Show CALL FOP JUDICIAL convention A republican convention ot of represent of the seventh judicial district la is hut heuby by called to meet at mt pleasant sanpete county utah on satur dav the oth of april 1904 rit at I p m for the purpose of nominating one district judge and one district attorney and to transact such other and alid further business as mai properly come before the c convention said convention convention shall consist of forty seven delegates apportioned among the several counties of the district on the baale basis of one delegate for every ninety alve votes or a majority fraction thereof enst en st for hon lion joseph ll how oell ell for depre representative to congress on Novem november 4 1902 its follows dele county votes gates 1 earbin 8 L 7 te rd U grand n 2 ban san juan 91 1 1 bonnete 2 2743 1 4 43 29 2 all delegates shall be elected not ie less is than tive daya days before the meeting of the district convention the respective county committees are requested to arcange an tinge for the clec election tion of delegates delegate to the district convention and for forward Nard to the district chairman a full list ot of the th e delegates at th earliest poe possible skule moment J TOM FITCH FRANK IC NELSON chairman secretary |