Show COKE PULLERS OUT ON STRIKE LAST THURSDAY SUNN iside sept 4 about fifty of the italian coke pullers came out on strike thursday morn lug they had no grievances they were placed in line after some difficulty dini culty and at marched arched to the ulce where the tile lead e rs were picked out und and told to leave k wn wa and the others returned to work 1 u usual H 0 williams WIlU uin arrived from bit 6 it lake city odd and settled the tile trouble the tile given by the loung mens meats republican club aa as a perfect success financial as well as social gome fifty new members enrolling enroll lag robert baard je Is expected home the latter part ot of this week from froin scotland where he lie haa has been visiting ielati ved forthe for abo past ahme mon months 11 ea |