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Show 0 i F34 De Salt Lake Tribune Sunday, May 11, 1997 |7o0—Help Wanted | 100—Help Wanted 100—Help Wanted | 100—Help Wanted | 100—Help Wanted 100—Heip Wanted 100—Help Wanted 100—Help Wanted 100—Help Wanted Mowe BSG Cana SN.COP ; vena aareato WAINTENANCE MANAGER MAINTENANCE a ve! | Tacenoer engl«| rs ngrece ar Corts Moore Besiness, Communication WH) samo develop competency Justice us Court J ros hsol aes assessren! Wsrumerts ond be| Monieftametpm. 7380 Wascich Boulevard fesporsibe focroceng he coci:| oon St) Newtons cal eames INVENTORY CLERK togempeie care tomyof 3at|ericionclcompeloy Leoaing spars cuton/supolg [ake Abpkeatae beGUS ce ampovecs. As responseer SNOWBRD'sonactoppor SrGicceaces| emisgrants| geutercaeare| Rave ercet| faucets Sot Lake oFranksSusachesier “a Some SiSoeniokmeee) i, asMePe Sian folexperience ‘Lis on equal Saneopportunity oesmploySanaa prteres ER Some overtime, fecent expeience In| Indiviguals 10M several work probable. Send resume and] erwnich tes employetsaor lranslusion services or blood | “fonts So 1c soy recurements omme, popefl package Appk Sri cece eran Gi Poatons,Mus be enetpat,| oppor oreeg yy SSIs emcionne poice jlon ond = sume. Glyincude of South0,Sat Lake, 220 Sha Shay io wor, wot fequifes Sevioes sles. travel 10 IHC)" eke INVENTORY CLERK PARI TIME (20, hours week) Caf akc peered 7 PRODUCTION/ LAB TECHNICIAN tre, lap tection fc cus ing 7AM 330.4 NO) Khowiedge of enamity and] door dang weak "| practcal Roguiet school Graduate or copespeocasres. Cloafld sendcove ees, resume, etfeacry fet cttourfechncd sepepoAab onocat| Menta pow Speersere handle mulipi tose. Rense col Malt or Ruse: SNMLASTOE "| Experiences ond] Senpwiongyin training assetsnett| Anpicaons mist ve mohed pulares,(Tewtegeeol CU] COMPONENTS SUPERVISOR ps altro, pate dos 485-5252 meee ot indstil Specials PRECAST LABORERS | PreteMacWelooworkGta| fast pace while maintaining uly soncors ere vans Le ‘Salt Lake City, Utah 84124 ieee Soe INVENTORY SPECIAUST Response or ong Kahes,esis, was gins, ones, ml) ales pov, ce oe Vodes| Stethet ober mecha Reaeymis oem gauges andinsmunerisPeforms| Moyerune GukdegIeociegloweavl|MG) mac SRtise mercuter| remonen LEASING Specialit for Jos naions leleptions Responsible for all_products| Required: ‘locuced from the conorunis. LAB TECHNICIAN POSITION Sentca, ree | Feerences peronce ¢ Please sand orfaxresume tc: fe tt Pcaeayta 532.4143, 532.0159 Emo, ue Geomentcomnnty.n| Yon the foto Este ASOR $6.50 TO $8.00 TESTINGSUPERV| eae : MaPexing ouiors resoorabie perermed on Semoun gation oreaeOSS eee ‘SECRETARY needed fordown-| fo 8012780402 Nie Seon a Ty exper rect Albion LaboratoriesInc. : Sty MsASK| Ineceecortaee cepateco (elges benatis Roy8752724 ?.0.Box 780 Bomonsiaied etfecve | ___Cof ent.25-1902 oa CafeuT BOIS SRE TE) Lagopens aa lone emt RIK Fox ON 26187 JOURNEY LEVEL 10 Breck comport: one Of pre STS Jeca raa, Pice 6mertowear Wom ouside ©coneow roan| Windows 732, wom, Hokdoy/¥oReporte Gecieete lara’) uch