Show TRUTH AND bars lars Fram frandsen lsen tho th butcher has gone to the cesh system mrs A santolina sant Santo ilna llna has moed into her now new homo home at helper probably the most pretentious dwelling several indians with their squaws and a n 1 I oses are in n this week yeek from ti ioU latall reson reser atlon aier ler freight charles christensen the will move to pr ce from nine NI ne mile forthe for the winter prodded ded dM ho he can so cure a house to live in georgew M took possession of the tile senate saloon last friday AY X nichols has shipped his tits stock to helper and to fort duchesne th spring glen schools opened last monday with prof C II 11 johnson and miss bliss mra curtis as teachers the sunnyside Sunny side schools also copied op ned tho same day sergeant jones v who vho ho wn va recently convicted of un an unmentionable crime and und for which he sen seu tence has been shipped to a military poet post la in washington several large sheep sheet owner are alg aring to put their saleable stuff on tho the eastern market after being dip pd ped at colton among these are the Chip mans of american fork A madson c sons liae most of their goods at ML pleasant packed and ready for shipment to scofield where they will be added to the stock of the store there active operations in business at mt pleasant ceased last week the emery county beekeepers association so clation will meet in Orang orangeville eville on saturday september all bee keepers are invite as the matter of at honey on hand and the price desired for same will be discussed together with other questions of vital importance to heney hanoy raisers generally joe Hn hnderson lerson at castle gate and miss delia burgess of price are to married at lie me home of the brides mother mrs jane burgess next afternoon at J they will make their home at castle gate where mr halverson Is in the employ ef of the utah fuel company invitations have been issued thomas walsh wash of eld presented ninetysix ninety six coyote and six mountain iton lion pelts to county clerk james at salt lake cita last friday and received the tile bounty on the same on account of the animals having been poisoned thu tile bides were unlit for tanning and mr walsh will realize nothing but the bounty en an them it will be well to cut out the date of registration days and paste past them in ones hot hat for future guidance they are on october lith and and november let 1st and 2nd and this year there must bo be a complete new registration no one shall be eligible to vote in november who has net not registered on ono one of the foregoing d aites tes tho tile attah fuel ruel company has ad vices that ita its exhibit of coa chaat tit the st louis louls worlds fair Is I 1 the best of any of the numerous ones there it ia Is in the shape of a pyramid three feet at the tile bottom bot tont six to eight inches square at the top and about eight feet high the sample from frota which tho the pyramid Is made came caine irona from tho the clear creek mine and an analysis shows it 16 to bo be freo free from all impurities W F hart and joe hunt tho the two wandering nR willies who were arrested somo some davs ago and placed in the county jull bior holding up a soldier from fort rort ducheman Du chean chesno were released upon habeas habas corpus proceedings last saturday by judge morse they were ordered held for three days however to give the county ut torney time to file me a new now bharga charpa it if that so desired de gired bauce millard being out of town the men were permitted to go on tuesday morning ns as they was no one before whom to clieo me a complaint |