Show WEEK IN CONGRESS mareli march 18 8 forsea genuine sensation seni attoa was caused la to the house by the presentation by mr richardson 1 1 on of the democratic Demoor titia leader ot al 1 1 h ves alleaine all egIne the corrupt use of a fund ot of two 00 in connection w with ith the sale of the uan dan labh web west indies the charges were contained in en an alleged secret report of or captain walter carl christmas to t the h e dit danish n is h agn Y e r U in e nt w which h declared dec bared that he had employed corrupt meana means to bring the negotiations for the sale of the island islands to a consummation the 1 he report ex eau exu L acts from which mr aard kon on read mentioned the same of abner mo me kinley rinley and his partner colotel colo tel brown c W crox knox who ass wo described as an ir timae arlend of senator baana kichan P ivans wh r was eald said to represent mr sir gardner and hta his friend friends la in the house and two press I 1 lon the names of which were not given as an having been interested in the matter the charged against member of congress were tto upon the basle basis of this report mr richard on asked the adoption of a resolution for the appointment of an investigating committee of seven the speaker ruled that the matter wai privileged alter after mr me bad amended his resolution ao so is 04 to specifically member members ot of the bo ho is so the resolution after being amended in minor particulars wax was was sd adopted opted the resolutions recite that aid said s caret report states that the alla shall be immediately paid to it the Durch purchase mst irni arni 1 in paid by the united states for the corrupt objects bet set forth the pen lency of ot the raf ratification of the treaty Is 1 also set forth Tax po coalter alter immediately announced the in vel leaiton committee as follow 14 sr tives dartell pennsylvania illel illinois mccall aca it n s and fennessee dinsmore arkansas k a nans and cowherd rl debate on the bill bw occupied the entire ol 01 the senate mar mil 38 28 the house spent the day passing private pension bills in all ZIS passed with one exception this Is i the record for the number of bills parsed ab at a single sea lou the president presidents policy with regard to the veto of bill bills to remore remora the charge 0 of desertion from the record records of soldiers cold lers came in for much discussion durt during ig the day the sundry civil appropriation bill wax was reported and mr cannon gave notice that bo he would call it up monday the bill 49 bv leas than the far and supplemented estimates and 12 tees less than the appropriations for the current ascal year amona the main items item are en arf rement of military tury posts po its ib t among 1 be he public building items over yer are 1 hole idaho ayo 0 74 aw wl calcan o 11 81 helena mont salt I ate city utah W wow seable Seal tle washington ODO march 29 the bouse demoted most c of tie day dar to the bill increasing Iner easing the efficiency eM clency of the rove ut cutter service but did not complete its consideration immediately after ae bouie house met major pruden the assistant secretary ecret ary of tho dent appeared and transmitted from the president the miles correspondence called for by tb burleson Pur leson resolution which was adopted si era eral day IdAY ago the members appeared greatly interested but only the letter cf transmittal was read and there was much disappointment ibo ilia bouse house then theo proceeded with the consideration of abe senate bill to promote the cadency of the revenue cubr service 1 16 wa was agreed thin t there should b be eight hor hors general e I debate upon the bill march 31 33 the house began consideration cl of the sundry civil appropriation bill completing the general debate before the close of or the ees sea blon little of the speechmaking speech making was pertinent to the bill meters willain Wll lain of pon of north carolina and spight of at poke on the proposed investigation 0 of f the southern tou thern frat franchise chise question mr dell bell of colorado discussed bills before the bouie house mr payne chairman airman cu of the ways acl means committee reported the cuban reciprocity bill and eave gave notice that lie le would call it up no on the ath during almost the en entire tita ceton session of the senate the bill wua under consideration the following bills were passed aa n additional circuit judge in the bevo bounth nth district to pay the legal represents tires of A 0 of colorado for and ex in negotiating an indian treaty in I 1 MI to pay to bembera of the lifo savine crew for losses sustained by them in the hurricane burrt cano of september hep 8 I 0 to amend tb tbt tbs t act for the protection of the lives of in the territories ing for th of the mount balner rainer national pura parkin in the state of or ton ray r AY mrs R 0 meeker of colom colorado do 19 out of the funds cc 0 the confederated band if 1 vie indians indian oa on account of the of ner ber husband aal 1 property losaw ti april 1 rapid pro progress grets was mado made with the sundry civil bill 03 93 of the pages pares of the bill balmir completed efforts to amend the bill were successfully defeated an as a rule by mr cannon chairman of the appropriations committee who wa personally in charge of 0 the proceeding proceedings were without incident an ogre agreement emens was reached 0 o vote on the pending bill before ad journ meni ment next thursday Thurs dal debate on the measure was wa continued the session seon mr ur hedtfeld Helt feld of idaho opposed the till bill because he be believed that it proposed to drive aba eoa industry to the wait will mr stewart rf ff nevada reported the indian appropriation bill sul gave notice that aba he jiuu W call it up at aa early date 1 4 1 k V 4 YX hit ja hii |