a eisecre econ "peso Stendis ocA NEST ore 70.0, ery n°)serma e| Neiggmeemanancitccr| StratSieamektO SirahSeg UL POLIO SELEGALBNO" Greg AYR SPRINGER REAP EC. core. Sysexpaterce "Ma have expe exbuiencs| sol it 9os0 Wyfacutak Soun Soney. Puts evo eosng| Seperate ce ee ners Peas colSer ou00 _9am-Spm for more info. ro om Rekoble tersporoton Community UtjcarySOTO | Sat Bene Bose0 numbers to: AMS 20 hes/weak. 2'yrs LAW CLERK L LAKE! COMMUNITY REFERENCE org . rece i a Curent sok Pee ueonsenvor Cato! detals opp immed. Cun apes net 3322 Rood: ‘oy, okay locny| Mise Lao, Wh 9887 Sgvings plansancl a Srecilval|iANTENANCE eatingalgatond Fs i = Pion: = j . = Business Communication : Machine Operator ae SeuiGee Grd gesecrh Cogsbray| cow Tecmatogen 3 gov Movs Frayoir 7Hcomoany,hos opm swateren nto tn ave ‘Sait Lake (oo Ciy, UT 84115, 300 Dick Simon Tr Sa) i ‘ordering y , Sil leglrevegenega ‘Stoton wena waig for| FORKLIFT ond Sat te Ueat30 Phone: (801) 957-4240 eee vs 7 fxa 974724 penornal Law and legal Cater land in comae | Col, Watkin, 7-7 except Thus. Rteeen, ee Sead poses wating edge of slate court system, Utah WAREHOUSE swrmaecevnc nro 467-0300 Fox 801-487-5714 growing te ne a gocnie i ee rincwecoee vices Responsible fot proving eee Segvaing maerete es See Peers Rouncement pees Copy, poe Asst. Chief Engineer Z fest Ong of tne MOORE = Es 408 #96115 successly LABORER ford at leas!exper. | yooro seriespoyof BOR APHERESIS cevices ventory Slaring PACE STAFFING SERVICES Sis01n ene TRUCK YARD WORKER UPERVISOR sastsettotany aise) Presb teat Oc don Sata acods ee OEM ARCH PAGING ‘weekends may be required. Must Win ot least 40s. Hazmat raining. ‘Customer: be able fo do,pecy lig.Org Doly management of 23. aphexx7 SING WAGE 7230 West 2100 South Per) ales, neuaing” scheduling. eee = Cust‘ODIAL Sie tk ond artes reer sonci/ieam sills ASI very competitive salary ond& eae ; eet, cero call aspects 9 Sovamist aasom iwooe : (© TECHNICAL SERVICES SUPERVISOR @ Teast Stir Felah ob sensS oe per re ‘Medical Muth The ASCP. oF EXC communication and ePFegTA | ‘effective levesronalslaionstls ie condilons. wor : SingSator iy 2 Dose Moin #04 SLC Notes, avessi meal 38 fener hc vt) oo in dooingwin SSNKa cookng wih ene This fulltime position provides Yours in the donor testn services area, Demonstratec tor ‘Gnd service. A viable ceostise Te oxo ‘ond. Ene de cad crad "nan ResourcesDept. SESeee eceSnx eT| Couns rece hanchngot ‘nventory sent out of the branch nance ofiodo, mate Tonveroncefo manoger poets for he Kpocope Tries fond tou.Skre coy ‘ond martes approt cr gusdecmenahe cn [SolanaSt yous or 80) VARTENANCE moratocttng |"temaiamae s otee| arccestg orang of eecneal mactining (Shawwore/AvantrASMOD Cas may Rorprchrtecca oreo Sopmunceoboeemuerwat| fy or Wouaame each. aden wong ert reguotors ard eukang| lpowedgo of Fa roa Cove requrements fo Site ro (Sealreqwromert: Eaton ex] strongcomputesk gums noudng Bot,Access In retun, Moore BCS offers & com COLLEGE = ASSISTANT UBRARIAN, meee = manage and coordinateall! Eiemerren'e