Show JAPS it U ADY TO QUIT OUT RUSSIANS ARE NOT WILLING TO END WAR japanese make to runia looking to peace and are turned down according to advices from london japan his unofficially made represent tationa ts to russia looking to peace this action has resulted in failure and such representations even privately are not likely to be repented repeated by japan although the suggestion of a pacific settlement was made unofficially it actually had behind it all tho the weight cf of an offer by the japanese covern ment it was made direct to russia no power acted as an intermediary the on wac war put forward tentative y and unofficially so that the japanese government bovid be ba in a position to deny devy any report that it wai suing for peace thu tle of alese direct hc however wever resulted in bringing intervention tion within a measurable distance foreign secretary for arbitration at the guild ball bancuch 13 1 taken in london to bo a pointed to tha the united states and franca that the time Is app approaching roach when tho the powers must take r bome am a action tian it can be definitely stated that lord made his speech with full kLow knowledge ledge that the japanese vill eisent a proposition u looking to isace irom the three powers the united slates states Fr araie aie and great britain there Is I 1 i 1 doll nite imbres blon slon in london that the initiative will come from preside it roosevelt ti though ough the action would be joint it Is 13 mooted that lord lansdowne only spoke so apony because ho he had good reaton to belle e that mr air roosevelt if cited making an effort to bring tho the belligerents to als ca i te ms cf of peace lort lore remarks remans are hed bold by those there in his conado nce to mean that whatever tin stiles stites may do la in the moter gret britain will co operate in even in the event of france not participating it la is known how arar a eliat ambassador camdon who cantIn vo i i work worl assiduously to bring abou about deorlo arrangement hopes for joint action by the three powers |