC Framing ae Repair SNsrca tadsts Sota i eRRrt —— Garages “fm Barton”? upcable SPS byte lyF FORGET pci on Remodeling |—_| THE SEMER UcMat roc PORpc, S768 1 Of room comgony Cok ee h ESPRITTee ae Services| a ree rege ee earcne fRecattor Woenee <a CREB_| | SSreich bokcone Pichi Sea Stone Masons a Sunaina| Tutoring Stone __ LHW Min Cosiow Curing, $5, ao + PAINT, Cr |_te28 yon bt ERENT| pANTING| $10/t0. Tora, TYPing/Word Processing i CSSerene SSRN| Sp hoa oman CRUMBare |e hap n Mothers aa 4 "Beetea.|_aises"ses rect ohret WiterprSoneg ie)ta ‘all Housecleaning ohneer pit wr ea gan ‘ coeESa seontpn | 2¥ucw woman ton ceoiieaaacen | reosonobie so iyvotre Pos a rough odut Al areas. Tea om Fan "een a ee gapetomen —|"he heelSOF we ATE OI ViSA 9745305 MC Ne COMBI MS 301 Dates | Avion or Ehaobeth 487-3597 | BaekamcemSoG | RRRWeer ta tonyeae a | \ For freed ay aljoucgura CRAMERE,Frog, Free est. Electricians too ohrche conS803125 Residential And Commercial | ORIONWAL Using Oxy fovea ot| iat rm ae| Bug? FAiNNG,cotiot inionor oa extor WORKMAN Pant honest be. ondins __tne,heut wen. Bove SAAT |_| BATES “EETPainting, op,Papering ||S ee| roe, LADD oOaN | YOK? coun Sumy won 2120 Weetry noe | Roo,npn semSep| APOUOTE 54-006 ‘i 2 tng | arWGeaR kcal | Resisonay Comm Martie,Gan BUDGET HAUUNG, CLEAN-UP | ——$>_—__—_—— mSSe anee) rasRNCsaan» PAINTER CONTRACTOR MrdonCh eeeResto r GON THELEVEL ee oe Sela. | pees| Call als ea yh fpssotw paring! Ex | Remeseing ‘Asoleanyorus bars. Bobcat Work FAO CARPET, aaath*| wholmcie RAN sorvehet Howe ihe Pre eee ed raved SONS484.8978 DINOUTON | REL ee ve: Free Estimate. BORONMe cae: W887 5sacer cagre rsccnon ono Sew MOUGONATA FREE ESTIMATE sid 541-5835 Uefired.Com 2560001 Terese Fencing OREN WORHANG HO| | Drywall QUALITY PAINTING —| Ceilings Tan wane os Spat Siete) Cowentenet Bricklaying | Sang jammer ocooe me sschmyrasar moe SW)ORIPon tad Sea movetexirepoint Chock us out = reed frutearait wan eetar ee waa ee . LeLIANGNG+rvss ApesSa Sa| rr Cob ‘eee BUSROPGRA,| ee, loors, Floorin Meeraom Soan) Sita AS BROS ORYWALLnomen | . Hesiing Uounaect Racredeee on 5792388 i 0m ospedee teed Cement oe mega| ea, ARCTIC AR 25% DISCOUNT CONCRETE ae or peo N O O Scars f|,Sam ond brSb a? ARES aiseoe ~ CeasarSER son ee| eeeaea jorcce, Ouct woe Year 2000 Computer Failure? || Landscaping th Core,Counters ie rs semen ONY Roe Ss2 f gn ||8 Goce anand fool pe Spoceee SeeSata” Ry FRIENDLY TRASH HAULING Gan: wand SAE 10 woeterce | glhntatc Saag eae QUALITY TILE 898-2160 FREE EST! 596.4857 companies TONSTMRG Tarwed pangs ooneeC Sa Pascoeeaefag|S ba nersoe thet, popeork eis ALREADYCHECKEDREFERRALS | DONT UNDERBID EVERYBODY i | ROOF LEAKS ONY 72938900 OVER CHARGED SH MUNGCA otTomy Moving & emer mae cia arbor fede Beas< | a aE BE882873 od aan Oy Sucors 7STS “e738. = Teme, vt * USA MOVING * CUNY Wx not ‘Sewing & Alterations MLLERTLE 860.3998 Cis 976590" ce DE 74 yers ex, Gry,733-6858 & garear _Free est, 484-8978 pee Bee eeay ByASSTHATaR7308 WANG. 16 aSTae Tous | [aoe aSAEAN TERS SRN PLAS {eckondWind Damoge Reps *SAMEsS Boon | Coll Jay 450-193" OFAyer WOPARE Referral Services ep 2. yeor wor on af wor. See | || owen “WATE COD Rau foe os. 8490939. || LOW PRICE 2a140 taWee Nooehotite toaees WG D SOME WORK DONE? Want | fra ctvenen. Deoean ana, WHEGUAT, WOR ct otit 8 orcs ind Contractors Win Best Roofir $78 164 a |_danitorial Services 625 toring tuo woercan 2 | Conmtment io Sovicn ond sores, eB * CASPER'S QUALITY TLE * | sonoma Best wane Coon Teer | inony TATaeteay SO YOURHySect reat OR seg reek necice,,ll! ‘EeeeeesAresfo Spremeisraatese surmkes | Geagiconm Awnings Col Gatehee Pea FRAIL coven are pe Poms 20 ww 286777 SE cAvrey, INN,NSTALATION Basements veCRDANAIAR aie Conagovonteucitwae Jou, Saag ns a CARPET INSTALL REPAIR, PAD a ae pale27yeonory ol a —— “VERN bats jo OS ‘Biase Cot G Weldiny Teenieeae cine a Cok aban |