seured| seara Medeaaenchpe: ecmcgemalbepcest| el aotporese ewe of ponendl cores Pgosesen resume Foe oehcstateen SOSStaffing Services cued Oppontiy eresorer voor thecongoccted’‘acy | ai on eee oe eeagtsence Shown K, an 0 oi o of Ss pre Thaledgoaoneied heehee Menacant hoes ahvefo Wea wane betagtura oO)Sh A ox. Awrspice indudilTechnloes progt presentation.skils, escay, 328-2255 | | Tio one (© COMPLETE BENETS PACKAGE donors. cane. duties fre contact or send resume to able niccats rey “wie medion! customers. MAC provides excellent working| ‘operating. within approved inode ora of 3 Yeo supervisory experiance in a ‘hosplial of setting, ability Sealantgov. yacalan/sick| aad‘ears and wor whcows reo cert Geovehn ene Pichenbtas crdtenos| arcept, tl,Aeae aoe (530310: $4424] _Aa/Eaucl Opportunity Emotoyer_| MAC Induties hos the folowing] Sxpafence it conshucon, mas Mmecoeyane CLOSING: $38| LifeLFEGUARD/INSTRUCTOR er vereymocnine| owerpontoperon benetispackoge, NSTRUCTOR sya 0 fry eerequed ire Si yer epne SAS, a" ephepeo wt sown condom pon Senmmen ameieteas| oxcot OURAN" ar ama CX decihar ra 0 NohEos, Bate arse seouzay, Machines some e@etence ec: Boolean” Oocamponied wih Cedar Gy, ich i ot a7soum| PSO 586-4907, lob Service ot FEGUARD op pasen at . Resources Dept, 230 South 500) Seen6See ee "FORT DOUGLAS COUNTRY CUB) non tigsaree Need Wes Muncy. or cal ( A | Apckentons corer ‘Human Resource MessyBweHnesses| emBETHOWEHeSs| causopponzero RARLSS aTRe|Peammucewetesanedgow] SONMATENE Aeraoe onusomesnon _LEGAL SECRETARY VEN CovpAnIon ace ook.| oq] ines 6 8,kdPREM, eareictcs a pie NKNG wih rc sud impairment wordige, nowNing rorcote "Ire tye ot BOY 200, coal ANIA ¢ Mosel UOORENSGN ogee rentsSE NEE| Down ifn has on opening Dam, pve2 morse) bah loose w/poc Suey pegsoy rd 2 sit = SSurtaetpedin (a0- bara) Equal Opportunity Employer, NiteHab -Eeoe Eiger eeects) GEAPISTEe a on| SAUSEoe EETa PraanyOmens henmerNebo orswetcome: S7a0/hr| Wel thotpossehe Sot "Se te ote! ow se: cmrstptone aauient| MEDICAL CENTER haray eee: Ophoresis ~ ASAP! raise Poareques 5.12mrics ‘Demonstrated stil, " huitine George cxstance reac OP (tO $5+/HR—DAILY PAY! |r more infomation aboutot curen!| orncon Soo Sor "et 30 pourcs| TS] TEMPORARIES isfnnrecom cimb lodders. Demonstrated ex:| 1136 50. Slote 24. #3648800 469 person espelsnampoong mp °sky| ABOR en cop ment, window cleaning Dereaee cre muecokeces NEED A UTE EXTRA MONEY? anion ‘Aso recuies | Tuesdays, Wednesdays Bong to Tate INTERMOUNTAIN ert Denel péckogs GvokRe, | ook( Sererne TENS pacesaeciablsliaa tea acy 1, ONE fetporathe, end fora Coll federal Reserve Bonk seae We Boyw ob, Week Deora Salt Lake City Branch Agile Regret ord ner Pathologists, a research ang Sotcke hy, Un 84111. £4! OpporkntyEmployer A/F/D/ : i tion for. CNC tothe, CNC 4cxls ore Shee eee ene cicbe fcr Sees) $eelgoge barken oring PaferC2E 4 sericea itera Heath Care| Captacorssokna.norewessng’c'| eM ears competvebene packageand] cay wah O2ss ‘oper. ree ORES nooded tp) 1760¥,| fn Racer cormnr| valle Oim |Batf