Show in eve every ste thea the world orld has ha known 5 some ard felt tinned moed to alia sits forth a over winter gone her ifer welcome to the pring spring the dyste le lea 0 of the ealter thought to all mankind belong no time the perfect light hath brought no ae the final sung song yet thou blessed palestine among the lands of earth I 1 thee a holy light did hine shins A glorious sons none and birth he fie Is 1 the world that martyr soul divine ae as heroes aret arel A beacon ahot death deaths hall ahall roll the Oal anille llean saws tart start V deem not that the flesh overcame oer came the grave n obscurity we trust the soul s immortal flame name hath touched on deity we will not hall the christ alone the solitary way god doth a thousand prophets own this happy easter day we feel their pervading all power around us and above aboe we learn from springtime bird and flower rhe truths of hie lite and love one with the christ who conque reth one in the hope they bring one in their victory over death the first wild flowers of pring spring an oni with tho the nermon permon on the mount the birda birds kwet me melody louy clear from the eternal fount of god a own charity then sine sing we for all nature singsi binic sing charlat and bird and blowert dingi for oa t e world with gladness Riad nees ring rings and life and love have power alexander V chamberlain in the open court |