Show SOUTHERN WOMEN OF PRICE ASKED TO JOIN I 1 ifie he southern indies of price and vicinity ahre hr requested to form a it chap tor ter ot of the organization known as the daughters daughter i of tho tile confederacy or to become honorary members of the local state chapter at salt lake city it la Is desired by thia tills chapter that price bo ba ie presented by a it delegation deli gation en on the occasion of the first intermountain cross gross day to bo be held this tills fall when a number of 0 con confederate federate veterans i residing in n utah will be decorated with the cOu southern thern cross of f honor as has been liuo ull thlu tigh the tile south in of their valiant alla services ear ices in days gone by the corresponding 1 mrs kate hate B adderson hlll ill be glad to furnish further information to veterans or indies interested and to fur niah niall blank certificates for the crosses which may be secured by the tile de ef of veterans as well as by tho the veterans themselves mrs birs andersons address Is south ninth east street snit lake lako city |