Bay,excatet pet ‘ayion Aye. (1858 50) Contoct] caton’ sal. Minmmum 80 wom| ACcQUNT EXECUTIVES ackoge 4Kplnhecihinsu Oe software a prefered. erolilecy S|| MoWoted, coreetminded pros erp Fehon oath Ys, LABORER sionals with proven record of suc ]eonverional10D High Ys Nanianing, se, Duc nah for more copceanent ino. 2 pm Col, Wok in wih resume. MAINTENANCE, General maint. postionsfor opt paydepends De eetCerone TRBORERS, Residential const, own| ence. Bease send. resume fo:| GOES Scicemied Gaorarance| —Sumeenenicton HEALTH CARE, INC. Son “senor Sort Eso Soe.BE BROKER IASON siils Al organized work fo beond completed jen ate LABORERS, consinc-| Eyui a4tas, Min. experience wholesclo Grneqt, safe manin {ABOR tion, statingCommerciol $7/hv, Ron 89-6485 environment feristtreronwmuce|OGE comacn sung «| Magtaoe® TETco mec| egaLseckeTan’ ‘Sateemmamerootoe 120 South Sicte Street ae ae «210 nprroy: . PRE WANE Rogue cro eeace ae ing) CELL CULTURE TECHNOLOGIST |. oosics vies prvccen) COMMENCES JANITORIAL Ra veeyhone. fen for soong thal of reagents re Sorted ondyi Wea atnethe pecan rape (uarmedes occ iecoert Tig shor olhou slike see kor] foBola ealss work Poca Sonnas be8 Yoo of oe ‘popes geaee sing tas) 50 he, We jf groban 3 Smoke-free ete closed envionment, on Sunciy. and so IHC Frcher sa Boyes are seman) * MACHINSTS * SEscece) LEGAL SECRETARY Lear BR HOUSEKEEPING S ANDSCAPERS. oe (© WAREHOUSE NEVER A FEE-SOME DALY PAY wegengeeee, oe K 3600 ‘oko Call Bryon ot fre 324-3044 romcton Pree es eeceny br Jobiine: 321-1085 Jomeya becolerd compa,com. Nn x wenDecor Taree Chemisty, Bo Molecuicr Biolo- MECHANIC yeos| eee* ~y_ PROFESSIONAL . NS RECRUITERS Competitive Edge Landscaping ouriaterenices is nance supervisor. Musi have mini. Fesfresconcom, : jan eresover ' /F/0} ORTON — ALTA VIEW COTTONWOOD ~~ HG LDS HOSPITALS “Janitor ‘Jonitorial/Grounds Sere ot nermouran Heath Care Moi ‘ rately, be Histology Supervisor “ SateThoech B3 aia SA TP Pn 0018927987 SANDY NateS ccmStge In WordPer| Gous wocess the BBC sion Srhisenig Reaornet PO. Box 45444, Sic, UTser B4tas.| f : ial teres Seem sebatanceln cu Sa cke des Excelent medioal/denial/401K OCP are Je 1s «toiMarerace Sapir] LEGALSECRETARY| up MOREEna Nort oF | Soirpancn 8 ae SOCaT STN7336 = Pavadeaey ronporatent;| ORCS,Pano. need HARTEUNCEAPARINENS, Sa sta howoka 2), MANTENA om Mech ot HANTENANCE/CLEAN seeking Meee, (01)296-2661 [naeymeee PgoUCTON unewanrencs| EAT odon 4 (Giateycaces| shit work ond overtime. company you manus) bukng, bas’“NOE need Gonbeta Gotti see nee MACHINIST testa’Trust“hpowwns "agned good} Roving Segoeuate Case, cae,ed Meat MBean] Sedat ‘S4C 886-707-0303, ven e* MALS mee fn Col Sov SaCa SRC eee on oooh . HRS atteor|ANEMIA SE tere ime fo, Chariot Com, SERVICE AGENT 10 dlepatch| “aTeaANCE TECHNICIAN Te needed must be'a| over ANYou shitsond Ge avaene. depending on expelience.| ha ime. ‘lectical power ond Mast HVAC.