Show WATCHING THE reservation old will I 1 hock in there the lh country Is I 1 thrown open to A minor pretty well acquainted with tho geographical and geological characteristics lesof of iho illo uintah reservation toils salt lakes herald that a goodly number of old prospectors and men who have been over the ground many times are are watching closely tho the efforts of representatives in the national legislature to hao lime the reserve thrown open if such a thing happens in the near future enid said he lie there twill bo be one of the liveliest ac rambles among prospectors you ever aw saw in this state for enough Is known of the of that country to warrant the that somo some rich mincer will bo be quickly opened up quito a number of lot park city miners and others othera have made mado periodical trips into the country on ashing and general outing outings and I 1 know they have secured information that cannot fall to be of value to rheid in tho tile future oil an initial teat test of thoU the utah innels p retort was made ninde ati salt lake city laet saturday the result ws wits highly satisfactory as its to ohp quantity und and jua lily of the oil product the oil ia and need alter atter a thorough test by machinist bo be ali i f a 4 f 1 f tha of athe he het heat at within 0 tho tile required liento and 6 alts abt diatribe rib 14 button was also satisfactory after further teats tests for ake durpos pur pos of improving the method ing the gas to a liquid form t the e 1 biant t will bo shipped to the ground ai near tucker TO u manager davis of the san 4 oil compan laft salt aake alty last week for tho the eust east and will visit chi cago akron 0 philadelphia and boston upon matters in connection with the oil cum affairs faira af while at akron he will purchase hAae three new now drilling rigs tho san rafael one for a company owning land ad loaning tho the sun ban rafael and ono one for a st louis louls corporation which Is preparing to operate in tile same district OIL ANU AND MINING 14 the call torn fa alth well at amen aher bas the thirteen huu hun dred foot depth jou joe cougler and aso clates have filed flied on a section or more of oil land lands in tho the green river district dIstrI cL minne minneapolis capital will develop five thou mind atres or oil lands coet east of the till oreen green abher and not far froia from springs the lawton mining company hi jilts I 1 nt att salt luke lake city to woi mot k properties la in the sommerville district distrI cL down near woodside lu in emory emery co county three deputies tire employed the greater reater part or the little tit cattle dille I 1 i the tile onica 11 he oil 11 liua has greatly ewel leil tile revenues 0 of f ehnry county the southwestern oil company of Won illig 11 G Bal ballatin latil of homp sons springs as its ut rutih agent it odua and will luter litter develop de edoll oil lands in ili eastern utah governor gm Co arnor welle wells and bave it lurge cruet tract of oil grou ground till I 1 lu it emery county to tita if nf oil company it cop 34 cje nt t in it 11 it given ua as mu port eight dollaus to revenue re denue Is ed to thy dmd t of the Color itlo bild audi pil pit cor alx th ii anro roso tho with alpo 1161 vat pot tar ii f vernal haid caw caspi cherwell th erwell 1 now a ditus 1 to cutill tui hi lon p bor leq hyui ly ui ff r e h oe in tab 1 iv site reported us bolog inot ty 0 1 I vj v h 1 l 4 ft i 1 1 i t A A ak k J AT ia |