| xpefence. Gcelent'wape,| goodbenefit. Weare0. ies are Pe Secmeatan ssteedneiaci= ne StaAso Yes euromet fphe ogee Crone fanartwo Se cae ao.cecae eaureee Ch aman PONSTO O] etSeSNS MAINTENANCE/Remod. a fools. Poyequals exper.vonous 355-5585 ST poo MAKE-UPART! na00S we WAMMOGRAPHY SUPERVISOR: ‘Roonesoe ourodUndo!Maced : Specialist Hoolth Bonelits America (NBA), °2 koxing bonafis Managemen corcany, wovg Toure 500 chen, has af opporunity oan ‘neler ‘hs poaion isrape oN ct MACHINIST Total W: $20.24 (Average lage = Court Commissioner per med dination wandof NR produc Seeman wore Me miewrusn ore 9 85 sane =o ca sevoon tresven Hourl) ae Nis skis osard wot Os oaet id Sionseveea 1h youn ho on tot abies mor yes cee ee ; Second Judicial District semeeen nso $79,239 plus benefits eee HEALTH BENEFITS AMERICA ‘N35 Saat Decker (ch Orie bisa Has Immediate Openings For So Lae Cy, Ui 419 LAUNDRY Wohtd Sonmginy Mange, tim ote ad | oeare Ter POSITIONS —————=—=|! LAUNDRY ATTENDANT PART Ti © Sa/HOUR a x e,%|| Seteioetven | mie iWherhauusb shit kmOR «ten on NO TO ases. es $1620 HRS)WE K © FUL BENERTS Please contact: phoi (No phonecots ; TAK SERVICE 8735 $0,J08Redwood se 4 CALL 752751 prorat lcs cn paras ny xp fected. Yarcing And Ser ‘orc ondhaveveexcel! of comp.Giving 2tats beim| ven RtsWschine Seeach Hangns bhotr greet ‘Human Resources nce, vowedit __| intorgstoct Swat nay apply ot LOST PREVENTION ASSOCIATE SEE AD Howp#ot ** JANITOR sochcn ole (MORESMonondWomen Wen ond Women United Unit Parcel Service| | eeVeepfibusl| rok ConantHeo hos on, bgCarter bad a elie pom Peescrere, aera ys martorance, Mus be atleast 18| Wee neeaoy tai. | 261.8880 We pay salon. fea. BOK 3Y/uniaue erMrorment| Gc To ead ond wok i "nipa fons _RBIMES? Sister. aeeae meee your way, 807055388 peslagroms jaae fam 43 oun DOCG SEcRe! soy commtocton Deport ae oe aa keeneDs Featfnhe Histolagist 5 eto Tec oF "ag ale BronDaron ofacavo oaths seTvepomon currently located at Eick LOAN UNDERWRITER WareotSpare may oe LABORERS Coll 268-2256 "The HC ConalLagty bs on| nei opanng Mg postionGopalecmoe afer: 0 compative | a eres a3 oer aaie ose] 1TER Runes cao sares| FACILITIES SPECIALIST Bobiene sintrois st Some Lowge oporina) community fepgrngna feiss proseueg Saeand we Wek oodpovBe Soar Fst how SARCOSInc. roche atte fe Pw n penn SSS A ae sstrihraednae 880-4978 MAINTENANCE PERSON, Min. 3 yoors ‘expetence. Wanted fo brs bart meet communcoos Growing apt. community SE Mut beabe ead pg en Arg iitbck conctened| MAINTENANCE we pater HELPER: pavetae. rere, oeae onan) SATcrieowe reg aoa | {eb shop” Bicele wel known| nonce fr equement ones Tr cenaedHea ahd oe sol RARE Donat OW etSi9 qualitedwee condtates apply a LANDSCAPER County Pos Recrcsion tos} d/o. net Sut AON NO "| 5aaleienali Oppomunily Employer Be] Se erichatera| geetertGoe| semenreer mesic ey ee JOBS SS NP ‘Mast have g minimum of a BS in ony "rire ov. NENoa rndrap EROSGoto, eeeS wit ot least Wwo years SHON ioralregosi $60 BODOC UndeHOTMORTGAGE 98 mowedge ‘ot tigation proceRoly sports sup dic S's regent Ss LOAN OFFICER {me sclary requrements eee Botriaea sled ea a and fulk AG EDS MOSMIALS IeGAL SECRETARY yebie| MACHINIST WANTED MAINTENANCE MECHANIC: Mus seriou ofnerourian Heath Cre ‘canne| Sune what heat 198,00d] eer are witves| om dbs ba oe, oo SCOUT EAA aa] Bp.ge, Engr Mates) Scionsvad i Reeteee (801)364.7900 ae ese oceu enor eonako Mr S07 wee WAINIENANCE “sonal Land Suveyon ond Lan hingSPs:rst rec resume To Survey Grand Junction, Solatsaeertox 02103 TaNDSCAPE ALTA VIEW COTTONWOOD septcou ron (225880) Gryroes Co 4190 = and Lown, $8-$13/hr. y crowmpom§ hyein ctogy prefered. $0, Rectwood Rood, SLC pe opiegie| Spporuniy Employer we ofer competve sclotes na BORER bebeed ee ge angie rons nde) WORK TODAY = PAID TODAY ronlenatonhss + JANITOR Kiron Rexcuces Deparment otlobor ‘vatob. rakidial 10 work partSonus te Sonatesnticns! LOAN PROCESSOR RACHINS "“monios formed o/s Somes pemate CATIESMNONS77-7252) Ma Me porie BObOTR OT MAINTENANCE fas A Danas ond es Got ome pcee rs rir at peor, proce| LO Sure cove tt ondRye AirInet yarmare: Sues Mua 88 oec| A seca front yeas WANTENANCE CR, Ed wang 0 Roun] Ere 40 Wokore ofl Loko UF 108 Human Si Me bs rs s os Ee “ = x n* % a " opecpeoda crane |r ig te cigs Mves oe WAhx on ene popes toe rowaed| $a Srcerc ie ‘Sirs microns Sense pond ee a oe ae cvolable in our comoOry ==. SECRETARYRecepOnEd,h| Fobscoles ond repoks components BEReeS SeeTI smcADDN in peson at amen Posflons CRETE eS Geseaeeearn| Seay Ma(ommessPueens| Soe, “ Huron Resources Weer! 1960 Sout 4250 West aes Gollor Moore Comoration We MACHINISTS =| G20. ‘Stobe, Sait Lotee City, UT 84116. msorevmeco scosTouse<2 overs s50 res sEo ? UTRITION Sveneres ere! Production Assistant ooo 2 Rare amv Egutinc Ech ove 8 5005000 LAWN APPLICATOR CAREER OPPORTUNITY ENTRY LEVEL Besagagarsas7 snowbird «® ~gQeoropsegsaseoausesO = QA TECHNICIAN Shiandsummer resor | *) (TRAINING ond COMPETENCY) © Conference Setp Crew Rates © Conference Setup leader Trergarbernt beeouee| ScoBos Foxtons Bia erateOs pee , are <tr Fad Asa quastjudicial officer, assists District Court with domestic matters, mental health hi rings, 5 traffic cases consistent decision, and other duties under direction of the presiding judge. Qualifications: Juris pa ee State a member, at least 25 of , citizen of the United States and a resident of Utah for 3 years, other statutory ents. Closing date:. May 23, 1997, at 5:00 p.m. Envelope Machine Adjusters Machine tors Order Pickers io one eee SORNCEHON, Opntach Administrative Office of the Courts Human Resources Department Production Workers AMPAD (a 2 fast growing manufacturer of paper-based office products for the nation’s retailers and contract stationers. Production eee toe moving lens vom hore Sen tao to a newly constructed 380,000 0g, fl. facility at 6905 West Amelia Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 Includes medical and dental Insurance effective the firet day of Equal Opportunity Employer AMPAD |e an equal opportunity employer 230 South 500 East #300 lige nae let | Sopetets 578-3890 or 578-3804 ! 7 ee be taken Salt Lake fromApplications 6:00 am towill4:30 pm. at 78 East Pacific i Avenue, North |